Hi everybody.

Discussion in 'Trapshooting Forum - Americantrapshooter.com' started by Tron, Jan 5, 2015.

  1. Tron

    Tron Member

    Hi, I'm new here. My name is Tron and I've started Trap shooting. Can any of you give me some tips?
  2. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    Hey Tron ... wpt ... (yac) ...
  3. TGV011

    TGV011 Active Member Founding Member

    Fishing might be a little slow in here for awhile.
  4. Tron

    Tron Member

    I have quit fishing as a New Years resolution. Think of me as "New Tron".
  5. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    The first thing you will want to do is make sure your shotgun fits. Try to find someone that really knows how to "fit" a shotgun. Contact one or two of the larger shops that do this kind of work.
    Don't go to some small time stock fitter to do this work. There are a lot of these "garage" gunsmiths out there. Stick with the bigger names.
    After you get the fit just right shoot as many targets that you can. This will probably require you to reload your own shells. I think you should start off with something light. a 3-3/4 dram, 1-1/4 oz, mag should work just fine for you.
    Shoot a few hundred of these and let us know how it went.
  6. mdj67

    mdj67 Active Member Founding Member

    Hey guys ! This site looks like it shouldn't be to much of a change. I think I will make this one my home page other site kinda went down hill.
  7. Tron

    Tron Member

    Good tips so far. Go to arrogant self promoting overpriced know it all stock guy with a gift of BS'n and use light 1 1/4oz 3 3/4 dram loads.

    Off to a great start!
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2015
  8. Trap 2

    Trap 2 Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Tron.... Still fishing, eh?

    WPT... Hi Bill....

    Happy New Year to you both....
  9. Bulge

    Bulge Active Member

    Flyersarebest, really starting him out easy with those light loads. Bump him up a little so he'll feel the hits. Bulge.
  10. Tron

    Tron Member

    So Bulge, if you're shooting Trap correctly, you should "feel the hits"? That's very interesting. So, you should feel what the target feels? Is that what your saying?

    Such a rich source of knowledge, this new forum.

  11. Beretta687EELL

    Beretta687EELL Member Founding Member

    Well, at least he waited a few days into the New Year ...
  12. Basfshmn

    Basfshmn Active Member Founding Member

    WOW... feel what the target feels, oh well I feel that way sometimes when I get out of the bed in the morning. Rick
  13. Bulge

    Bulge Active Member

    Well if you're shooting those type of loads whether you have a recoil reducer on or not you're gonna feel something in that shoulder.Whether it's a hit or not.
  14. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    I shoot new handicap loads or 3 dram ( 1250 FPS ) 7 1/2's and only feel a push, guess my guns fit is right ... Being 6'5 and 290 #'s might help a little bit also ...
  15. Smokintom

    Smokintom Mega Poster Founding Member

    #1 Gun Fit
    #2 Know where it shoots
    #3 Head DOWN
  16. Dan90T

    Dan90T Member Founding Member

    Has anyone heard of the many soda Wood Butcher?
    Flyersarebest likes this.
  17. LimaShooter50

    LimaShooter50 Mega Poster Founding Member

    Tron says "he started trapshooting."

    Al Gore said "he started the internet."

    Trap Haus and Flyersarebest like this.
  18. dr.longshot

    dr.longshot Grudge Match Champion Founding Member Forum Leader Grudge Match Champion

    Tron with your skills I don't think you need any pointers, you should be an instructor
  19. dr.longshot

    dr.longshot Grudge Match Champion Founding Member Forum Leader Grudge Match Champion

    Tron you need to shoot some of my 1 1/8th oz #6 Longshot Loads in a Rio Hull, Rio Primer 35.5 grs Longshot aprox 10,000 psi, and compare the recoil to a new Winchester AA Super Hdcp@11,000psi, just a nice push, this load has won me a lot of money in Buddy shoots form any distance they want to take me. I have loaded some for that swell guy up in Cleveland to use in his games
  20. Tron

    Tron Member

  21. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    This guy is a a new shooter. I don't think he is ready to shoot any targets that would require him to move farther back than say, the 18 yard line, until he knows what he is doing. That could take years. Even then it could be a real struggle for him.

  22. Tron

    Tron Member

    Sparta, here I come! I hear there's money to be made at that place.
  23. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    See the post 3 above this one for the answer to that.

  24. User 1

    User 1 Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    Shooting Sparta ... from the 18 with a K-Gun ... things to know ......

