K-80 Parcourse Stock Set, SOLD

Discussion in 'For Sale-Wanted to Buy' started by flabigpapa, Feb 21, 2024.

  1. flabigpapa

    flabigpapa Mega Poster

    Bought from Paxton a Year ago...Paid $2850.00 Installed and put in Safe..Never Fired it..My Lose Your Gain
    Priced to Sell this Week at $2,250.00 plus Shipping
    Factory Untouched.. IMG_1557.jpg IMG_6221.jpg IMG_6222.jpg IMG_6222.jpg IMG_6223.jpg IMG_6224.jpg
    Rob Greenside likes this.
  2. neckdeep

    neckdeep Active Member

    What barrel was this fitted onto, standard or Parcours? What grade do they call that, I am assuming it is Right Hand, Thank You
  3. flabigpapa

    flabigpapa Mega Poster

    Is a Parcours Barrel..Would Not Fit Standard Barrels as Far as I Know...It was Bought with 20gauge Barrel and Shot about 50 Birds...And Never Shot Again..Health Issues Stopped That Project. Yes Right Handed...As Far as Grade..It was a High Grade Don't remember what Paxton Called it...Marked it Down from $3,250.00 to Sale Price of $2,850.00. My Lose Someones Gain as The Barrels and Custom Receiver are Gone.

    PS. Hell They Get Plenty Just For The Travel Case.
    SanRemo32 likes this.
  4. neckdeep

    neckdeep Active Member

    Thank You, its a great piece of wood, thanks for the info, hope your health is getting better, unfortunately no one is getting any younger
  5. flabigpapa

    flabigpapa Mega Poster

  6. flabigpapa

    flabigpapa Mega Poster

  7. flabigpapa

    flabigpapa Mega Poster

    Reduced Sale Price...$2,000 Shipped to Your Home.
  8. flabigpapa

    flabigpapa Mega Poster

    Reduced to Sell $1,850.00 Shipped
  9. kevinsims58

    kevinsims58 Member

    I recently purchased an item from flabigpapa and it went super smooth. Bid with confidence.
    flabigpapa likes this.
  10. flabigpapa

    flabigpapa Mega Poster

    Thanks Kevin it was Pleasure to Provide You with K-80 Chokes Well Below Replacement Costs..Enjoy, Shoot Well..Shoot Often with Family and or Good Friends . Bart
  11. loanman

    loanman Moderator V I P Founding Member

    Flabigpapa, is as solid a seller and person as it gets, all his items are always in excellent condition
    flabigpapa likes this.
  12. flabigpapa

    flabigpapa Mega Poster

    Thanks ..loanman Always a Pleasure Dealing with You.
    loanman likes this.
  13. g7777777

    g7777777 Mega Poster

    Nice set at any price. He is nearly giving this away
    flabigpapa likes this.
  14. flabigpapa

    flabigpapa Mega Poster

  15. flabigpapa

    flabigpapa Mega Poster

    Well..Discounts Didn't Seem to Work..Lets Go with Increases Back to $2,000.00 Shipped
  16. bobski

    bobski USN Retired Range Owner

    My kind of salesman...........
    flabigpapa likes this.
  17. flabigpapa

    flabigpapa Mega Poster

    Yes ..Still for Sale..
  18. flabigpapa

    flabigpapa Mega Poster

    SOLD...SOLD... Many Thanks, Eric Roberts
  19. flabigpapa

    flabigpapa Mega Poster

    Administrator Please Mark SOLD....Thank You Very Much for Privilege For Using The For Sale Section.