A Thanksgiving Hunt 1908

Discussion in 'History Buffs' started by Trap3, Nov 26, 2020.

  1. Trap3

    Trap3 Mega Poster

    From the Forest City Gun Club... Makes official report - Prizes won.
    The Gold Medal given by the club for the best shot of the season
    awarded to G. I. Koto... article was found packed in the box with the nice old medal.


    IMG_5671 (2).jpg

    IMG_5671 (3).jpg
  2. History Seeker

    History Seeker A NoBody Founding Member Official Historian

    Makes us wonder where all the old medals and trophies have gone from the olden days.

    It's a shame later generations don't know to pass them along to those of us who enjoy the history.

    Looks like an old Chamberlain Trap on the medal ?
    BRAD DYSINGER and Trap3 like this.
  3. HistoryBuff

    HistoryBuff US Navy Retired US Navy Retired Founding Member Forum Leader Official Historian Member State Hall of Fame

    Have you found where this Forest City Gun & Rifle Club was located?

    Or anything on G. I. Koto?

    I'll bet he was a businessman in Forest City, IA.
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2020
    Trap3 likes this.
  4. Trap3

    Trap3 Mega Poster

    No... but I`d have to go with your bet though. What about the secretary Macomber. Did he have anything to do with the
    Macomber target?

    JIMMY BOWEN Active Member

    Trap 3, here is a similar medal that I still have and I'll post some pictures of a Macomber Target too. The Macomber targets were originally made in Montevideo MN and they moved their operations to St. Paul MN to be closer to the larger clubs throwing targets, A.K.A Minneapolis Gun Club and the St. Paul Gun Club.

    Jimmy Bowen

    KKK Medal 5.jpg KKK Medal 6.jpg KKK Medal 7.jpg Macomber Metal Target.jpg Macomber Target 001.jpg Macomber Target 003.jpg
    History Seeker, Trap3 and HistoryBuff like this.
  6. Trap3

    Trap3 Mega Poster

    Jimmy... nice medal and rare target. Thanks for showing

    HistoryBuff and History Seeker like this.
  7. HistoryBuff

    HistoryBuff US Navy Retired US Navy Retired Founding Member Forum Leader Official Historian Member State Hall of Fame

    Mr. Bowen,

    Do you have information regarding B. W. Alpiner, the gun club, the tournament or the winner of the medal?

    Also, am I correctly assuming the date on the medal is 1915?