Choke tubes or fixed choke

Discussion in 'For Sale-Wanted to Buy' started by John Ballance, Oct 10, 2023.

  1. John Ballance

    John Ballance Active Member

    So Here it goes I shoot Sporting clays with a Perazzi Mx 2000s and I am thinkg about getting a new fixed choke barrel or maybe even another gun.What are advantage to shooting a fixed choked gun say LM / M
  2. Reyper

    Reyper Mega Poster

    In my opinion, it’s a current fad. Choke tubed barrels can be a bit heavier than fixed choke barrels but when you have a very close target, that M/IM can cost you a target very easily. I’m comfortable with a close range choke, mid range and long distance. Others will have a different opinion but since this game is part mental, you have to be confident in your equipment. Good luck and good shooting, Rey
    A26A likes this.
  3. Kailsdad

    Kailsdad Kalisdad

    Rey is right on, it's not what everyone else does but what you feel comfortable with. My uncle shot Senior class Sporting clays with a 20 ga AYA double skeet/skeet and was at expert level, that was him. I shoot it with one choke tube IM ( in my 1100) and at the short range Rabbit and Bird station I shoot threads, no choke tube. Todays shells have plastic wads thus shooting 4 rounds without a choke tube won't hurt the guns threads one bit and I destroy both targets. My mentor aways told me two things. 1) Shooting is 10% equipment and 90% between your ears 2) Once the Gun goes Bang it's job is done, if the results are not satisfying then you did something wrong, FIX IT! Then he would compare every shot or miss I had to a Skeet target at the proper station, #2 High house, #5 Low house and so on. It took me a while to realize what he was doing was giving me tips on how to practice and not miss that bird again, or at least every time in my case. Which ever way you decide to go, go that way for you and NOT because someone else thinks it's the way to go and you'll enjoy your shooting 10 times more... Best Regards ... Don
  4. 635 G

    635 G Mega Poster

    Anthony Matterese, won the world championship with a Beretta 391--so it's the man behind the gun, not the gun
  5. kgunner

    kgunner Mega Poster

    I would say those are the perfect chokes for
    Most sporting clay clubs. LM/M.
    There is a reason why people buy fixed, choke guns, and then send them out to get Briley chokes. The barrels feel more lively without factory choke tubes. Trap is a different story with sporting clays is a game with all kind of targets,
  6. jacksdad

    jacksdad Active Member

    one benefit of fixed choke is, assuming enough choke, you take the 'what choke should i use' question off the table. one less thing to distract from seeing the bird well. i've just moved from a choke tube gun to fixed choke M/IM (019 and 028 actual measurement) and if the target is REALLY in my face and tough i'll use a spreader. easy close targets are easy regardless of choke. it might be i give up a bird here and there with the tighter chokes but i am rapidly becoming convinced the benefits of more than enough choke and no choice in the matter (don't even have a barrel selector) far outweigh the occasional lost close bird. It is very nice to be relaxed on simos know that if the bird is still flying you can break it. no rush as it were.

    specific to P guns the fixed vs factory tube guns feel VERY different. a buddy owns a p gun 1/2" shorter but same overall weight as mine with the only difference being his is factory tubes and mine is fixed. WILDLY different feel and balance. Not saying one is better than the other, just different.

    thin walling a P gun (i've done so) will have a negative effect on resale. it makes for a more versatile gun however.