I see plenty of ammo - why so high?

Discussion in 'Trapshooting Forum - Americantrapshooter.com' started by Pommygrant, Sep 12, 2022.

  1. Pommygrant

    Pommygrant Member

    There doesn’t seem to be much of a shortage now. So why is the ammo so high?
  2. LCH

    LCH Mega Poster Forum Leader

    Because people are still buying
    King Shark likes this.
  3. bpd20

    bpd20 Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Academy Sports stores in my area today announced there are now no limits on the amount of ammo you can buy. They got the prices sky high now so keep it.
  4. alf174

    alf174 Mega Poster Founding Member

    Premium ammo is still high but the imported stuff can be found in the $80s. Hopefully the lower priced competition will drive the domestic stuff down.
  5. Ron fisher

    Ron fisher Mega Poster

    Demand has fallen, hopefully the prices will too. about 2 years ago remington, winchester and federal all gave $2 /box rebates up to 50 boxes each . They apparently weren't selling much then. Wait and see. (I expect walmart to be first)
  6. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    If you owned a business and people didn't seem to mind your high prices, they still bought your product, why in the world would you lower the price?
    AnEon and Ken Cerney like this.
  7. Ken Cerney

    Ken Cerney HOF Muscoda Gun Club Past Wisconsin Director Founding Member HOF Muscoda Gun Club

    Today in retail it is no longer a set percentage of mark up it is what the market will bear and area competition that set prices. As they say price it high as you can always run a sale and lower prices slightly if items are not selling. Look at furniture stores, they are always a sale going on or that perpetual going out of business sale.
    BRAD DYSINGER and Flyersarebest like this.
  8. mudpack

    mudpack Mega Poster Founding Member

    Been to the grocery store lately?
    Or to your local Chevy dealer?

    Thank you, Progressive Left.
    Sportshot2, bill1949, Dogbest and 3 others like this.
  9. Indyfireman

    Indyfireman Active Member

    Exactly and the one thing missing is diesel fuel that these shells are transported with.
    On average it’s 1.50 higher then gasoline.
    bill1949 likes this.
  10. Ken Cerney

    Ken Cerney HOF Muscoda Gun Club Past Wisconsin Director Founding Member HOF Muscoda Gun Club

    A lot of us know that diesel is a by product of gasoline and it use to be half price of gas. A yes the old days.
    Indyfireman likes this.
  11. lord maker

    lord maker Mega Poster Founding Member

    Its not the by product part. Its our GD EPA wanting the natural sulfur out of it. So now the by product has to be double distilled. Also in Ohio tax on diesel is 71 cents a gallon vs 54 cents for gas. I can rant on this for days. I have a small trucking company and we buy over 13k in diesel weekly. Compared to this time last yr, i have spent 130k more in diesel than 2021. Lets Go Brandon.
    T Jordan, MOE, BRAD DYSINGER and 4 others like this.
  12. bobski

    bobski USN Retired Range Owner

    ive been preaching to stop shooting to force prices down for years now....but nobody listened. the wealthy can afford it, so they buy it...and the market feeds them, while the common man quits.

    ive also been preaching that the gun industry is NOT our friend. its all about making bucks, and they will curve and realign their aim to get it. focus? big ranges and clubs and the well to do are perfectly in focus.
    food, gotta have it. so they got us there. we cant go without. welcome to socialism. unlimited forced spending.
    bill1949 likes this.
  13. Clayman

    Clayman Well-Known Member

    It is always supply and demand, because profit is the only driver in business. It has to be.

    As people become confident about adequate supply, they will use their hoarded shells instead of buying more. That will further drive down prices some.
    smoke-um likes this.
  14. AnEon

    AnEon Member

  15. Billy

    Billy Mega Poster

    Simple answer supply and demand !
  16. Justin L.

    Justin L. Active Member

    I’d like to know where ammo is so available- sure you might walk into Walmart and see some shotgun shells, but around here it is still hit and miss- not like the old days (2 years ago) where you walked in and bought what you wanted, and as much of it as you wanted.
  17. Bill Powers

    Bill Powers Member

    Still not much in my area and if you do find it you'll pay at least 12-14 a box for AA and 40 for the 100 packs of the cheaper stuff. And it's gone right away
    badactor and just joe like this.
  19. badactor

    badactor Active Member Founding Member

    Thanks for the heads up!
  20. Shamus

    Shamus Active Member

    Some old us old time shooters don't consider a 100 dollar flat of shells extremely reasonable.
    mudpack, old682x, Justin L. and 4 others like this.
  21. bobski

    bobski USN Retired Range Owner

    100 dollar flats is what 410 or 28ga use be around 2002. and even that was high.
  22. bobski

    bobski USN Retired Range Owner

    I remember federal use to always be the most expensive stuff around. their ammo was always 1.00 or 2.00 more than rem or win.
  23. King Shark

    King Shark Active Member

    Because they make more money ripping us off. the hard and simple truth.
    Forget all that demand and supply BS they tell you.
    Flyersarebest likes this.
  24. T Jordan

    T Jordan Well-Known Member V I P

    Lead today was 84 cents a pound last time is was there we were paying under $30 a bag for shot.
  25. oleolliedawg

    oleolliedawg Mega Poster Founding Member

    I'll betcha diesel fuel wasn't over $5/gallon either.
    bossbasl likes this.
  26. dr.longshot

    dr.longshot Grudge Match Champion Founding Member Forum Leader Grudge Match Champion

    Walmart has Winchester Super Handicaps @ $12.97 a box. This is a terrible action for Walmart to do. That's $129.70 +tax@.075+ that's about $141.00 a flat.

  27. dr.longshot

    dr.longshot Grudge Match Champion Founding Member Forum Leader Grudge Match Champion

    America should demand BIDEN Re-start the XL-Pipeline for Americans only, Gas will lower to Under $ 2.00 a gal. for americans only & Jail Pelosi & Schumer for voter fraud, and not letting National Guard out of Federal Parking garage to stop protestors.

    smoke-um likes this.
  28. bossbasl

    bossbasl Mega Poster

    Doesn't seem to be a shortage?? OP must be looking under some rocks that nobody else can see. Shortage will be over when most of the distributors who were forced to close due to no product to sell. can fill all their current back orders. If you believe there are no shortages, tell me where you can source any popular powder, W209 primers, and quality shot; even at current inflated prices. Without a distributor network, where are clubs and volume shooter's going to source ammo and loading components. Sure as hell won't be at Walmart!
    Jon Reitz likes this.
  29. Jon Reitz

    Jon Reitz Well-Known Member V I P

  30. Just Trap

    Just Trap Well-Known Member

    My regular guy has Lawrence hard magnum shot, many powders that I use and primers, but I buy more than a pound of powder and a bag of shot at a time, so He'll call me first when he has a new delivery. Walmart was never a source for me. Also, never used Winchester primers, so no loss. Been using Cheddites and Federals for years. Feel sorry for the guys that have to rely on Walmart and are not reloading.