I read that Canucks can't buy or sell a handgun anymore and that all foreign gun imports are out. Does this mean trap guns too. What trap guns are manufactured in Canada?
Watch out If the dems lose mid-terms, I think they will, they will try harder to get something done on gun control. A back door approach, end around 2A. Hope the courts will protect us.
we sure as hell could use some help. trudeau and co. keep changing the rules now the ruger # 1 is on the ban list and of course if you have a machine shop and the knowledge a single shot .22 can be made into a machine gun.this is about taking all guns away, because the new rules wont't do anything,and more restrictions will have to follow. there will be only subjects in canada no citizens. trudeau is in no way a moderate liberal like he likes to claim. all the new rules are done by order in counsel, not in the house, in open debate they would never pass muster.
hi brad: i met you years ago at the spring grand you were with dan b, leo and i think gene sears. any way the import restrictions are on hand guns and what we call prohibs.ar- 15s etc.we still get trap guns and rifles like sako, beretta et- al