Model 12 with Myrtlewood

Discussion in 'For Sale-Wanted to Buy' started by Duke2005, Mar 3, 2025.

  1. Duke2005

    Duke2005 Mega Poster

    Have beautiful Winchester Model 12 for sale with beautiful MYRTLEWOOD stock. 30 inch barrel, release trigger. $2500.00 plus shippiing.

    Attached Files:

  2. John G.

    John G. Active Member

    Is it a factory trap or a build up? Can you post a pic. of the proof marks?
  3. Duke2005

    Duke2005 Mega Poster

    PM sent. This is not a "Y" gun.

    THEUNLOADER Mega Poster Founding Member

    Great Seller !!===That wood alone would be twice that much.
    -----Beautiful Gun-----
    Duke2005 likes this.

    THEUNLOADER Mega Poster Founding Member

    If I had a wife with a JOB, That gun would be mine !!
    Duke2005 and magnett like this.
  6. plaw

    plaw Mega Poster

    Looks to be Bishop wood
  7. Duke2005

    Duke2005 Mega Poster

    the myrtlewoodf blank was purchased from Mike MNN.....NO IDEA what Bishop wood is
  8. Duke2005

    Duke2005 Mega Poster

    Mike Mann....correct
  9. Andy Christman

    Andy Christman Well-Known Member

    Bishop is a company that made custom stocks. This is a bishop stock yours looks similar.

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