3 Briley X2 chokes for Kriegoff, SPF

Discussion in 'For Sale-Wanted to Buy' started by g7777777, Jan 21, 2024.

  1. g7777777

    g7777777 Mega Poster

    Sk, Sk, IM Hard to find

    $75 plus 5 to ship IMG_4869.jpeg
  2. fireman41

    fireman41 Mega Poster

    gene are these briley tubes made for a kreighoff threads or briley threads and tubes for the kreighoff hope I said that right
  3. g7777777

    g7777777 Mega Poster

    Briley tubes for factory Krieghoff threads

  4. fireman41

    fireman41 Mega Poster

  5. g7777777

    g7777777 Mega Poster

    That’s $25 each for custom chokes from Briley
  6. g7777777

    g7777777 Mega Poster

    This would go well with the other 6 someone has advertised for $320

    Mine happen to be less than 1/2 the price being offered
  7. JCS

    JCS Member

    Sent you a pm. I’ll take them.
  8. g7777777

    g7777777 Mega Poster

    Sold pending funds to JCS