Grand up for bid? Maybe 4 venues?

Discussion in 'Trapshooting Forum -' started by merlo, Jan 9, 2021.

  1. merlo

    merlo Mega Poster Forum Reporter

    Reports are that the Grand will be up for bid if Illinois can’t decide by May. There are four possible venues. San Antonio, Tucson, Missouri, and the Cardinal Center.

    To you guys that have accused me of being at DC. You are kinda right. I got upset with the hole ordeal and gave my Viking outfit to someone when I left.

    Trump rocks.

    I report. You decide.
    Merlo out.
    oleolliedawg and wpt like this.
  2. BT99&SKB

    BT99&SKB Active Member

    The farther away you get from the Midwest the more shooters your going to lose. I for one don't want to shoot in Arizona or Texas in August, bad enough in the Midwest.
    MOE likes this.

    BRAD DYSINGER The Philosophist Founding Member Member Trapshooting Hall of Fame Member State Hall of Fame

    Why isn't Pa in the mix?
    wpt, dr.longshot and Elsie like this.
  4. settersit

    settersit Active Member

    To far for western shooters. Mizzo ,Linn Creek ,is fine for everyone, lots of places to stay, friendly state that welcomes shooters, family activities. Perfect spot. I'm in AZ, but I realize center of USA is best with the facilities that are there and ability to get there. You got to make it so everyone can get there and at least shoot a couple of days, make a vaca of it to maximize a family experience. Not everyone can afford a separate trip to a "Grand" out East and a family vacation, combine them, you got a winner!
    wpt and Roger Coveleskie like this.

    BRAD DYSINGER The Philosophist Founding Member Member Trapshooting Hall of Fame Member State Hall of Fame

    settersit, Why is Tucson considered then , isn't it too far for eastern shooters, which by the way there are way more of than western shooters.
  6. Jim/Canton

    Jim/Canton Mega Poster

    San Antonio or Tucson. Lol. Please send it either place.

    Linn Creek - how did that turn out last year? Fail. Send it there.

    Please keep the creeps out of Ohio. Keep all those guys West of the Sippi. Thugs and criminals stay away.

    Please anywhere but my backyard. I would rather have a toxic landfill.
    Flyersarebest, wpt and BRAD DYSINGER like this.
  7. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    Were the Total number's ever posted about the attendance at Linn Creek, I do not recall seeing them but then again I have lost interest for many to several reasons ... Tucson as good as it might be is down right scorching that time of the year and would probably not be in the best interest of a lot of elderly shooters, of course it has been known to get extremely warm in Illinois that time of the year also ... The PERFECT spot would be Cardinal Center so we all know it won't be going there ... WPT ... (YAC) ...
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2021
  8. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    IF they have to move that shoot they hold in August it will go to the same place it was last year.

    Tucson? Too far and too hot
    San Antonio? Ditto

    Cardinal Center? Too much egg to wipe off their faces and way too much crow to eat for the "big shots" in the ata to go there.
  9. Roger Coveleskie

    Roger Coveleskie State HOF Founding Member Member State Hall of Fame

    I just returned from Tucson a little while ago. It was 25 deg. as I was heading to the club this morning. How many of you shooters have ever been in Tucson in Aug. Granted it is hot, but it is also dry. No 90% humidity .I doubt if most of the complainers about the heat have ever set foot in AZ. in Aug. The Tucson club has a full schedule, they would have to cancel other shoots to have the grand, I think they are to smart to even consider the grand an option. Roger C.
    PS My first question to the EC would be how much over and above the money made on the shoot are you willing to pay us to have the shoot. We are a for profit business and must perform like one. Those four clubs should have a meeting with out ATA personal around. Just my thoughts what are yours? Roger C.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 11, 2021
    dr.longshot and wpt like this.
  10. scorpion33

    scorpion33 Member

    San Antonio is very limited on parking and RV spots. Missouri worked well this year but when the pandemic is over finding a hotel room at Linn Creek in August will be a struggle. There is a reason the Missouri state shoot is before Memorial Day and the fall handicap is after Labor day.
    just joe and wpt like this.
  11. truth

    truth Member

    I take it you have never been there:

    • Over 7,700 motel/hotel/resort rooms, condos and campground sites.
    dr.longshot likes this.
  12. Jim/Canton

    Jim/Canton Mega Poster

    There you have it. It doesn’t have to be true. Put the crime syndicate there. Enough rooms. for all the 2012 PULL crooks. Let’s never revisit this. Vendors and trapshooters can hang out at the Cardinal Center.
    Roger Coveleskie and wpt like this.
  13. Elsie

    Elsie Mega Poster

    If it went to Tucson or San Antonio in August - I bet you wouldn't get 500 shooters.

