Silver Seitz/Bowen stock for sale sold

Discussion in 'For Sale-Wanted to Buy' started by Double D, Jan 17, 2019.

  1. Double D

    Double D Mega Poster

    Silver Seitz/Bowen stock for sale.
    Off a fixed RH rib gun
    LOP 14.75
    About 3/8" offset, 3/8 toe out. Some down pitch
    In very good condition.
    $550.00 OBO. 20190117_154017.jpg 20190117_154011.jpg
  2. Double D

    Double D Mega Poster

  3. Double D

    Double D Mega Poster

  4. fireman41

    fireman41 Mega Poster

    Was this off a silver seitz or a bowen
  5. Double D

    Double D Mega Poster

    Silver Seitz fixed rib. Will work on a adjustable rib but will need taller posts for the comb.
  6. Double D

    Double D Mega Poster

  7. Double D

    Double D Mega Poster

  8. Double D

    Double D Mega Poster

  9. Double D

    Double D Mega Poster

    Reduced to 350.00
  10. Double D

    Double D Mega Poster

  11. Looking for information on your stock. Will all silver stocks fit a Bowen shotgun? Thanks for any help.
  12. JJM

    JJM Well-Known Member

    No, they will need some work.
  13. Double D

    Double D Mega Poster

    They are the same width but a SS stock is about a 32nd taller and 32nd longer on the bottom so the wood hangs over a bit.