Delegates Purpose and do they care

Discussion in 'Off Topic!' started by wpt, Apr 14, 2016.

  1. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    I have been jumped by a Delegate who stated he felt I was on my "High Horse" about some issues that have proven to be more than true over time ... I simply told him that "if the shoe fits wear it " and he has never gone beyond that point trying to defend anything that was said, so I guess it is ans was all more accurate than he wanted to admit to ...
    I feel the Delegates should be the "Mouth Piece" of the members who elected them but if their opinion differs then they should let it be known, but in the end the people they represent holds the most importance and should be voted on by said Representative ... I have always been one who enjoyed a debate and like to get different ideas but apply them to the betterment of the Association and those members ...
    The way the ATA has been going for the past number of years it appears many of the Delegates don't have a clue what they are supposed to be doing and for who , so they allow the EC to progress its own agenda ... There has to be a way to keep the Delegates in check so the EC is kept in check as well as the ED ... The ATA is a member owned organization, not the other way around and we have to make strides to eliminate the problems and get it back on track ... All ideas are good at some point in time, once applied ... Comments welcome and ideas appreciated ... WPT ... (YAC) ...