BIG PAPA Is the OSTA responsible for painting the traphouses at the Cardinal? How about making a phone call?
Hey Limashooter50. What day b4 the Classic will you have your truck (or car) at the Cardinal Center? I have made arrangements with the guy who fly's the crop duster airplane down in that area to make a pass down the trap line and spray from one end of the trap line to the other. No promise, but we may get some of the grass also. The pilot is going to determine exactly when and where to shut the sprayer off. The pilot asked for a volunteer to bring a truck (or car) so he can practice on when to start spraying and when to stop. I told him you were the perfect volunteer. Just let me know what day you want to help out. Glad we can count on you to help out. Just give me a date. Thanks.
Feel free to make that call youself: Luke Spengler, Trap Manager 567-231-6113
I did not know that. The information was taken off the Cardinal Center website. Thanks for the update.
Hey Brad, any truth to the rumor that Luke left cuz BIG PAPA’s crop duster buddy is painting the trap houses target orange?
The plan is to paint the trap houses with the crop duster target orange. Dam it Don, that was supposed to kept a secret. Then one more pass to put a black ring around the trap house. I always enjoy watching these crop duster pilots fly. I often wonder how many of them are Vietnam veteran pilots.