Business with a good person

Discussion in 'Trapshooting Forum -' started by mmiller, May 6, 2022.

  1. mmiller

    mmiller New Member

    I just purchased a used mx trigger from Rex and I must say it was the best dealings with someone I have had in a long time. Told Rex I would take trigger and sent him a check within a week I received one of the best used mx triggers I have seen. Thank you Rex you are a man of your word.

    William Miller
    83 07359
  2. Tsphens

    Tsphens Active Member

    Good to see a positive review, good job Rex.
  3. mpolans

    mpolans Mega Poster

    Great. You should make a comment on his profile page so that others will see it in the future, rather than a post that will be pushed down several pages in a week or two.
    1. Click their username, which will open up a pop-up window.
    2. Click "Profile Page" in the pop-up window.
    3. Write your review under the "Profile Posts" tab and click "Post."
    Flyersarebest likes this.