    I'm with Brad why isn't PA being considered? PA is a big trapshooting state, upstate NY close by where trapshooting used to be big, neighbors with Ohio. Last year it was in western MO, so this year if they are going to move it around - move it to the eastern belt of trapshooting country.
    dr.longshot, MOE, grizquad and 4 others like this.
  14. Roger Coveleskie

    Roger Coveleskie State HOF Founding Member Member State Hall of Fame

    The Tucson club is pretty well booked up on shoots year around. Why would they want to hold the grand and cancel other yearly shoots? As I said most people that complainabout the heat in AZ. have never been here. Roger C.
    Ken Cerney and wpt like this.
  15. 635 G

    635 G Mega Poster

    honestly guys, in this age of Covid--why not have a telephonic grand-between the Cardinal, Linn Creek, Pa & another club in the same time zone
  16. lord maker

    lord maker Mega Poster Founding Member

    Telephonic, is OK to make things move quicker (other than shoot offs). Its not a level field on light, background, weather. IMO
    Roger Coveleskie and jamesbalog like this.
  17. Its not a level field even at one location. That being said I ask Ed Wehking about a telephonic Grand and he said " we've been talking about that". I would vote Yes. J.R.Long
    wpt likes this.

    BRAD DYSINGER The Philosophist Founding Member Member Trapshooting Hall of Fame Member State Hall of Fame

    Maybe You modern ATA shooters should have a zoom grand, everyone just get out a hand thrower and send in those scores. You too can be a GRAND CHAMPION.

    The GRAND is more than just trap shooting. It's seeing everyone and talking to the industry reps. It's looking at all the trap shooting stuff for sale both new and old that the VENDORS have for sale. It's trying or buying a gun. It's going out to eat with your friends you only see at the GRAND. It's drinking beer at the beer tent. It's going through the Museum. It's watching the shoot offs every night and hoping to be out their yourself one night. It's waiting all year for August to arrive and then being sick when Saturday of Grand Week is over and you realize so is the grand till next year.

    The GRAND died when the ATA went to gun hating Illinois, what we saw for the last few years was a big trap shoot but anyone who was ever at Vandalia knows it was never GRAND.

    Trap Shooting is soon do be as dead as Freedom of Speech. I'm sure glad I don't own or sell $15,000. trap guns.
  19. Gordon Horigan

    Gordon Horigan Active Member

    Ever thought of Wisconsin? 30 + traps (more going in this year) , Camping, Large club house, mid USA.
    Ken Cerney and rrisum like this.
  20. rookieshooter

    rookieshooter Mega Poster Forum Leader

    Nice to hear more traps being added to any field.
  21. Dave Berlet

    Dave Berlet State HOF Founding Member Member Trapshooting Hall of Fame Member State Hall of Fame

    Roger did you ever stop to think that the reason many of us folks on here haven't been to Tucson in August is because of the temperature in August? LOL.

    Dave Berlet
    Elsie, Roger Coveleskie and wpt like this.
  22. Roger Coveleskie

    Roger Coveleskie State HOF Founding Member Member State Hall of Fame

    David, But it is a dry heat. Roger C.
    Ken Cerney, History Seeker and wpt like this.
  23. drtrdr

    drtrdr Member

    Been there and been in San Antonio in September
    Never again
  24. oleolliedawg

    oleolliedawg Mega Poster Founding Member

    PA, forget about it. Limited camping facilities, few restaurants and hotels. Besides, the best banks are already reserved and the maximum number of singles championship squads might reach 300 on a perfect day. No room for expansion either. Think Cardinal Center or nothing!
    Roger Coveleskie and HistoryBuff like this.
  25. Cargodog

    Cargodog Active Member

    "but its a dry heat Mr. Spenser". Response from author Robert Parker's private eye Spenser; " the same could be said for Hell madam"!!
    wpt and Roger Coveleskie like this.
  26. rrisum

    rrisum Mega Poster

    That line didn't work for me either last night --Trying to promote our January, February ,trap league up here in Wisconsin -- All I said was "sure it's cold, but it's a dry cold" all I got was laughed at.
    wpt, Ken Cerney, Big B and 2 others like this.
  27. Rn3

