Beretta DT-11 combo

Discussion in 'Off Topic!' started by anthony morton, Aug 30, 2023.

  1. anthony morton

    anthony morton Mega Poster

    Opinions on DT11 combo please

  2. grizquad

    grizquad Well-Known Member Founding Member

    I have had mine for 9 years now, and quit looking for the perfect gun. I had a fellow shooter that had to have one and came to look at mine, mount it, but would not shoot it. He bought one and put it for sale a short time later. The high rib is just not for some shooters. I have only had a couple of things happen in the time I have had it. Couple of sear springs go bad, Coles replaced with stronger springs. Took me longer to unwrap spare trigger than install it to keep shooting. Had 1 hammer spring break. I can shoot all weekend and not have any shoulder pain from recoil. All in all, great gun for me. Good luck!
  3. anthony morton

    anthony morton Mega Poster

    Thanks Griz
    grizquad likes this.
  4. hulk439

    hulk439 Member

    Put over 1k through my combo in the last few months including 800rds at last weekend. Went up a class in both doubles and singles while using it too. Caps is up a few birds also. Replaced a 682ge x unsingle combo.Seems like less recoil also and better trigger for sure. Couldn't be happier with it,no ejection problems with mine.
  5. nickthanos

    nickthanos Well-Known Member

    There is no gun that is perfect for everyone. I have had my DT-10 for 20 years & love it. I have had 3 of them over the years. When they first came out, they were top single combos. I tried the unsingle when they came out as a try gun & loved it. I had to wait 2 years before they were in production for sale. The main difference between the DT-10 & 11 is the adjustable rib on the O/U. Everyone has to try shooting different guns till they find THE ONE that they can break consistent scores with.
    grizquad likes this.
  6. nickthanos

    nickthanos Well-Known Member

    The main thing with "any" gun is the stock fit. Find someone that knows what they are doing to fit your new gun to you so that is comes up exactly the same each time, and you are looking straight down the rib. After that it is just shoot a lot so that you mount & see the target, your brain says pull the trigger now. It is called muscle memory.