Heat Wave

Discussion in 'Trapshooting Forum - Americantrapshooter.com' started by andrewt, Jun 18, 2015.

  1. andrewt

    andrewt Member

    On a hot day my gun gets a heat wave. Is there a trick to eliminating this?
  2. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    Shoot only in cooler weather ... Ouch ... WPT ... (YAC) ...
    dr.longshot likes this.
  3. dr.longshot

    dr.longshot Grudge Match Champion Founding Member Forum Leader Grudge Match Champion

    There is a heatwave in Sparta, and it ain't the sun, or hot Bbls.

    GB DLS
  4. Leonidas

    Leonidas Mega Poster Founding Member

    Staying on topic I'm presuming you are shooting a top single.

    There isn't a way to keep the heat waves from forming. A un-single or even shooting the bottom barrel of a O/U will help.
  5. docbombay

    docbombay Active Member

    If you watch Nora Ross shoot she will wipe her gun down with a wet towel between posts as a means of eliminating the "heat wave".
    Flyersarebest likes this.
  6. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    Welcome back Doc.
    Some of us "has beens" carried that wet towel clipped to our belts. Between traps you stopped at the coolers sitting on the bench, drank one cup full and re-wet the towel.
    And if you are shooting a top single a wet towel is a lot less expensive than buying a different gun.

    One extremely hot day the guys sitting on the porch almost choked on their Pepsi's when I just poured a couple of cup fulls down the outside of my TM1.

    Since both barrels on my MX8 are made of steel and steel is a pretty good conductor of heat I still get a little mirage when I shoot doubles on a really hot sunny day. The wet towel works on that too.

    The down side? Your jeans or shorts also get wet.:eek:

  7. docbombay

    docbombay Active Member

    Never was gone Flyers. Just reading and minding my P's & Q's.

    I am trying to keep one foot in here and one foot in the other site as I feel there is a need for both and that both serve a purpose. I have gone on record that I want this site to prosper and site moderators have PM's that will support this statement.

    That being said, I will not post in any thread that continues the ATA bashing and Winston witch hunt. That vitriol (in my opinion) is detrimental to the well being of the site. That is not to say that differing opinions on those subjects is unwarranted, quite the contrary. It is the manner that these opinions are presented that hurts the credibility of this site.

    Take this thread for example about heat wave. Gary feels the need to go off subject just to get in another dig at Sparta. To what end? A thread that educates is once again turned into another platform to pound the ATA. This type of behavior will not recruit new members to the site. It will drive them away.

    Well, so much for minding my P's & Q's eh?

    wpt likes this.
  8. Smithy

    Smithy Mega Poster Founding Member

    And yet you did!
    It is bashing if it is criticism of leaders of our sport. You patronize the threads on the other site where things are said about the admin that would make a sailor blush. But that is not bashing. Seems to suit you fine.

    You don't get the history of the sport. That is because you are a relatively new shooter. You never shot the grand when it was grand and never shot the harder targets.

    I liked it better when you were on the other site hanging with your friends they call the stooges. Your hate for the site is well documented. Did not take you long to take some digs at the site. But that it is not bashing.

    I am sure your friends are waiting for you to return. You will get a just pat on the back.

  9. HistoryBuff

    HistoryBuff US Navy Retired US Navy Retired Founding Member Forum Leader Official Historian Member State Hall of Fame


    Many years ago I had that problem with my O/U's during doubles. Someone told me to use gun scrubber, brake kleen or alcohol to clean off the protective oil near the end of the barrels. As I recall, it really worked. I eventually went to a new gun with raised ribs and have never had a problem since. Give it a try and please let us know if it helps reduce or eliminate your heat wave.