The Confederate Flag and Trapshooting

Discussion in 'Off Topic!' started by dr.longshot, Jul 15, 2015.

  1. dr.longshot

    dr.longshot Grudge Match Champion Founding Member Forum Leader Grudge Match Champion

    To me a northern white boy, I never begrudged the Confederate Flag, it to me was a part of American History, and no one should be belittling it, Men and women died for it, the same as Men and Women for the US Flag.

    I know a lot of Southern Trapshooters, and a lot of you know Southern NASCAR drivers, General Motors is making a stand w/Kid Rock, sponsoring Chevrolet.

    When I find a stick-on Confederate Flag that will fit my Trapstock, there will be one on it.

    It's a part of American History that used to be, and we cannot erase it, And I will never try to.

    Do you remember the GENERAL LEE, on Dukes of Hazard? Well so do I, and the golfer that bought it, is going to lose a lot of money removing that flag, but it's his money.

    If anyone finds a stick on Confederate Flag that will fit on my Stock send it to me and tell me how much it cost and I will pay you for it.

    I have the Heart of the South to display it, a lot of people died for the Confederacy, and I am proud to remember it.
    mail to: Gary Bryant 7155 Basil Rd Baltimore, Ohio 43105, my temporary address while stump is healing.

    Gary Bryant Dr.longshot
  2. HKMLOG32

    HKMLOG32 Active Member Founding Member

    A lot of people are missing the point, the point is what the flag stood for. So Doc you think that its ok for people to be used as a Slave.
  3. smoking357

    smoking357 Mega Poster

    The Confederate Flag did not stand for slavery.

    Who told you such nonsense?
    Ed Yanchok likes this.
  4. Leonidas

    Leonidas Mega Poster Founding Member

    The Democratic Party stood for Slavery! Where is the call to abolish it!

    DR. Longshot, This is one thing for sure that I agree with you on. I hope you find your sticker.
  5. Lew D. Boyko

    Lew D. Boyko Active Member

    Do I agree with slavery, Hell no... But remember people had slaves back in Biblical times.
    The more slaves, you had, the wealthier you were. And, Slaves were a common item if you will use that word.
    The Confederate Flag is a great part of our American History. I believe the folks that want to destroy any thing to do with the
    Confederate Flag are bitting the hand that feeds them. By that I mean This Great Country called the United States of America.

    Birddog, Lew D. Boyko
    Ed Yanchok likes this.
  6. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    From what I have read, in those days the flags were used to identify which troops were where on the battlefield. The original confederate flag looked very similar to the union flag.

    After a mistaken shelling of their own troops early in the war of northern aggression the confederate army adopted a flag, the "stars and bars", to distinguish their own troops from the Yankees.

    The flag they adopted was their "battle" flag. When Lee told them to fold it up and put it away after Appomattox, IMO, he meant they had lost the battle and it was time to accept that. The south had lost the war. For some, that "stars and bars" flag represents their feelings about "losing" the war, not slavery.

    Ed Yanchok and dr.longshot like this.
  7. Storeman

    Storeman Moderator Founding Member

    Hi Dr. Longshot, I have made up two stickers for you ... one for each side of your stock and I am working on an long gated version for your Barrel. As usual no charge and it has been put in the mail as of today. Our Confederate Flag is a great part of our American History and should continue to Fly by Americans who chose to do so.
    Kind Regards, Storeman Norman
    Norm's Best Kolar Shot.jpg
    dr.longshot likes this.
  8. HKMLOG32

    HKMLOG32 Active Member Founding Member

    For all you guys who think the flag didn't stand for slavery tell that to the nine black families who's relatives who died in SC. I know most of you don't care, but what if it were your folks.o_O
  9. Storeman

    Storeman Moderator Founding Member

    Our Confederate Flag is a great part of our American History and should continue to Fly by Americans who chose to do so. Any one who would like the Flag stickers that I sent to Dr. Longshot then please send me a private conservation with your self addressed envelope and stamp and I will send you what I have pictured below. Kind Regards, Storeman Norman
    Confederate Flag Images.jpg
  10. dr.longshot

    dr.longshot Grudge Match Champion Founding Member Forum Leader Grudge Match Champion

  11. Family Guy

    Family Guy Mega Poster Founding Member

    Just a reminder.....
    Symbols mean different things to different people.

    "Friends" and trapshooting are something we all have in common. Let's not find symbols that can divide us. Just my 02.
    HKMLOG32 and 614shooter like this.
  12. dr.longshot

    dr.longshot Grudge Match Champion Founding Member Forum Leader Grudge Match Champion

    That is a great and fine Gesture Norman, I am sure a lot of shoooters will
    also thank you, and take you up on your offer.

