Just a heads up and reminder to our buyers and sellers. Continue to be vigilant looking for scammers. Admin is not responsible for outcomes. We rely on our users to point out the bad guys. Make good decisions. Hopefully our security system will help. One of our members just caught a bad guy. He got the boot. Admin
Can you please check Danyteu72, he is posting an identical message on several WTB adds to send message to an Outlook address. thanks, Nate
Can you check discgtr3477, offered for sale a caesar guerini summit. I asked for a pic with the gun and a piece of paper with his name and current date and recieved no response.
Please send me information on Bdenny. He responded to my "want to buy ad" for a Browning XS with pictures. US Postal money orders and FFL were sent but I haven't heard from him since Friday 9/8. I have sent several emails but have received no communication as of today.
bdenny's account was hacked. be advised. https://www.americantrapshooter.com/threads/anyone-ever-buy-from.23035/
ats does not get involved with your scams. i have nothing to say. see joe about this policy. ats is a use at your own risk website.
I understand about not getting involved with a scammer issue. However, I was simply saying they "maybe" they might call with a question.
Am I that stupid for the life of me can not figure out how to post something for sale and why is it so hard ? Should be click on for sale and post done any help or walk through Thanks
Hulk349. Wont answer phone call. Here is what was sent to me via text.Please don't call, the wife is against me selling the receiver, I'm trying to do this off her back.. We had some chance to talk yesterday but your call didn't came in. Albeit, we can complete the deal via text or on forum, i can also meet up here in TX. Thanks
Told me the same thing on selling me a Benelli. Super black eagle said his wife didn’t want him to sell it so he didn’t want her to know, but he would not give me a phone number. He goes by now Hulk 439
Hulk just scammed me for a release trigger! First time in selling and buying I don’t understand why he was allowed to contact us shooters on here!! Billy
Shame on you guys for not posting about Hulk 439 in the for sale forums I would not have been scammed if I had seen what has transpired! Billy
user “gone7tee” is a scammer. he sent me a PM regarding my WTB ad with pics pulled from old ads. Actually sent me pics of two different guns. this guy is a little more clever than the last one I dealt with and actually knows a little trapshooting terminology. He was able to send me photos of what I asked for but the problem is they were of different guns. this guys photoshop skills were a little better than previous scammers as well.
This guy "Birdog" lists a stock for sale for $1,000, I messaged him I'll take it and he calls me to say he's got a guy that will pay him $1,250 . I didn't think this was an auction site.
What a seller and potential buyer do via PM’s can’t be controlled by the site. You informed the members about his actions, and that’s good. I replied to your post on the thread but you didn’t say why, you posted what you did. Go to the For Sale thread about the wood and post there what you did here.
I know it's not against the rules to do this in a PM,just I think it's a crappy way to sell something. I wouldn't do it.
It is, that’s why I asked you to post what you did here on his For Sale thread so everyone knows what the guy did.
Watchout for Brynorgan637 as he's a POS Scammer ! I need any info this forum may have , Please ! I sent him a "Certified Postal Money Order" ( which had to be signed) to Donald J Tackett at 5005 N. Galena rd Peoria Heights , IL 61616.....with a phone number of 909 713 3060
can you check out speedshots0 sent money got name and address havent heard a word worked through ffl thanks
After 10 minutes you can’t edit or delete your posts. That way, we don’t get into the “you said, no I didn’t, yes you did” argument between members. If your are selling something just add a post that it is sold or no longer available and a mod will add it to the title.
Looks like "short barrel" and "Dr. Bombay" have the same address. Now, I don't care if two guys live together, none of my business, but it seems a little weird that a guy, LIVING WITH ANOTHER GUY, uses the word, Gay. Just sayin... Flyersarebest Moderator
New "member" DanielZople sure has posted a lot of links. I don't know if it is to a scam. but definitely spam.
I had posted I was looking for a Remington 1100 20ga heavy frame back away's. Just the other day I got a PM from this guy saying he had one and wanted $250.00 for it. I asked for some pictures of it and he told me to text him at (913) 207-6072. I texted him and he said I'm located in Kansas are you interested in shipping. I asked again for pictures . Then he sends me pictures of a 1100 LT for $900.00. To me this is someone trying a scam. Just letting you know Thanks Brad
You are correct. Pete K. brought it to my attention a few days ago. I passed it along to the boss and purpose365 got RE-purposed to the trash heap. Thanks Flyersarebest Moderator
Can you look into Hertz070 His e-mail is grandshooter014@gmail.com He contacted me about a left-hand Kolar stock for sale. I passed on his information to a friend and he purchased it, but Hertz070 will not answer any emails or messages on this site. He is out $500.
I just got hit hard by a person with the name of: Tyler McClaren-620 South Gilbert Street-Rearward. Ada, Ohio 45810-Phone264) 265-3230-American handle Hertz070-e-mail: grandshooter014@gmail.com. I have purchased maney itiems on this web site and all have beenn perfect, However this time I was buying a BT-99 Max and he was to send it to Phillip for a release trigger. It has never happen and all e-mails and PM with him have stopped. I have made several attempts to no avail. If do have all of my e-mails and PM's with him available. But please warn everybody about him. Thank You