    First if you win never have your picture taken looking happy ... a tear in your eyes would be good. Then telling Trap & Field you feel cheap for being on a squad with the women and kids .... and (other) sandbaggers.

    Never have your picture taken with the K-Gun ... find an old, beat-up, 1100 ... that's what 18-yard shooters should shoot.

    And ... make sure you provide your 'paper-card' with all your scores properly recorded as required by ATA rules. You can 'prove' they are 'legal' that way.

    This will make people feel much better by feeling the 'under-dog' took their money ... not some 'cheater' or 'Pro'.
    Bulge likes this.
  25. Tron

    Tron Member

    Ok, just one more question. My Son has the same name as I do. Is it "Ok" for me to shoot with his ATA number? Or, is that frowned upon?

    Thanks for the great tips everyone!
  26. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    It might be worth a try. Wouldn't be the first time anyone tried it. It only has potential if you happen to be pretty far back and your son is say on the 18.

    Of course since you just started and both of you would probably be on the 18 anyway why bother?

  27. Tron

    Tron Member

    Yeah, my thoughts exactly. I mean, what's in a name anyway?

    This forum is an information Mecca!
  28. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    Just think what you could learn if you weren't trolling.
    If that last sentence about this sight is an attempt at humor or sarcasm you will have to get a lot better at it.

    After all your years on that other site, and supposedly being the king of all trolling I would have thought you could do better.

    Now, this wouldn't happen on this site, but if you tried your attempt at humor on your favorite site someone would probably tell you you were lame and to go back to whatever rock you climbed out from under. Just guessing.

    Since some of the guys on this site thought you really were a new guy they tried to help. Some older shooters knew better.

    Keep trying you might get better. At both your shooting and the sarcasm.

    Trap Haus, CCfan and John Trap like this.
  29. User 1

    User 1 Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    Just an FYI .... the 'name-game' in the ATA is best played by inverting your first and middle names .... or, adding or eliminating one of the two.

    A son with the same name and possibly the same address, even the ATA can catch.
  30. Tron

    Tron Member

    The most amazing thing about the name game is that people have actually done it!

    Truth is stranger than fiction.
  31. Rich

    Rich Active Member Founding Member

    troll spray.jpg
    Trap Haus, Bulge and Flyersarebest like this.
  32. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    Hey, new tron,
    Not making fun of your name, you said to use that in one of your earlier post. I just wanted to check back with you and see if you were able to load up any of those shells I told you to shoot. I really think they will do wonders for your first attempt to shoot Trap. You being a new shooter and all.

    You can also go to that other site, TS.com and ask those guys for help. They have been on that forum for a while. REAL EXPERTS. Now when you ask your questions just make sure you don't ask anything about the ATA, the Amateur Trapshooting Association, and how they changed the targets they used to shoot back in the OLD days. Or anything about stuff like target reductions, phantom score sheets, sandbagging, cheating, working the system(see sandbagging) or ANYTHING that the ATA has done over the years

    Man, that will get you all kinds of flak Things like,

    YOU MUST HATE SPARTA. (That is where they moved the Grand) The Grand used to be the biggest shoot of the year. It was in Ohio, Vandalia to be exact. Most years they had like between 3500-4000 people shooting just the one day, Friday, the Grand American Handicap. Sparta, not so many. I don't remember the number of shooters for the GAH this past August but I think is was around 1600 or so. I'm sure those guys on the other site can give you the exact number. You will have to ask them why the big difference. I have never been there so I wouldn't know anything about the location, travel distance for a lot of shooters, hotels close by, restaurants, that kind of stuff.
    YOU MUST BE SOME KIND OF TROLL. That is someone that goes on a site and tries to, say for instance, pretend they are a new shooter just to see what the people on the forum tell them. They really aren't going to stay on that site. They most likely are long time posters on another, similar, site and just wanted to go back to that site, tell their buds all about how they went "fishing" on that new site. TROLLING is what they call it I think. Some of those guys will even go as far, childish as it is, and change your sign on name around to make you seem stupid or something. I don't get it but that's what two or three of them do. Stupid huh?

    I go back and read some of the post once in a while and in one of them a couple of the EXPERTS were discussing this new site, the people that started it, and if they were ever banned from that site. One guy went on there and, in what he thought was a very clever play on words,said he thought this sight was "Parasites Lost".

