Constructive Criticism 2

Discussion in 'Trapshooting Forum -' started by Gargoyle, Jan 24, 2015.

  1. Gargoyle

    Gargoyle Active Member Founding Member

    I have learned through the years that on the internet forums its hard to tell if someone is giving destructive criticism or constructive criticism. You don't see their face, body language or hear their voice tones.

    I will have to agree that the ATA is trying to make shooting targets easier. I would rather see the 3 hole target come back and add a 30 yard line to the fields. I don't like to have things easier because all its going to do is make us wimps. To me its like taking a running back and have him drag a truck tire behind him so to let the other team catch him while he runs for the goal line. Not right.

    I for one refused any and all yardage reduction. WHY? I feel I have to learn to shoot from where I am and a reduction to me will not help. Besides anyone who shoots from the 17, 18 or 19 yard line is shooting from the girlie line.

    If the ATA wants to keep shooters and or get new shooters I say the ATA should do something about the sandbaggers that is killing the sport. With all these kids who are ranked in D and C class in small shoots all of a sudden at BIG shoots and only BIG shoots start shooting 97, 98, 99 and 100. To me thats sandbagging big time. But yet the ATA will do nothing.
  2. Gargoyle

    Gargoyle Active Member Founding Member

  3. GW22

    GW22 Mega Poster Founding Member

    Most of what you're saying makes sense. Not sure about the truck tire analogy though. I mean, if the 30 yard line happens to be where the probability of a perfectly pointed shotgun shooting 1-1/8 1250 shells drops to, let's say, 97% then wouldn't 30 yard handicap become the unfair truck tire?

    Regarding sandbagging, if the EC didn't ban supersingles after the GAH got stolen by a blatant cheater then they may never do anything. Also, despite that dirtbag, I don't think its right to blame the "kids" for all the sandbagging. The most shameless sandbaggers I know are 60+.

    Last edited: Jan 25, 2015
  4. Wishbone

    Wishbone Mega Poster

    I don't think it is just the kids who are pounding big scores in "C" & "D" class.

    Some of the best "Baggers" are well seasoned.

    I have a friend I watch the scores with at the Grand.
    We sit in his motor home at the end of the day with cocktails in hand.

    To watch my friend yell at that TV screen is a blast.
    If you break a score in "C" or "D" you are a sandbagger.

    He is "AA" so that includes all scores the same or higher then his own.
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2015
  5. mudpack

    mudpack Mega Poster Founding Member

    I wish I was good enough to sandbag.
  6. Wishbone

    Wishbone Mega Poster


    That is the beauty of being a sandbagger.

    You don't have to be a great shot.

    Just have one great score when it counts and you will be a "Bagger" for life.
  7. PatMiles

    PatMiles Member Founding Member

  8. Rosey

    Rosey Mega Poster Founding Member

    Then there's the mystical 18 yarder that amazingly throws out a 98-99 at the State shoot.
  9. Wishbone

    Wishbone Mega Poster

    Gargoyle you are way to mellow to be the original.

    Old Mike sure got fired up about everything.

    But it is nice to see that name again.
  10. Gargoyle

    Gargoyle Active Member Founding Member

    Wishbone, sorry but I'm the one and only the original Gargoyle. I have yet to get started. LOL
  11. Jo2

    Jo2 Well-Known Member

    You are right User 1, it does get stupid. It gets stupid when someone makes claims that, without corroborating facts (names and ATA numbers), are impossible to believe. There is a rule on the book that states that no one who has been on the 27 yard line can be reduced past the 24 yard line, unless they are given a special review by their State Delegate or a member of the Central Handicap Committee due to advanced age or physical disability. There is another rule that ties handicap yardage to singles average. Anyone who has an average above 93 can not be reduced below 20 yards.

    This is another example of a groundless claim that someone will use later to bash the ATA.
  12. Wishbone

    Wishbone Mega Poster

    The "Y" code at one time indicated you had reached the 27 yard line and now couldn't be reduced below the 24 yard line.

    The "Y" code now just indicates you were once a 27 yard shooter.

    I believe this was changed during the era of the 2 yard reductions.

    Some 27 yard shooters found themselves up on the 23 yard line or closer after the second time the 2 yards were offered.

    I thought at one time the code was temporarily suspended but it looks permanent.

