Some (very) Old Hunting Pictures with Family and Friends

Discussion in 'Hunters' Talk & Fish Tales -' started by BRAD DYSINGER, May 11, 2021.


    BRAD DYSINGER The Philosophist Founding Member Member Trapshooting Hall of Fame Member State Hall of Fame


    Dave Berlet and Ann in Manitoba Canada in the early 80's

    A group of us hunting in Manitoba in the 80's

    BRAD DYSINGER The Philosophist Founding Member Member Trapshooting Hall of Fame Member State Hall of Fame


    Orville Minish and Me with a Big Black Bear I shot one fall in Manitoba, around Swan Lake area.


    We shot lots of snows and blues one year

    BRAD DYSINGER The Philosophist Founding Member Member Trapshooting Hall of Fame Member State Hall of Fame

    Ann and I have been turkey hunters from way back before it became so popular. We hunted around Leo's home in Hannibal Missouri for a number of years. Ann's big gobbler was in the first wild turkey record book from the NWTF in fact.


    I like looking at all the old hunting pictures that others have put up on here and I would encourage all of you that hunt to show us your pictures. This site does a fantastic job with the SCTP pictures and it would be interesting to see what these kids hunt, if they hunt, because I am sure with all the new technology their photos far surpasses what we old guys did or could have done. So please post something for me to look at.
  4. Hasbeen

    Hasbeen Well-Known Member

    The clothing in our old pics definitely dates us! Definitely before the days of Gore-Tex and Omni-Tech etc!! :oops:

  5. Indyfireman

    Indyfireman Active Member

  6. Hasbeen

    Hasbeen Well-Known Member

  7. Hasbeen

    Hasbeen Well-Known Member

  8. Dave Berlet

    Dave Berlet State HOF Founding Member Member Trapshooting Hall of Fame Member State Hall of Fame

    Those Manitoba pictures sure bring back some great memories. The first year that I was up there the amount of Canada Geese, Ruffed Grouse and Sharptails was amazing. The second time not so many of those species, but many snows and blues and larger animals. A great time both times that I was able to go.
  9. History Seeker

    History Seeker A NoBody Founding Member Official Historian

    I just have to ask you guys ~~~~~

    7 1/2 OR 8's ???
    BRAD DYSINGER and Hasbeen like this.
  10. Vhntr1

    Vhntr1 Member

    Fantastic pics guys ,i will have to dig some up.
    History Seeker likes this.

    BRAD DYSINGER The Philosophist Founding Member Member Trapshooting Hall of Fame Member State Hall of Fame

    2's and 4's
    Cooperdisciple and Hasbeen like this.
  12. Hasbeen

    Hasbeen Well-Known Member

    Nowadays I hunt with nothing but 20ga.....this is a solo limit taken with my Winchester SX3 using Federal 2 3/4" #4 steel 3/4oz loads through an IC choke.

    Cooperdisciple likes this.
  13. 16gun

    16gun Active Member Founding Member

    4C451DDA-B142-46C7-A98A-BEB679A8A8C0.jpeg I thought I would go ahead and post this picture of my good friend Jim McGuire with two sons Joe and Shane. Also in the photo is myself and good friend Brad. We lost Jim this year and we of course all are missing him terribly. This day was memorable because it was are best ever one day bag of ruffed grouse and Jim was there to see it even though he was to weak to go out. Miss you buddy.
  14. Speedshots0

    Speedshots0 Active Member

    All cool hunts and photos, Thanks for posting.
  15. Hasbeen

    Hasbeen Well-Known Member

    Did lots of grouse hunting when I lived in northern Ontario, shot my first one on thanksgiving weekend 1974( first pic). Not exactly your classic bird dog in the picture, lol but he was my Grandparents little companion and loved going hunting with us. He flushed that grouse up onto a tree branch ahead of us while we were walking an old overgrown trapping trail. My Grandfather handed me his old Iver Johnson Champion 410 single shot and said put the bead on top of the head and squeeze the trigger. That 410 seemed like a cannon to a kid used to shooting air rifles and 22's at the cottage.
    Of course as I got older I graduated to bigger and better guns but I have that 410 since my Grandfather's passing and occasionally I make a trip a few hours north to the woods and "pot" the odd partridge as Gramp used to call them...
  16. Hasbeen

    Hasbeen Well-Known Member

    But as I said as I got older I graduated to bigger and better guns and real bird dogs...
    055_55-1.jpg 053_53-1.jpg 056_56-1.jpg 057_57-1.jpg iphone pics 106.JPG IMG_6728.jpg
  17. 79ROY

    79ROY Member

    All nice
  18. King Shark

    King Shark Active Member

  19. 1100 Remington Man

    1100 Remington Man Active Member Founding Member

    IMG_3892.jpeg IMG_0660.jpeg IMG_0664.jpeg

    Me and My 82 year old Father Pheasant Hunting, My Son & Father Duck Hunting and Last My Grandfather Duck Hunting who was born in 1899 this is him in his late 80’s and He is the only person I know who hunted Waterfowl with live Ducks as Decoys before it was Outlawed. He loved Waterfowl hunting and Was buried in that coat and hat.