Drove by Vandalia Grand

Discussion in 'Trapshooting Forum - Americantrapshooter.com' started by 320090T, Jul 1, 2015.

  1. 320090T

    320090T Mega Poster Founding Member

    Wow, it's ALL gone now, really looks strange. Funny thing though, the airport hasn't done anything to speak of yet. I did notice the tire shop is still there and open, airport missed that property?
  2. dr.longshot

    dr.longshot Grudge Match Champion Founding Member Forum Leader Grudge Match Champion

    Thank you for the update, I was going to drive and look at it, you saved me a trip.
    GB DLS
  3. BPskeeter

    BPskeeter Active Member Founding Member

    The local news reported that the airport continues to decline in tickets sold. Has dropped every month for that last 10 months.
    I'll never fly out of there again!
  4. Gerald

    Gerald Mega Poster Founding Member

    I was told the land was to become a large air freight hub??
    But with the economy suspect , I doubt if you see anything in the near future.

    Years ago I used to fly to hobby shows in Chicago.
    It was the place to fly from. Cheaper than here in Cols.

    As Bob Hope would say......Thanks for the memories.

  5. Ed Yanchok

    Ed Yanchok Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Turns my stomach just to think of it.

    Ed Yanchok
  6. Seitz9010

    Seitz9010 Mega Poster

    Big deal turns into nothing. Emery Air had their hub in Dayton and was going to expand and do great things. While all the crap was going on Emery went bust in 2001? and Menlo worldwide took them over. They went bust in 2004? and nothing ever happened with Daytons big dreams. They did get rid of the Grand and all that income they didn't seem to need and today they have nothing. The same stupid politicians that put their hopes on a company that was all ready insolvent while they were throwing the ATA out are probably still in power.
    robb likes this.
  7. Bulge

    Bulge Active Member

  8. Family Guy

    Family Guy Mega Poster Founding Member

    What politicians were those? No one has ever been able to produce a paper trail from the airport saying the ATA has to leave. Not that it matters.
  9. BPskeeter

    BPskeeter Active Member Founding Member

    The same crooked politicians that blocked a needed highway expansion for years until they bought every property along the proposed route for a song - and then sold it to the state for millions. And to add insult to the injury, then they named it after him.
    Don't look for a paper trail, just follow the money. Money from the Grand wasn't going into the right pocket.

    I've got to shut up. My blood pressure is high enough.
  10. Seitz9010

    Seitz9010 Mega Poster

    Hadn't heard all that I just assumed what I was told was accurate. Would be interesting to know why ATA moved if they didn't have to.
  11. BPskeeter

    BPskeeter Active Member Founding Member

    ATA brought $60 million into local economy.
    Airport expansion was expected to bring in $6 million.

    If we could afford to give up $54 Million, then we don't need additional tax levies passed, so I vote NO on every on of them.
  12. oldphart

    oldphart Mega Poster Founding Member

    The Airport and the City of Dayton made it difficult for the ATA to stay in Vandalia. The Airport stated that they needed traps at the west end to build a parking garage, the airport had already restricted the yardage at one trap bank and forced the ATA to pay for fencing north of the traps. A majority of the trap fields that the ATA used were on leased land and were told by the City of Dayton the lease would not be renewed. This is but a small portion of the reasons the ATA were forced to leave Dayton. This on top of not being wanted.
    fredoniarob likes this.
  13. smoke-um

    smoke-um Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Wonder if the city of Dayton has changed their minds?? Somebody should contact them and see if they would make us a deal ???? Never got to go to Vandalia i was still working ,but have heard all the stories soooooo many times i'm sick of it !!!!!!!!!
  14. smoke-um

    smoke-um Well-Known Member Founding Member

    PS not a fan of Sparta been there four times and going this year but, putting the Grand in the middle of no where was a big mistake !!!!!!!
    fredoniarob likes this.
  15. Ed Yanchok

    Ed Yanchok Well-Known Member Founding Member

    When the ATA situated itself in Vandalia, that was the middle of no where. No motels, restaurants, or major highways in the area. Over the years things grew up all around the area. Not to say the Grand was the reason, it just worked out that way.

    Ed Yanchok
  16. Family Guy

    Family Guy Mega Poster Founding Member

    oldphart....major disagreement with you for once. Your following quote is a myth a best.
    After all these years no one on either side of the arguments has been able to show a piece of paper backing that statement.

    There were statements made by the airport board during the negotiating process. They did say they could use the land for other things. That is part of the bargaining process. It was never put to a vote. If you have other information I would love to see it.
  17. Brent Paulus

    Brent Paulus Active Member Founding Member

    There just so happens to be a Barber Shop in Tipp City, Oh. On the SW corner of Main and Second Street. Inside you'll find Jim the Barber. He worked at the Grand for years and he has a very interesting story as to what really went on. He also has names to go with it. If your ever in the neighborhood stop in and get an Old Time Haircut and talk Guns, Trap, or whatever. You'll get a Great Haircut and I'm sure an interesting History Lesson on the Grand.
  18. BPskeeter

    BPskeeter Active Member Founding Member

    I've got to agree with you, Brent, Jim Francis is a great guy!
    He's been cutting my hair since the late 80's.
  19. History Seeker

    History Seeker A NoBody Founding Member Official Historian

    Perhaps WE the ATA can buy back that propeerty for pennies on the dollar...

