The word from my pals in the trenches is Skip Klinger is now employed at the WSRC in Sparta. I report. You decide. merlo out
Search the forums In the “key word box” type Skip Klinger. From PA, to MO, to IL. Out of the frying pan and into the fire
As Merlo says, I report. You decide. From a reliable source, He is head of the whole complex,he writes contracts for use. He makes financial decisions on what they are doing and applies for money.
“Good ole Boys” club strikes again……I prefer “rotating the bald tires”…..I was fortunate enough to enjoy the Golden Years of trapshooting vs todays shoot for trinkets and AA points Paul H Imperial, Pa
He'll soon follow the path of a former ED, Frank Rively, if he finds things he's not allowed to seek..
We knew that And the state of ILLnews is a lot sketchier than even the ata. Mr. Klinger is going to have to be a freaking magician to draw shooters to that dry hole.
Lauren Dunn left to work for National Collegiate Shooting Sports Athletic Association (NCSSAA). Her mother is the manager of Brittany Shooting Park.