Imagine if you will, a world in which more than 20 nationally and internationally renowned shotgun sports vendors got stiffed out of their rent money in 2020 by the State of Illinois, and then didn't do anything about it. And then, imagine if you will, this same group of highly successful, and highly respected companies did everything they could to try to rent the same spaces again.
My imagination leads me to the vision of a bunch of fools that have not learned how to deal with some very shady operators. That is is my impression, what is yours? Roger C.
Roger, Seriously, this one's got me scratching my head. Some of those guys got deep pockets, plus, this isn't their first rodeo. You've got to ask your self, "as a business man, would you sign a lease document without having your attorney go over it with a fine tooth comb?" If the document contained language that provided for relief in the event of an "act of God" or "natural disaster" then the vendor would be amply protected. Stipulations would be present to provide for a refund. That line of thought has guided me to believe that this whole bit about them getting screwed out of their rent money last year is just a bunch of childish bullshit made up to drive clicks and increase readership, i.e., a snipe hunt. Regarding the matter of lease held improvements, I have never seen a properly constructed lease, particularly one drawn between an international company and a State, which didn't clearly outline all the rights of the tenants and all the rights of the State, or any other substantial owner. Some owners will not allow a tenant to remove his improvements at the end of the lease, but all of that is drawn up and understood by both parties for the beginning. If a tenant's attorney allowed him to sign a document which did not protect his client, then the bastard should be disbarred. OK, what really has me baffled is why almost a year has gone by since the Grand was moved to Linn Creek. Not ONE Vendor has come forward with a complaint. Why not? My money is that nobody has a complaint. Was there a settlement? If so, there would be no need for a confidentiality clause so such an event would be a matter of public record. What it looks like from here is sour grapes from a bunch of shit stirrers. A few folks got their fingers burned a little and now they think the whole world owes them a paycheck. Like I've said before, "Lie down with dogs, get fleas." Life really isn't chocked full of a lot of guarantees, is it? That's what I think.
Wellll come on now !! After all, this IS Illinois. With the absolute best fair voting in the country.
Phantom, I have it from a vendor that was screwed. Then he was told he must pay for the next Grand immediately. He told them NO. They told him to get his stuff asap or they will keep it. He took a truck and removed all of his equipment from the store. Roger C.
Roger, Thank you! OK, I do NOT want you to tell me the name of the vendor. If you want to name the vendor, that's up to you. Please describe in exact detail how the vendor was screwed.
He paid for last year, did not get to use the facility. Did not get a refund. I believe it was about $6000.00 Roger C.