    Now, if that guy would say, come on here and pretend to be "new to trap shooting" and then go back and say something like that he would be considered a TROLL. Hope that helps you, a new shooter, with what a troll is. I don't know why that can of troll spray was put under your first post. You being new to trap shooting and all.
    I hope this helped you. Come back often

    Last edited: Jan 9, 2015
    John Trap likes this.
  33. John Trap

    John Trap Well-Known Member

    I think you hit the nail on the head with that post, Flyersarebest!
    Flyersarebest likes this.
  34. Bulge

    Bulge Active Member

    Sounds to me like people from the other site are not welcomed here Flyers. At first I got the impression that all were welcomed. Your retaliatory remarks will just bring this site down. If you want to maintain a higher level here you should ignore remarks on the other site. I personally like to visit both sites. They can both be helpful to all shooters. An adversarial stance is not conducive to a positive experience on this site. It's childlike. Bulge.
    Michael McGee likes this.
  35. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    I don't know about that. I just wanted to help a guy that was"new to trap shooting" out. I guess one or two of the guys on here knew him as just TRON. He said we could call him NEW-TRON. Kinda like electron.
    Maybe even like FAUX-TRON
  36. Bulge

    Bulge Active Member

    He is a troll no doubt.
  37. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    Hey, I was just trying to help a guy out. He is " new to trap shooting" and didn't want him to get off( no pun intended) on the wrong foot. I told him to go on that other site to see if they could help.
  38. Bulge

    Bulge Active Member

    Do you know the meaning of "Sarcasm"?
  39. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    I looked it up. The word starts with the letter S.
    After S comes T. You type in TROLL( Internet) and you will find the definition for that.
    I wonder if that fits this a little better

  40. Bulge

    Bulge Active Member

    That's what makes a site bad, and undesirable to visit! I better go back to the other one.
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2015
    TGV011 likes this.
  41. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    SOMEBODY should go back or stay on that one. Maybe the troll?
  42. Bulge

    Bulge Active Member

    Sorry, i made a correction. Certainly not you.
  43. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    You can stay here as long as you like. Keep showing us that nice weather. Back here at your old place the high tomorrow is supposed to be in the single digits AGAIN!
  44. John Trap

    John Trap Well-Known Member

    If an individual is is going to be coming on this site, and misrepresenting himself, what is he even doing here? Is it that posters goal to waste peoples time, and try to stir things up? And then go somewhere else and laugh about his actions in an attempt to belittle people? He should go to a site where that behavior is the norm, not to this site here.
    Flyersarebest likes this.
  45. Tron

    Tron Member

    Now Flyer gone and hurt my feelings (sniff, sniff). I think I'll just hang out with my knowitall friends on TS.com that drove him here (sniff).

    Bye Bye.
    Flyersarebest and TGV011 like this.
  46. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    From what you posted about the people here back on that old site I didn't think you had any intentions of staying anyway.
    Or Maybe that Troll Spray DOES work.

    Either way, I guess that's the last we will hear from you.
    Too bad, we might have helped you become a better shooter. A few of us shot in the ATA long before you ever thought about , as you posted, "trying Trap". You can't just TROLL your way to becoming a better shooter. I could have probably helped you out a little.

    BTW, that trolling stuff was old back in in 2006 when I was on that old site.
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2015
    Dan90T and John Trap like this.
  47. Bulge

    Bulge Active Member

    John, that's his personality. He likes to troll. You have your idiosyncrasies as does flyersarebest and everyone. I try to accept people the way they are and if I can't I just don't bother with them (put them on ignore). No reason anyone has to get offensive over someones personality. I know i pizz off some people with a distorted sense of humor, but that's me.
    On the other site there are lots of posters that like to jump on people. The point I was trying to make is what flyersarebest was doing is getting down to the same level of those people on the other site that like to do that. There are a lot of good people over there and I do mean a lot of them. So does a person lower themselves to the lower level or show people they can rise above that childish Chit.
  48. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    Since my name was mentioned.

    Starting a post to have fun is fine. The one about the cold weather is a perfect example. It had nothing to do with shooting but was fun for everyone to post their thoughts and pics. The one about what "excites" us was another example. Started out in one direction but went another way real quick. Man, those pics are still stuck in my head.

    I don't consider those two examples Trolling. John called it. "And then go somewhere else and laugh about his actions in an attempt to belittle people?" Calling this new site Parasites Lost? He had every intention, from his first post, of doing just what John said. I read that TROLLS stuff back in 2006. He wasn't funny then either.