    Would be better money spent than the quarter million on a building Donation for the State of Ill. to own.
  20. Seitz9010

    Seitz9010 Mega Poster

    Actually when the ATA moved to Vandalia in 1924 Dayton was a busy manufacturing city with many hotel accomadations. The site they picked was near two major highways, one North-South and the other East-West. Vandalia was no where near as remote as Sparta because of the nearby major highways and the city of Dayton less than twenty miles away. If you look at the history of the area in 1924 it was doing quite well with many big companies headquartered in Dayton.
  21. Kiehl

    Kiehl Well-Known Member

    The ATA was offered the school property to the east for 10 more banks.
  22. Trapshooter

    Trapshooter Member Founding Member

    Did they tear down the main office building?
  23. Brent Paulus

    Brent Paulus Active Member Founding Member

    Yes, it's long gone. Absolutely no sign of the ATA ever being there. Green Grass and Black Fence.....
  24. 320090T

    320090T Mega Poster Founding Member

    Even the old school to the east is GONE!
  25. Gerald

    Gerald Mega Poster Founding Member

    Brent....A friend of mine for many years owned a Jewelry store which I think was across the street from the barber shop.
    Warner's jewelry owned by Ralph and Marge.
    Ralph celebrated his 100th birthday last year. More good memories.

    Regards Gerald
  26. History Seeker

    History Seeker A NoBody Founding Member Official Historian

    I always enjoyed JAY'S Seafood and that fantastic mahogany bar....:)
  27. dr.longshot

    dr.longshot Grudge Match Champion Founding Member Forum Leader Grudge Match Champion

    Those 2 highways were known as the Crossroads Of America
  28. Brent Paulus

    Brent Paulus Active Member Founding Member

    I remember Warners Jewelry Store. Jay's is still there and still is a GREAT place to get a GREAT meal. And Vandalia is still known as the Crossroads of America. Like I said I'm knew to this sport of Trap Shootin. Never shot in the Grand, worked across the field for Ohio Aviation until I left for the Marines some 50 years ago. I remember the Buzz in town when the Grand was in town. I remember all the popping sounds coming from there while I was at work. Stopped in once but it appeared to be a Rich Mans sport. I'm not a rich man, but I still have that same belief. Having my own trouble getting out off the 18. Anyway, there are allot of Memories for allot of folks there in that land off of Route 40.
    dr.longshot likes this.
  29. smoking357

    smoking357 Mega Poster

    FedEx uses Indianapolis. UPS uses Louisville. Rickenbacker is a dedicated freight airport in Columbus. Airborne used to use the field just north of Cincinnati, but they're gone. Why would freight carriers need Dayton with so much infrastructure nearby?
  30. oldphart

    oldphart Mega Poster Founding Member

    Just a short bit of history from what I had read and what I was told about this move by the ATA from Vandalia to Sparta.
    Back in the early 1990's Emery Air was the coming thing to Dayton Airport they had aspirations to grow the Dayton area make it some type of air freight service hub. There was also going to be some passenger service which in their mind required a large parking garage. None of this materialized and the City of Dayton was uncommitted but by that time the ATA made a committment to move to Sparta which was a bad move for all concerned. So here we are today again in the middle of another uncertainty and who knows what the outcome will be.
  31. Brian Seibert

    Brian Seibert Active Member

    I have read a lot of comments about Vandalia, and think that there are several facts that are close to factual but a little off. My wife was employed by Emery and my auto repair business was located in Vandalia. If you look at the history of the Grand American, it move to different locations from year to year (Pre 1924). It was in 1913 after the great flood here in Dayton that the Grand was set to be held here that year. Our fore fathers from Dayton (Patterson, Deeds, Kettering) worked very hard just to make this shoot happen. The shoot was a great success and in 1924 it was determined that Vandalia would become the home grounds of the Grand American. As far as for Emery, the US Postal Service deal is what sank that ship. You see, the US Postal Service wanted Emery to handle all their packaging needs, but didn't want to pay Emery (60 million dollars past due!). Emery invested over 60 million dollars in truck docks and a shipping facility to handle the new plan (40 million pounds per night). Well, several lawsuits later and a lot of finger pointing and the Postal Department pulled the contract and left Emery holding the bag. This left Emery no way to pay for all of their upgrades that were needed to make to their building. Then a decision was made to move Emery to Louisville due to landing fee cost that Dayton wanted. A lot of businesses left and Vandalia became a ghost town after losing Emery, Delphi and several tool shops and mom and pop shops. I can remember a lot of business coming from the Ohio State and Grand shoots. Now, we are located in Englewood ( 6 miles to the west), which where I was raised. I still shoot with a lot of people that tell all the great stories and little shoots that would be held after the Grand would close for the day ( Nashville, Troy Fish and Game, Huber Heights Gun Club). Like Brent, it was before I started shooting, but I did work there when I was a teenager. Great memories and hard times in both cases.
    dr.longshot likes this.
  32. Brian Seibert

    Brian Seibert Active Member

    Here is a top secret job that was done 2 years ago and now lives at the Cardinal Center. Thanks to Pete Streuber and my trailer, the pad that Ed shot the last shot from the Grand now rest at the Cardinal Center.

    Attached Files:

    HistoryBuff likes this.
  33. Brent Paulus

    Brent Paulus Active Member Founding Member

    Brian, Thanks for Your post. I shot with Pete yesterday at Wright Pat, what a Great Guy and one heck of a shooter. Gave me some good pointers too....