    Rn3 Well-Known Member

    Linn creek has more traps than Cardinal center with plenty of room for expansion and experience hosting a grand.
    truth and SES like this.
  28. oleolliedawg

    oleolliedawg Mega Poster Founding Member

    If Cardinal Center wanted to host the grand I'm sure more traps would be added. The key word is "IF"!
  29. multifired

    multifired Active Member

    Why does the Grand have to be in August? Why does the target year have to start September 1?
    settersit, Elsie and Roger Coveleskie like this.
  30. oleolliedawg

    oleolliedawg Mega Poster Founding Member

    Simple. Try to find enough help to manage all those traps without high school kids. BTW, did you just start trapshooting?
    Jon Reitz, grizquad and wpt like this.
  31. 25nout

    25nout Well-Known Member

    I like the Cardinal Center idea. The others may be good, but Cardinal is a proven go to range.
    Roger Coveleskie likes this.
  32. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    It seems to me that the ATA is the one who should be doing the bidding, not the facility's that have a schedule already on their shoot calendar ... The Clubs ( Facility's mentioned ) do not need the ATA but the ATA does need a facility where the grand can be hosted or eliminate it all together being as it does not seem to draw much of a crowd any longer ... Illinois is in big financial trouble according to everything I have read as of late, if that would eliminate the WSRC or not is any body's guess ... WPT ... (YAC) ...
  33. Michael J

    Michael J Active Member

    So is my oven!
    wpt likes this.
  34. multifired

    multifired Active Member

    When is the last time you came out from under your rock?
  35. rrisum

    rrisum Mega Poster

    Wisconsin is out of the running -- Checked with Adams count records --No currant sales to --Gipson guns LLC -- Lynn Gipson -- 2021 Pull LLC. -- You are right It would be a great location!

    THEUNLOADER Mega Poster Founding Member

    What's to decide ?? January 2021--Trap and Field--Page 59 is advertising "THE GRAND" to be at SPARTA from Aug. 4---14--2021.

    You "Have to Believe 'EVERYTHING' they say !!----Don't You ??
  37. The Phantom

    The Phantom Village Idiot Village Idiot Forum Leader

    The US Open, the AIM Championships, and The Grand are ALL scheduled on the WSRC 2021 Calendar of Events.
    History Seeker likes this.
  38. truth

    truth Member

    Makes no sense, why would any club "bid" for the grand? I call BS.
    Roger Coveleskie likes this.
  39. The Phantom

    The Phantom Village Idiot Village Idiot Forum Leader

    Go figure.
  40. oleolliedawg

    oleolliedawg Mega Poster Founding Member

    Probably 1963 when I started shooting trap-and you?
  41. History Seeker

    History Seeker A NoBody Founding Member Official Historian

    That should be enough Proof that this discussion has no merit. ‍

    I guess Merlo's information comes from the heavens.

    What more proof does he need ?

    The ATA has spoken !
    Roger Coveleskie and THEUNLOADER like this.
  42. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    The year they pulled the plug on the shoots other than the grand at the facility (WSRC) they were on the yearly schedule also ... Renters are at the disposal of the Land Lord which in this case is the State of Illinois, who has been known to just do what they want and don't care who likes it or not ... The ATA is not setting much of an example if they wait until the last minute to notify shooters/ vendors if there is or is not going to be a shoot at the facility ... Keep in mind the State of Illinois can change that the day before if they see fit ... WPT ... (YAC) ...
  43. Roger Coveleskie

    Roger Coveleskie State HOF Founding Member Member State Hall of Fame

    Truth, It is a cover your ass move. Roger C.
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2021
    wpt, History Seeker and THEUNLOADER like this.
  44. Elsie

    Elsie Mega Poster

    Well, Biden and the Ho say they are going to bail out all the states that need bailing out like CA, IL, NY so I guess IL is out of financial trouble and everything will be a go for the Grand in Sparta this year.

    I've rethought my previous post about PA being considered for the Grand, and now consider PA to be undesirable. Just think about it - they might decide to tally up scores at the Grand the same way they did in the presidential election. They'll have one guy leading in the GAH and then decide to quit tallying the scores that night and go to sleep and wake up and find a whole bunch of other squad sheets miraculously showed up, and somehow your score isn't high after all.
    MOE, settersit, cwtech and 3 others like this.
  45. settersit

    settersit Active Member

  46. Roger Coveleskie

    Roger Coveleskie State HOF Founding Member Member State Hall of Fame

    settersit, Because next to the Cardinal Center it is the nicest gun club in the USA. Roger C.
  47. settersit

    settersit Active Member

    I never said move it to Tucsan, And I'm not in favor of a satellite system either, weather, wind , variables in traps. But I would like to see a location in the midwest in a gun friendly state within a couple days drive for more people.
    Roger Coveleskie likes this.

