ATA Delegates pay attention to Ohio

Discussion in 'Trapshooting Forum -' started by Family Guy, Dec 2, 2020.

  1. Family Guy

    Family Guy Mega Poster Founding Member

    Being an ATA Delegate was once more than a parking space in Sparta.

    In Ohio the State Legislature takes their duties more seriously. I have talked to a few delegates recently that didn’t know they were part of the Board of Directors.

    In Ohio the Representatives are reigning in a corrupt Governor. You won’t find ATA Delegates that have even seen the Executive Director’s contract. Yet it is their responsibility.

    Target presentation could be changed by the delegates in a day.

    The Senate in Ohio could just let the govna steer the ship. They must feel they represent Ohioans. Just a guess.

    There hasn’t been a role call vote by the board in a decade. Correct me!

    Hey Delegates....who do you represent?
  2. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    The Delegates to the best of my knowledge were to be the Representatives of and for the shooters not the ATA ( go between so to speak) , if and when this changed or got changed is anybody's guess ... I asked one of our Delegates if they were ever given any such thing as a guide ( handbook) explaining their duty and what they were actually supposed to do as well as who they are to represent ( he said he didn't know of any such thing ) ... I was told the Delegates represent the Shooters, plain and simple and if there was a problem the Delegate was supposed to take care of it by his contacting the ATA on behalf of the shooters ... It sure seems pretty simple based on what I was told by actually more than one of the Delegates that I have known over the years ... There is one Delegate that did not vote the way the shooters he represented wanted him to and he didn't get re elected after serving for several terms, it crushed him ... He and I talked on the phone several times until he passed away, you could tell he had genuine remorse but there was nothing he could do about it at that point because the Shooters lost their Trust/ Faith in him, many to the point of totally ignoring him from then on which made him feel even worse ... His wake and funeral was adorned with the insignias of the ATA and he was buried in his shooting garb ... The Delegates have somehow, some way lost what they are actually supposed to do and who's behalf they are supposed to act on ... The Association (ATA) lost all credit ability and Integrity along the way ... WPT ... ( YAC) ...
  3. Dobyns

    Dobyns Well-Known Member

    From the current ATA rulebook, page 4 :

    "Delegates (or in their absence Alternate Delegates), in a properly called meeting, constitute the Board of Directors of the ATA and as such have the responsibility of overseeing the operation of the Association"
  4. History Seeker

    History Seeker A NoBody Founding Member Official Historian

    My God !!!

    Someone has finally come up with what they Are/Were supposed to be doing !

    OVERSEE is one plain and simple word.

    Wonder what happened to that ?
    BRAD DYSINGER and wpt like this.