    Gary Bryant Dr.longshot
  13. jcdwrd

    jcdwrd New Member

    For those of you that believe the Confederacy, the Civil War or the Confederate Flag are anything to be proud of, please purchase and read "A People's History of The Civil War" by David Williams.
    The Confederacy was nothing like what you learned in school. And the only States Right involved was the right to own slaves. Better you put a Nazi flag sticker on your stock.
    HKMLOG32 likes this.
  14. Leonidas

    Leonidas Mega Poster Founding Member

    I wonder how the American Indian feels about the Stars and Stripes. Should we abolish it if some of them started to complain?
    fredoniarob likes this.

    AZCOTRAP Mega Poster Founding Member

    Confederate flags never flew on slave ships crossing the Atlantic, but did so under U.S. Flags for decades, right up to start of war. FYI.
  16. Doc

    Doc Member

    Yep --- if I am not mistaken the first black slaves were brought to Jamestown in 1619--- So, under what flag did were slaves allowed until 1776 and then from 1776 until 1861? All of this can be talked until we are all blue in the face and those that want the Confederate Battle Flag (Refer to flyersarebest post above) gone will want it wrong ---
    My question is what is next?????? I am a christian, abortion offends me..... we need to abolish it and all material that defends it like T-shirts, etc. The list can go on and on --- where will it end. Now the talk is of digging up Gen Forrest and moving him, tearing down statues in parks, renaming bridges etc. etc. After all this what will be next.
    dr.longshot likes this.
  17. Storeman

    Storeman Moderator Founding Member

    For any one wanting Confederate Stickers for your Stock or Barrel you may simply do a copy and Paste from my post and go to Office Max or Office Depoe and pick up the Avery # 8255 Full Sheet labels and cut them to size for a peal and self stick. That way you can get around the mailing process.

    Keep your Head down and Break em all.
    Storeman Norman

    Norms Best with Flags.jpg
  18. Storeman

    Storeman Moderator Founding Member

    The Multi Confederate Flag size Images ore located half way up from Dr. Longshot's Thread for a copy & Paste.
    Pull, Bang, Reload,
    dr.longshot likes this.
  19. dr.longshot

    dr.longshot Grudge Match Champion Founding Member Forum Leader Grudge Match Champion

    Norman this is a fantast Picture, I really like it, you are going to be a Celebrity.

    Gary Bryant Dr.longshot
  20. Storeman

    Storeman Moderator Founding Member

    Dr. Longshot, Thanks for your support. I am working on approaching Clint Eastwood thru a good friend - Neil Young ... On doing a Movie on Trap Shooting known as " The Trap Hustler" Stay Tuned because you will be included along with many other Character's on this site & the other.

    Pull, Bang, Reload,
    Storeman Norman
    dr.longshot likes this.
  21. Storeman

    Storeman Moderator Founding Member

    Another Title might be better known as "Dead Bird" for the Movie Marque. Staring ... A list of actors.
    dr.longshot likes this.
  22. jcdwrd

    jcdwrd New Member

    Doc. If you are against abortion, don't have one. Stop telling other people how to lead their life. Isn't there something in the christian religion about " Do unto others as you would have others do unto you"?
    Nobody is telling you to have or not have a abortion.
  23. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    I wonder what the response would have been if the sick SOB had this flag in the background.


    dr.longshot likes this.
  24. Storeman

    Storeman Moderator Founding Member

  25. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    They could call it "The Trap HUSTLE"

    The story of the ATA's move from Vandalia and how they did it.

    The background music could be the same they used in M.A.S.H.

    Suicide is painless


    dr.longshot likes this.
  26. fredoniarob

    fredoniarob Guest

    Those that don't remember history are doomed to repeat it....
    those that try to forget it are only making negative people right...
    Abraham Lincoln was a supporter of the south, many feel that had he not been killed that the south would not have suffered from the carpet baggers and the KKK would never been formed....
    the stars and bars stands for more than racial discrimination, it stands for a way of life that is gone... the small family farms, the extended family gathering after a day of work to celebrate another day over a hot meal after a prayer, the way of self reliability and community togetherness is absent in todays society.
    I am a proud northerner.... but i weep for the passing of the grand old south.
    dr.longshot and bill1949 like this.
  27. Rob Taylor

    Rob Taylor Active Member Founding Member

    I didn't think the gunman carried a flag with him. I would tell the families, that their people had been killed by a very disturbed person who did this horrific act.

    Unless he was wrapped in the stars and bars, shouting "the south shall rise again" and "I'll show you all", then the flag means nothing about the shooting.

    Blaming the shooting on the flag, is like blaming the gun and not the person using it.
  28. Gargoyle

    Gargoyle Active Member Founding Member

    The flag represents bravery, Honor, pride and loyalty to the south.

    People don't know it but the Blacks were the first slave owner and taught the whites what to do with the slaves. The DemocRATs were the ones who were leading the slave business. That is in the history books.
  29. nudie

    nudie Active Member

    Here's one for you flag lovers.

    Attached Files: