wtb Beretta 391 T& S shell catcher

Discussion in 'For Sale-Wanted to Buy' started by dean scott, Aug 15, 2023.

  1. dean scott

    dean scott Mega Poster

    Looking for a T&S shell catcher for a 391. Would buy it new but nobody has one and a few places list as discontinued. So if anyone has one they want to part with I'm interested? Thx Dean
  2. 99PLUS

    99PLUS Well-Known Member Founding Member

    I will check at the club I shoot at tomorrow. They had some beretta shell catchers in a display case.
  3. dean scott

    dean scott Mega Poster

    99PLUS , thank you
  4. 99PLUS

    99PLUS Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Are 391 and AL391 shell catchers the same? I am not familiar with Beretta shotguns.
  5. dean scott

    dean scott Mega Poster

    Yes they are, Thx!!
  6. 99PLUS

    99PLUS Well-Known Member Founding Member

    They have 2 TS Shell catchers in stock. Fo AL 391 , Urika and a couple others Beretta's listed on packaging.
  7. dean scott

    dean scott Mega Poster

    PM sent
  8. Ravenanme

    Ravenanme Well-Known Member

    dean I too would be interested in one 391 shell catcher ?
    Please forward info ?
  9. 635 G

    635 G Mega Poster

    I have one
  10. dean scott

    dean scott Mega Poster

    635 G, 99PLUS is getting me one from his local gun club, so if you PM Ravenanme maybe you two could work something out, Thanks to everyone for reaching out to lend a helping hand, much appreciated!!
    jwise likes this.
  11. 99PLUS

    99PLUS Well-Known Member Founding Member

    I didn't make it shooting this weekend we had company from Tenn. I will be going Wednesday and will get the shell catcher
  12. kgunner

    kgunner Mega Poster

    IMG_3075.jpeg Like this?
    I have 5