    Why do you think I played along as if he was a new shooter? Told him to shoot a few hundred 3-1/4 MAG shells to start. I thought he would figure out he was busted right away and leave. Guess he didn't. He tried it a few more times.
    Would you believe one of his buddies thought I was serious and got a kick out of how he fooled me?
    Now, that is their level. If I was on their level I would have said something like, GOOD RIDDANCE, DON'T LET THE DOOR HIT YOU IN THE ASS ON THE WAY OUT.

    I would never said anything like that to anyone.
    Stick around Bulge. I don't have ANY say in it but IMO anyone from that old site that comes here and is NOT a TROLL would be MORE than welcome.

    John Trap likes this.
  49. John Trap

    John Trap Well-Known Member

    Good points Flyersarebest.

    And bulge, seeing as you mentioned "distorted sense of humor", as I recall you used to have some good jokes that you posted elsewhere. Are you holding back on us here? Maybe off topic would be a good place for some levity.

    Happy New Year to all!
  50. dr.longshot

    dr.longshot Grudge Match Champion Founding Member Forum Leader Grudge Match Champion

    Tron when you build an adjustable comb I want the pins to be 3/8ths- 1/2" of an inch longer due to the height of my rib PM me the total cost it will be on my Blaser stock, it is a solid stock with only the Stock Bolt hole You can call me 614-374-5567 if you like.
  51. Bruce Specht

    Bruce Specht Member Founding Member

    Tron, old habits die hard, " New Tron" Really I couldn't handle it if you weren't throwing out lures looking to fill the creel!
  52. User 1

    User 1 Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    I always thought the 'Pro' fishermen wore weather-proof gear.

    You know if can't weather the storm .....
    Flyersarebest likes this.
  53. Ken Cerney

    Ken Cerney HOF Muscoda Gun Club Past Wisconsin Director Founding Member HOF Muscoda Gun Club

    Trolls are fun, They help my blood pressure.
  54. Dan90T

    Dan90T Member Founding Member

    Hi, You Would think a man that works on trap guns. would know a little about Trapshooting. Or is this a Reflection of Some of Your Stock Work?
    Flyersarebest likes this.
  55. dr.longshot

    dr.longshot Grudge Match Champion Founding Member Forum Leader Grudge Match Champion

    I think we need a TROLL TEST before joining
    John Trap likes this.
  56. Bulge

    Bulge Active Member

    Dan, Tron has a good reputation for his work. He is just a smart ass like lots of us including Longshot sometimes..

    Longshot, do you want to give an ego test or a loneliness test also.
  57. User 1

    User 1 Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    "He is just a smart ass like lots of us" ....

    I fit that, except some call me 'dumb-ass', or some call me just an ass.

    But .... I also understand if you poke an old dog in the ribs, sometime they wag their tail, and sometimes they bite. Either way you take your chance, so why be thin-skinned about it.
    Dan90T likes this.
  58. Ken Cerney

    Ken Cerney HOF Muscoda Gun Club Past Wisconsin Director Founding Member HOF Muscoda Gun Club

    I consider this ENJOYMENT.
  59. Storm

    Storm Active Member Founding Member

    I think it is funny how any vendor can be rude or arrogant on line and still expect people to support them.

    Not picking on Tron he is not the worst by far.
    Dan90T likes this.
  60. John Trap

    John Trap Well-Known Member

    I would have a very hard time choosing to patronize an individual like Tron, who seems to have such a low opinion of his potential customers...
    Flyersarebest likes this.
  61. Bulge

    Bulge Active Member

    John, I agree with your statement. I never would have treated my customers like that. They would have gone someplace to buy their windows. Customers don't need sellers, sellers need customers. But that is you and I.
  62. Rosey

    Rosey Mega Poster Founding Member

    You guys need to lighten up. It's obvious most of you don't know Tron. I just shake my head with some of the crap he comes up with.

    He will give you the shirt off his back and make fun of you at the same time, and his workmanship is flawless and fast.

    BRAD DYSINGER The Philosophist Founding Member Member Trapshooting Hall of Fame Member State Hall of Fame

    Tron is going for the first 2000 views on americantrapshooter. Go big guy. You can do it. Trolling is s much an art as a science. This to the top for you. Brad
    Flyersarebest likes this.
  64. Robert Zimmerman

    Robert Zimmerman Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Tron is one of the good guys and does very good stock work, see you at mason.