Deep Engraved K80 toplatch

Discussion in 'For Sale-Wanted to Buy' started by g7777777, Nov 22, 2023.

  1. g7777777

    g7777777 Mega Poster

    I think Krieghoff sells these for about $1900 ??? Plus tax and shipping

    This one is $777.77 plus a few dollars to ship IMG_4438.jpeg IMG_4438.jpeg IMG_4437.jpeg
  2. 37 COUPE

    37 COUPE Well-Known Member

    Beautiful piece to bad it’s costly to have them replaced and you have to send your gun out also to be fitted or I would buy it great price
  3. g7777777

    g7777777 Mega Poster

    You can or any gunsmith can change a toplatch in about 30 seconds.

    Thsnks for the value endorsement
    Flyersarebest likes this.
  4. 37 COUPE

    37 COUPE Well-Known Member

    I called Krieghoff and they told me needs to be fitted and you have to send your gun in, that’s 75.00 both ways and 500.00 to install it, crazy Right 30 seconds lol
  5. amboy49

    amboy49 Well-Known Member

    I watched the owner of the Indiana Gun Club, who is a Krieghoff dealer but not a gunsmith, switch out one of these in about 10 minutes as I was standing there watching him. I'm not saying I'd try it without being supervised, but it didn't look to be all that big of a job. YMMV
    g7777777 likes this.
  6. g7777777

    g7777777 Mega Poster

    Was that on a K80 or a K32 ?

    I really have seen them installed in what seems like a minute but might take 5. Now K32s have more variation so can take longer
  7. g7777777

    g7777777 Mega Poster

  8. g7777777

    g7777777 Mega Poster

  9. bobski

    bobski USN Retired Range Owner

    g7....if wanted to give that latch a non glare finish, what would i ask for from KI?
  10. David McMillen

    David McMillen Mega Poster

    The top latch appears to be either a dull nickel or nitride.
  11. g7777777

    g7777777 Mega Poster

    It’s Nickled. Yep but could be used on a Nitrided receiver also
  12. bobski

    bobski USN Retired Range Owner

    g7....if wanted to give that latch a non glare finish, what would i ask for from KI?
  13. g7777777

    g7777777 Mega Poster

    It is pretty much a non glare . You would like it less white?

    I would think you could just put some instant blue and wipe off . You could try that on the bottom

    My experience is that all finished work. Shiny blue on dull Nickle. Dull Nickle on shiny received ( very common)

    Nitride on Nickle


    it’s a different part
  14. bobski

    bobski USN Retired Range Owner

    thanks for the info g'.
  15. g7777777

    g7777777 Mega Poster

    or you could buy one from Krieghoff for $1900. Not certain if you have to pay tax and shipping on that

    Best regards from the great state of Iowa

  16. bobski

    bobski USN Retired Range Owner

    my blue san remo latch glares. i was wondering what KI uses to make that non glare finish like on the ribs. i was wondering if it could be done to yours.
    back to the drawing board!
  17. g7777777

    g7777777 Mega Poster

    I think mine is just very white-- I dont see glare at all--
