Note to CC - buy your own traps & dump the ATA

Discussion in 'Trapshooting Forum -' started by XDelegate, Mar 13, 2025 at 10:05 PM.

  1. XDelegate

    XDelegate USMC Retired USMC Retired Past State President Member State Hall of Fame

    The Cardinal Center doesn't need registered shooting. The Cardinal Center only needs shooters and there are plenty nearby.

    The winter Calcuttas at clubs with 4 traps have had as much as $18K in just one purse.

    4 Calcuttas in the summer plus the SCTP and Sporting Clays is all you need.
  2. Ed Budreau

    Ed Budreau Active Member Founding Member

    Delegate, Who owns the trap machine’s at the Cardinal Center. If the OSTA owns them it would
    be very costly to replace them.
  3. rickyd

    rickyd Active Member

    If the OSTA is asked to remove them what will the OSTA do with them? Store them where? Sell them to who?