Maga porting Kolar

Discussion in 'Off Topic!' started by Harvey McCraw, Dec 12, 2023.

  1. Harvey McCraw

    Harvey McCraw Well-Known Member

    I have a Kolar and I was wondering if it kills the value to have it pro ported and will it make a difference in the recoil just wondering what your thought is
  2. mikeod

    mikeod Active Member

    trust me do not
  3. Just Trap

    Just Trap Well-Known Member

    Yes and no. One school on porting is to reduce muzzle rise for second shot, not recoil.
    Harvey McCraw likes this.
  4. Ron fisher

    Ron fisher Mega Poster

    Porting was real popular 30 years ago....but not now. It's like a fad, somebody liked it so a lot of people did somebody don't like it so it's no good...I personally think it might actually be a plus ( especially pro port) but probably not a big plus...but sometimes, little things help..but, by not being popular, it makes the gun/barrel harder/less valuable to sell...
    Harvey McCraw likes this.
  5. Harvey McCraw

    Harvey McCraw Well-Known Member

    Well, that’s kind of what I was thinking. The reason I asked other peoples opinions thank y’all for your answers. I definitely won’t be porting mine.
    alf174 likes this.
  6. plaw

    plaw Mega Poster

    Only gun I have that's ported is a browning AND I wish it was not
  7. Ron fisher

    Ron fisher Mega Poster

    Why ?
  8. anthony morton

    anthony morton Mega Poster

    ported guns are louder
  9. David McMillen

    David McMillen Mega Poster

    Earplugs will help.
  10. anthony morton

    anthony morton Mega Poster

    That's with plugs and headphones Einstein
    Harvey McCraw likes this.
  11. J Lahr

    J Lahr Member

    It's going to hurt your resale. I have 2 guns that are ported and don't care for the porting. I will never buy another gun that is ported.
    Harvey McCraw likes this.
  12. cl3

    cl3 Mega Poster Founding Member

    Port, port, then port some more!
    Harvey McCraw likes this.
  13. randollar

    randollar Mega Poster

    Depends on what shell you are shooting and purpose of the gun? As stated above...porting does not reduce recoil, it reduces muzzle jump...and only if there is enough pressure in the shell. Shooting clays and ZZ's with one ounce shells, you'll never see anything. Jump to 1 1/4 loads and it makes all the difference in the world, I just sent my MX-8 barrel to MagNaPort the week before Christmas...shipped on Monday and had it back that Friday, I had my bottom barrel pigeon ported and it works wonderful...the rest is up to me!
  14. Harvey McCraw

    Harvey McCraw Well-Known Member

    I did the same thing got mine back before Christmas. I sent a Winchester, 101 that I wanted to use for sporting clays, and I had both barrels pigeon ported
    randollar likes this.
  15. Jack Olson

    Jack Olson Mega Poster

    Do what ever you want it your gun and your money.
    randollar likes this.
  16. truceball405

    truceball405 Sharpshooter

    i own a few Kolar and won't have anyone ported. i like to always have the option and yes i think it may devalue it.
    Hitman likes this.
  17. nickthanos

    nickthanos Well-Known Member

    I have a beautiful Beretta DT-10 that came with porting on all barrels. I have shot for many years and can say that I notice absolutely no difference between ported and plain barrels as far as recoil. They are a pain to keep clean as well. I would not spend the money to port the barrels, and wish mine were not.
    Hitman and Harvey McCraw like this.
  18. Hitman

    Hitman Member

    Shotgun porting simply does not work. It’s a marketing scam Browning came up with. Shotguns, unlike rifles, just don’t generate enough velocity for it to work. Conversely rifle porting works great due to the increased velocities. I think I remember reading once a shotgun would need to run at about 2k velocity for porting to be truly effective

    as is it’s just a noisy mess that makes guns worth less
    Roger Coveleskie likes this.
  19. Hitman

    Hitman Member

    And IF porting truly worked Browning would port all the stuff in England and they don’t.
    It’s all a lie boys. Lots of evidence out there to substantiated it.
    Roger Coveleskie likes this.
  20. gone7tee

    gone7tee Member

    In my experience, barrel porting doesn't have any noticeable effect other than making the gun louder, but when using heavy loads such as 3" magnum slugs or 2 oz turkey loads, then yeah I feel porting does slightly help, but not by much.
    Hitman likes this.
  21. J Lahr

    J Lahr Member

    I have 2 Perazzi that have ported barrels, I don't care for them and will not buy another gun that has barrels that are ported.
    Hitman and Roger Coveleskie like this.
  22. Roger Coveleskie

    Roger Coveleskie State HOF Founding Member Member State Hall of Fame

    Porting a barrel makes has the effect of lowering the market value of the weapon. It has double the reducing of the value on a combo set. Sad but true. Roger C.
    Hitman likes this.