    BRAD DYSINGER The Philosophist Founding Member Member Trapshooting Hall of Fame Member State Hall of Fame

    I wonder if they held pigeon shoots during the first American civil war? History Buff do you have any info?
    jamesbalog, Roger Coveleskie and wpt like this.
  49. mpolans

    mpolans Mega Poster

    I'd hope for Cardinal Center, for selfish reasons (have family in Ohio). If it were possible, Vandalia would be even better.
    Roger Coveleskie likes this.
  50. lord maker

    lord maker Mega Poster Founding Member

    We just booked full hookup RV site in Sparta. So, 100% it wont be there now. Would love Cardinal of course. 2 hrs driving >>> 9 hrs.
    wpt likes this.
  51. dr.longshot

    dr.longshot Grudge Match Champion Founding Member Forum Leader Grudge Match Champion

    Why can't the Grand rotate between clubs or be held Sattelite at all 4, just a thought. The Trapshooting Center is very close to Ohio., What are the other options.

  52. Roger Coveleskie

    Roger Coveleskie State HOF Founding Member Member State Hall of Fame

    There is no shoot that can truly be called the GRAND anymore. The ATA killed it. Roger C.
    wpt likes this.
  53. MOE

    MOE Mega Poster Founding Member

    I don't like satellite Grand's because you can have 20 mile an hour winds and dark sky's at one "Grand" and calm with bright sunshine at another. How is this deciding who the best really is?
    Roger Coveleskie likes this.
  54. 635 G

    635 G Mega Poster

    Same goes for telephonic zone shoots--finally getting the reality that ATA shooting has one purpose, milking $$ from shooters, for nothing

    And, people who know me, know I've given $$$$ to promote shooting @ small clubs in NC & Fl and have helped youth shooters

    to quote a Jr. HS classmate of mine Judge Judy, "Don't Pee On My Shoes & Tell Me Its Raining"

    The ATA is flooding us with torrential pee lately !!!
    Roger Coveleskie likes this.
  55. Roger Coveleskie

    Roger Coveleskie State HOF Founding Member Member State Hall of Fame

    635G, Not just lately, for about the last 25 years. The delegates were asleep at the wheel, their job was to keep the EC in line. Instead they fell for the bull shit that they worked for the EC, and now they do. The members were also lax in their directions to the B.O.D., they were not electing delegates for their intellect, but for being good buddies. Big mistake.
    Roger C.
    History Seeker, oleolliedawg and wpt like this.
  56. cheetah

    cheetah Well-Known Member

    After Biden and his side kick opened the south Texas border it will not be safe for the Grand to be held in SanAntonio.
  57. Union Strong

    Union Strong Mega Poster

    Our clueless delegates do not even know it is their job to choose the next venue!
    Roger Coveleskie likes this.
  58. HistoryBuff

    HistoryBuff US Navy Retired US Navy Retired Founding Member Forum Leader Official Historian Member State Hall of Fame

    Yes, pigeon shoots were held during the Civil War (April 12, 1861 - May 9, 1865)

    Some were matches between two or more sportsmen, while others were open to all comers.

    Here's an old clipping from a shoot at Buffalo, NY in December 1861. Them boys were grassing some birds.



  59. HistoryBuff

    HistoryBuff US Navy Retired US Navy Retired Founding Member Forum Leader Official Historian Member State Hall of Fame

    Here's a couple pigeon shooting events from 1862.

    April 1862 a team from Detroit City exchanged matches with a Canadian team from Windsor. The Detroit team won the first match by 8 birds, however, when they shot at Windsor a week and a half later, the Canadians killed 69 to the Detroiters' 51. Home turf ruled.

    1862-04-11, Detroit_Free_Press_MI, pg1.jpg

    A big tournament was held at Springfield, Illinois with some pretty nice prizes, in August of 1862.

    1862-08-04, Daily_Missouri_Republican_St. Louis, MO, pg3.jpg

    Enjoy Our History !

    just joe likes this.