Face book showing their true colors ...

Discussion in 'Off Topic!' started by wpt, Apr 6, 2019.

  1. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    I seem to get restricted on Face Book (face book jail) on a pretty regular basis for voicing my onions about Illegals and Muslims ... The muslims have threatened our culture, the President, over all population of this country, Bacon, yet they get elected to congress or the senate where they can impose their beliefs from within our own Government yet the postings they make never get restricted or blocked for some reason ... Common sense and logic would make me lean in the direction of Face Book being as Anti American as former administrations that we have been subjected to ... The element of fairness and equality seem to be missing when it comes to posting on Face Book, when you try to point out this to the folks with the say so over there they do not respond ... I got another 30 days in the Hole (FB jail) for saying the President should declare "Marshall Law" and shoot to kill any and all invaders of our country and that those who managed to get elected should be forced to leave our country or be hanged ... Guess we cannot feel like that but they can ... WPT ... (YAC) ...
    Elsie likes this.
  2. Maser

    Maser ∞ Based ∞

    Leftists have been controlling social media for awhile now. Seems like it only has gotten worse since Trump was elected. I mean I understand that Facebook is a private organization and they can ban whoever they want, but don't say it's an open platform when it really isn't. YouTube used to be an open platform until Google bought them out.
    Elsie likes this.
  3. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    So, I finally did get a response from FB stating that what I posted was a threat and it goes against their policy's ... This all the while Illegals as well as elected officials shout "Kill the President", "impeach Trump", postings showing muslims saying you knew what I was when you elected me and so on (her image posed on a snakes body) but we cannot say "declare Marshall Law, then shoot to kill any and all invaders", ..? FB it seems obviously supports Anti American arrogance but we cannot send or express our sentiments ..? WPT ... (YAC) ...
    The Phantom and Roger Coveleskie like this.