Discussion in 'Trapshooting Forum -' started by BRAD DYSINGER, Jun 24, 2023.


    BRAD DYSINGER The Philosophist Founding Member Member Trapshooting Hall of Fame Member State Hall of Fame

    Family guy you said that you were going to the osta meeting last nite but we haven't seen any evidence to prove that. What's the deal? Are you all talk and no walk? I've defended you in the past, was I wrong? Give me an answer please.
  2. Jack O'Matic

    Jack O'Matic Active Member

    I'd like to know if anyone boxed their stuff up and removed it from the Hall of Fame? I know someone threatened to do it. Did they have the balls to actually do it?
  3. American Dad

    American Dad Member

    His pilot car was there and so was he, even in uniform. Heard things got heated for a little bit. The board is about as woke as Budweiser, they’ll never change. Decisions made behind closed doors will continue on with the OSTA and ATA whether we (dues paid/lifetime) members like it or not.

    Don’t give it too much longer and the OSTA will be looking for a new home due to the megaplex built to the north. Corporate health and safety professionals usually don’t play well with projectiles potentially injuring employees or contractors, especially with the lack of a curtain now.
    BRAD DYSINGER likes this.

    BRAD DYSINGER The Philosophist Founding Member Member Trapshooting Hall of Fame Member State Hall of Fame

    I asked Family Guy 7 hours ago what was what. In those 7 hours I've received many calls from many Ohio Shooters. Former OSTA board members that I served with and HOF members. These calls paint a troublesome picture of the state of the OSTA board and their trustworthness. I've heard tales of crying and lying from the board. I was even told that the shooter was STILL in the HOF but his picture was taken down and his name removed from the program. Jack o Matic asked about balls, if what I was told was true the balless seems to me to be the board. How can even cryers and liers not have any conviction. Half out and half in is the cowards way. Family Guy is what I was told true or not. Are you ever going to talk?
  5. bpd20

    bpd20 Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Do I understand that since the curtains are gone the Cardinal is dropping shot onto property they don't own? I know of a local club that was forced to close for that very reason. This would be a shame.

    BRAD DYSINGER The Philosophist Founding Member Member Trapshooting Hall of Fame Member State Hall of Fame

    bpd20 were you at the meeting, don't hyjack my thread please. Start your own thread. The CC owns all the land. Are you on the osta board? I don't think you understand much.
  7. Family Guy

    Family Guy Mega Poster Founding Member


    I knew I would have to report what happened. I just didnt want to be the one to tell you.

    I go to these meetings to get the answers for our members and shooters that can't make it. You are not the only person.

    I had to pay my ATA dues before going to the meeting.

    About the meeting itself........

    It was all about crying and lies. I am sorry I had to say that. I asked questions only where I knew the answers. The President and OSTA speakers failed miserably. I had a past OSTA President's family heckling me when speaking. No correction from the President. Board friends even did so when Dave Berlet was speaking.

    Unfortunately the answers given are going to hurt the HOF. Several were caught in lies. Yes....outright lies.

    First we were told the HOF Committee made changes to the bylaws. Mr. Cogan, pointed out they didn't have the power to make bylaw changes. He pointed out that only the BOD can change bylaws. Then the President said the OSTA Board voted on it. The minutes and statements made in private provided the answers before the meeting. Imagine changing the bylaws at a closed meeting without notice to the members. It happened Brad. Or so they say.

    Brad, I know the OSTA HOF is your baby. It is no coincidence I didn't show to take pictures Thursday.

    The key speaker for the committee gave what could be described as a filibuster with fake crying. Not much facts given, just a filibuster full of innuendos and emotional nonsense. It served to keep others from speaking.

    As I see it the bylaws of the HOF can now be changed at a whim. The facts are what they are.

    Your prestigious HOF is in distress.


    I was tackling another issue at the meeting. I will discuss that later.
    LimaShooter50 likes this.

    BRAD DYSINGER The Philosophist Founding Member Member Trapshooting Hall of Fame Member State Hall of Fame

    Thanks Family Guy, You confirmed what I was told yesterday on the phone. When I pushed for the museum I hoped that it would be the place that trap shooting history could be on display. It seems that it is more the pettiness of man doesn't it that has shown it's head. I'm doing some thinking now, once again thanks for the news even if you were hesitant to answer.