    Maybe someone can confirm.
  13. User 1

    User 1 Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    Jo2 ... just an FYI .... I do not make "a groundless claim" about anything. Again if you fail in language skills .... "I Know" this person. Not heard, heard of, know of, or whatever.

    If you want to ask how things happen .... I can try to answer. If you attempt to turn something into a cyber pissing contest, I have no interest in participating.
  14. dr.longshot

    dr.longshot Grudge Match Champion Founding Member Forum Leader Grudge Match Champion

    In past years I used to watch a shooter Break 75 Straight in Hdcps, he always played the 25s and the 50s, I bought him in a Calcutta once and he broke 87, well out of the money, he wore Bib Coveralls, Shot a K-80 and was a university Professor, He had been doing this from the 20 for a very long time. Raking in hundreds of dollars, The CHC started a background check of his scores after being notified and was given yardage, I guessed he wised up and earned some yardage, But the ATA was not aware until CHC was advised. He only played those options at Very, Very Big shoots, Like the Tri-State Steubenville, Ohio, WVA State Shoot, and PA. Shoots.
    Gargoyle likes this.
  15. dr.longshot

    dr.longshot Grudge Match Champion Founding Member Forum Leader Grudge Match Champion

    I have heard the words(BASHING THE ATA ENOUGH) When comments are directed toward the ATA it's because some irregularities are occurring, or ignored. My claims that I make I do not consider BASHING THE ATA, it is their either stupidity, or their encouragement of cheating by narrowing the angles, and shortening the target distance or both. I feel the original target settings never needed to be changed, those tough targets applied to me as well, why would I want TOUGHER TARGETS? Because they were fair and equal settings for all. Absolutely no need for change. If they were the targets the original GRAND SLAM SHOOTERS SHOT, why make them easier for the later 450+ Add'l Grand Slams? Absolutely un-fair practice. So many advancements have been made in shotguns, Trapgun Adjustability, Combs, Ribs, Recoil devices, Choke Tubes, Lock times, and most of all TRAPGUN DESIGNS.

    With all of those refinements, they the BOD and EC make target angles narrower, and give them 1250fps Shells to murder them.

    I am not a basher, The ATA is the basher by making those settings legal!!!
    Gary Bryant Life Member Dr.longshot
    Gargoyle likes this.
  16. GW22

    GW22 Mega Poster Founding Member

    "I am not a basher."

    Now that's FUNNY!

    Leonidas likes this.
  17. Don't Ban Me Bro

    Don't Ban Me Bro Active Member

    We have had pioneers that changed the culture in the past. Dr. Martin Luther King for example. Dr. King felt so strongly about his message that it cost him his life. In appreciation for Dr. King's sacrifice and contribution to change, we celebrate annually on Dr. Martin Luther King Day.

    I see many parallels with our very own Dr. Longshot. His message isn't always well received. But he knows the fight is worth the price for the good of all of us.

    I would hereby like to declare February 4th, 2015, Dr. Longshot Day. In appreciation to the good Doctor and all he continues to do for us; I would simply ask those readers who agree to simply "Like" every Longshot post you can.

    Thank you Good Doctor!
    dr.longshot likes this.
  18. Gargoyle

    Gargoyle Active Member Founding Member

    Lets go back say 30 years. Are we as good as those in the past? I say NO. WHY? Because we have wimpy angles and targets. If we can't stand next to those people 30 years ago and play the same game then the sport is for wimps. The only reason the target angles are less is to make it easier for people who can't shoot. I say bring back the 3 hole target and let it stand that way. If you can't shoot those target then find something else to do. I have refused all reductions because the way I see it I have to learn to shoot where I am before going anywhere. Those shooters who are on the 19, 18 or17 yard line need to be wearing TUTUs.
    dr.longshot likes this.
  19. dr.longshot

    dr.longshot Grudge Match Champion Founding Member Forum Leader Grudge Match Champion

    GW22: You absolutely and Utterly surprised me with this posting, I guess you agree with the present target settings!!!
  20. Jo2

    Jo2 Well-Known Member

    Ok User 1, how would such a thing happen?
  21. Jo2

    Jo2 Well-Known Member

    Wishbone, you are correct, the Y code only indicates that the shooter was once on the 27 yard line. The singles average restrictions on reductions still applies. The Y rule that I looked at this morning said advanced age or physical disability, I looked on the ATA site and stand corrected. The actual rule states Veteran and Sr. Vet shooters are not subject to these same restrictions.