Hey, Anyone have any idea how things are going and are going to go at the Cardinal Center. I have heard several different gossip’s here and there but I’m conceded about making my RV reservations. Did they find people to run the Big shoots? Is there ample funds to Continue running the Club. Is Maintenance being performed on the facility? ect…
Well, things have been going pretty magnificently for the last 15 years I've been swinging by, so how about we give that fact as much weight as the "gossip"? Looking for some negativity? The shot curtain blew down again. There ya go, enjoy. -Roy
Typical head in the sand attitude. The old man is dead so everything will be the same for the next 15 years how much land has been sold since his death?
Hey I didn’t say it wasn’t the best built, but money is now a problem, none of the chiefs want to put in their money, but they certainly like selling the land around it. When no one funds the deficit for the operations, how will it stay open?
Roy, I’m not looking for any negativity Dude. I just want someone’s Opinion on what’s going to happen moving forward because of a few things I heard. I have shot at the Cardinal for a while now and would like to continue because I really enjoy the Facility and people. But would also be nice to hear what the future holds as much as possible . I had great respect for Mr. Fishburn and would like to see his Legacy continue and appreciate what he did for our Sport. Nothing more nothing less.
Friends, Jack Fishburn wasn't exactly a big shooter, or a gun guy, and there were certainly countless investments safer than building a world class shooting center in Ohio. He built the Cardinal Center to give back to the community and the people he and Karen deeply cared about. After it grew and became successful, Cardinal became something else too. If you look around the place you'll see Karen's memorial garden and many of her special touches scattered about the facility. It's a family place they shared with everyone who cared to show up, and Jack came to consider it sacred grounds that honor Karen, and the rest of his family. It also honors Freedom and personal Liberty, which Jack cared so deeply about. Now it's also a giant public memorial to Jack himself, and all the great things he and his family businesses accomplished. Are the Fishburn offspring perfect? No. Neither are yours or mine. And maybe they don't yet have quite the same business savvy dad did. Perhaps that's why the son-in-law's name started appearing on winnings checks as Jack aged. Or maybe that was just coincidence. In any case, the kids do have Fishburn blood in their veins and seem to be decent people like mom & dad. So it's not likely they will dishonor their parents or do something to disgrace the family name out of greed, infighting, or stupidity. Anybody who runs a business these days can tell you it's harder than ever to find people who want to work. So you often have to run lean, pay higher wages, and get less effort. But the Cardinal Center has never failed to sufficiently staff a big shoot, slipped into disrepair, or done anything to shaft customers or indicate imminent demise. In fact, it seems like Heaven on Earth to a lot of us. So let's give them a break, huh? -Roy
The rumors are a little disconcerting. I know of two instances in the past several years of shooting/hunting venues that were each likewise championed by a very successful benefactor. In both cases, that benefactor passed and the family and corporate management that assumed control of the properties did not share an enthusiasm for shooting sports. Both venues were closed and the properties converted to other uses not long after.