    But one thing, the part about being in and out is true??? What sense does that make. Did they address THAT at the meeting?
  9. Don Cogan

    Don Cogan Bird Hunter Past OSTA President Founding Member

    The answer is yes. That snowball has started rolling.
  10. bobski

    bobski USN Retired Range Owner

    once physical evidence is gone, all that's left is electronic.
    and electronic is gone by the push of the button.
    just like that......America can lose a part of history to the socialists.
    and if it never existed, it cant be true.
    sad state of affairs in usa.

    BRAD DYSINGER The Philosophist Founding Member Member Trapshooting Hall of Fame Member State Hall of Fame

    You are so right bobski, history is what those in power say it is once the books are gone. I don't like it, and it's not right. Trap Shooting shouldn't be run that way but it looks like it is. Very Sad in deed.
  12. CCfan

    CCfan Active Member

    Family Guy…..
    Two of the people heckling while you were talking were Sarah Dean and her husband. Hard to believe an ExOSTA President and husband would interrupt you and demand to see that your dues were paid. I bet that doesn’t make the minutes.

    They didn’t ask for anyone else’s dues. And the President was fine with it. SMH.

    In case you didn’t know, the heavy woman was Sarah.

    You won’t see me at Monroe again.
  13. Union Strong

    Union Strong Mega Poster

    If an Ex OSTA President and husband were interrupting the meeting to keep someone from speaking by demanding to see their dues, it damn sure should make the minutes. And if the current OSTA President allowed it, he needs to resign.
    dhn likes this.
  14. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    If anyone doesn't think Dean did that because he knows Family Guy is one of us, they are delusional.
  15. American Dad

    American Dad Member

    Likely the answer. The whole “vibe/atmosphere” at the Monroe club has changed ever since Czar Dean was enacted as president, always felt weird going up there following that year. I’m in complete agreement with those above, if an ex president can sit there and berate one of their constituents without a problem sounds like we have other issues.

    I may not agree with Brad on a lot, but the elimination of the paper trail in our sport is becoming increasingly common.
    oleolliedawg likes this.
  16. Jim/Canton

    Jim/Canton Mega Poster

    Fictitious Bylaws! Not everyone is going to play this game. I have heard about the lying. I have talked to a few on the board and one on the committee. Ohio will remove the creeps.

    If the OSTA Board doesn’t make corrections the AG can help.
  17. Welther

    Welther Active Member

    I am glad I was not there. An OSTA President and some committee members looking at the
    audience nodding their heads when the President says we voted on this is whacko. And saying they changed the bylaws at a closed meeting? This story can’t me made up.

    The OSTA has well organized elections at zone shoots to settle issues.

    What happened when Ohio wasn’t looking? Ooops…! Ohio was looking.

    Just resign!
  18. Dave Berlet

    Dave Berlet State HOF Founding Member Member Trapshooting Hall of Fame Member State Hall of Fame

    Welther, As happened this past year is it a conflict of interest when the OSTA president is also the ATA delegate. I was told by Mike that his allegiance was to the shooters of Ohio and in years past I was told by the delegate that his duty was to represent the ATA(Tom Acklin). I don't know whats correct, but I don't see how a person can represent both at the same time? Maybe you can answer this?

    Dave Berlet
    Roger Coveleskie likes this.
  19. Dave Berlet

    Dave Berlet State HOF Founding Member Member Trapshooting Hall of Fame Member State Hall of Fame

    Family Guy, The story while being read was a real tearjerker. You just knew that at any moment tears as big as horse apples were going to start rolling. A un named person who was allegedly on the scene and his un named son who was never going to shoot trap again because Randy was a trapshooter. I suppose that if Randy would have been a farmer he would have just starved himself to death. To me the story just didn't pass the smell test. The reply should have been I'm sorry, but he is in forever and nothing can be done to change that. So sad that they don't even try to follow their own rules.

    Dave Berlet
  20. Dave Berlet

    Dave Berlet State HOF Founding Member Member Trapshooting Hall of Fame Member State Hall of Fame