Would the sport of American Trapshooting be better off if we used less powerful loads? I ask this for safety reasons. And are the factory shells we are using 3 dram?
No they are supposed to be a three dram equivalent. This is in reference to black powder. Very rarely does a gun blow up do to a defect in the weapon it's self. Most all are pilot error, either with defective reloads or barrel obstructions. Roger C.
Neil Winston is responsible for the DEMISE of 3 Dram 1200fps , his 3 dram shells can be 1340 fps and still be legal ATA Loads I fought him tooth and nail over this. Gary Bryant............................................Dr.longshot
You have not been a member very long, to not know all the Verbal Confrontations I had w/ Neil Winston's 3 dram 1200fps loads, and his lack of knowledge of shell mfgrs. Guidelines, you will have to ask someone else, too many bad memories of Neil Winston's Actions.; Gary Bryant.............................Dr.longshot
Neil Helped institute many changes to our sport that were and still are detrimental to the sport. He only helped make the changes, the people in charge have never tried to rectify the not so good changes. Some of them led to the demise of the attendance in the sport of trap shooting. The sport needs a complete change of leadership maybe even a (COMPETING ORGANIZATION) Maybe if some of the high dollar sponsors would put that money into a new organization they would get more for their money than a canceled check. Roger C.
Doc, You can continue to blame Neil Winston if you wish but do you remember the Phil Kiner Survey in 2010? The issue was brought up to our Delegates who voted it down. It was not unanimous though, 17 Delegates believed 3 dram shells should be limited to 1200 fps. I wish all votes were by "roll call" so every Delegates vote was on record. Enjoy Our History !
Doc, We have many more serious problems with our sport than the speed of shells. Many are the lack of enforcement of the rules governing our sport. The target flights must be enforced at every club registering targets. We can not let clubs set cream puff targets to help people raise their averages. The clubs have got to stop letting shooters adjust the height of targets that are set to the height rule. I have seen shooters on the first squads out reset a perfectly set field, because they like high targets. If they want to check the height, bring out the pole if they are within the rule, tell them to shoot them. Also the ATA should designate one radar gun as the only one to be used. Then also insist they all be set in the same manor for speed. Roger C.
Neil Winston worked behind the scenes in so many ways, such as PAT TRAPS, NARROWER ANGLES, MIS INTREPERTING 3 DRAM TRAP LOADS. SINCE HIS INTERVENTION YOU CAN LEGALLY SHOOT A 1340FPS SHELL, 1250 fps + or - 90fps= 1340fps., 1250 never was a 3 Dram Shell, it is 3 1/4 Dram shell. and most boxes are legally marked as such, by Responsible Mfgrs. w/Ethics. NEIL WINSTON stabbed ATA President Neal Causaby in the back by sending letters to all delagates to support his changes. This was an UN-ETHICAL use of his Influence to get rules changes, NEAL CAUSABY replied to his actions, and I supported NEAL CAUSABY 100% You now see what the results of those changes, w/loss of ATA Memberships.. Gary Bryant.................................Dr.longshot
I seem to recall one of the stumbling blocks to Kiners suggestion back then was the ammunition companies load in advance and the ammo they had on hand would of become more or less useless if the mandate would of passed ... The ammo company's claim only a small percentage of the ammo they sell is for trapshooting , while the majority is sold to hunters ... I shot with a guy who was shooting 3 1/4 and oz and a quarter factory loads, by the last 25 targets he was talking to himself and flinching like you have never seen ... I think he shot 60 or there about so any advantage he though he had some how vanished the more he shot ... I was being a smart azz and told him I only use those for 16's if and when I shoot them, which wasn't very often ... WPT ... (YAC) ...