Dr. Longshot's 1st Trapshoot

Discussion in 'Trapshooting Forum - Americantrapshooter.com' started by GW22, Jan 5, 2015.

  1. GW22

    GW22 Mega Poster Founding Member

    DLS, it's just a joke. Be a good sport.

    Besides, I think it's cool how you wear your shell pouch over your belly button. :p

    Last edited: Jan 5, 2015
    Family Guy and Flyersarebest like this.
  2. Family Guy

    Family Guy Mega Poster Founding Member

    The shooter that looks like Lurch may be Big Don. I wonder if he lost that shoot too? :D
    John Trap and Flyersarebest like this.
  3. dr.longshot

    dr.longshot Grudge Match Champion Founding Member Forum Leader Grudge Match Champion

    I have not used a shell pouch in a long time, Do you guys remember the Black and Brown Bob Allen Leather Double pouch and leather belt with the T-hook latching system? Thanks for the publicity!!! Made my gloomy day better.
  4. dr.longshot

    dr.longshot Grudge Match Champion Founding Member Forum Leader Grudge Match Champion

    I took it as a Jest
  5. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    You post this video on that other site and some guy will tell you that these shooters are not safe because some of them close their guns before it is their turn.

    I stopped it a few times. What models do you think they are using?

    Man I love this new site!

    John Trap likes this.
  6. Lew D. Boyko

    Lew D. Boyko Active Member

    Hey Gary and Dr.Longshot. Who is the shooter on post #4. The guy on post five is shooting a Browning Auto A5.
    the guy on post #4 is shooting left handed, dam good shooter... but who is he.

    Lew (Birddog)
  7. Tron

    Tron Member

    I see one guy with an A5, another with an Ithaca. No follow through on any of their shots, and looks like pretty stiff loads. I guess gun cases weren't invented yet, being there were bare guns when they were piling out of that car.

    Cool stuff.
  8. GW22

    GW22 Mega Poster Founding Member

    The first guy out of the car had his gun in a case, ya Silly!

  9. GW22

    GW22 Mega Poster Founding Member

    PS: Why don't more of us shoot while wearing spats, like the guy petting the puppy?

  10. Tron

    Tron Member

    Didn't notice the case on my iPhone. Yeah, everyone is dressed well, ties and all.
  11. Basfshmn

    Basfshmn Active Member Founding Member

    That poor trap boy sure gets a work out. Rick
  12. GW22

    GW22 Mega Poster Founding Member

    Yeah but he doesn't seem to be supplying enough energy to throw true, old-school 50-yard targets. ;)

    Flyersarebest likes this.
  13. Family Guy

    Family Guy Mega Poster Founding Member

    You can tell how behind the times the film is. You see 1 maybe 2 scorers.

    We have the new honor system.
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2015
    Flyersarebest likes this.
  14. Stl Flyn

    Stl Flyn Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    Man, they are not wasting any time. That poor trap kid must be looking like a body builder by end of summer.

    That could be a model 11 Remington, instead of an A5.
  15. Smokem

    Smokem Member Founding Member

    I remember the old hand cranked traps it was a great workout for a kid.
  16. dr.longshot

    dr.longshot Grudge Match Champion Founding Member Forum Leader Grudge Match Champion

    I have an inney belly button, shell pouch helps keeping it in.
  17. Family Guy

    Family Guy Mega Poster Founding Member

    I have to wonder how many ATA points were awarded.
  18. Leonidas

    Leonidas Mega Poster Founding Member

    Why so negative, is the competition overwhelming this site?
  19. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    I just posted a fact.

    What Competition? If you mean from that old site, I don't think so.

    Flyersarebest, But I'm still a Trap Shooter
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2015
  20. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    Do you Leonidas? Pray I hope you can help us.

    Perhaps with that help, someone who has chosen the name Leonidas, the name of the great king of Sparta, we can hold back the throng of people determined to see us vanquished.

    Just askin.

    Flyersarebest, But I'm still a Trap Shooter.
  21. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    Your cardinal avatar is great even with the circle and slash thru it. A better one for you would have been...


    You can copy this and use it if you want.

    Now don't you go runnin away. Just because you don't like the CC, and said that the shooters that go there are in the trailers with the goats, and whatever else you can come up with, you just stay right here. You can play on this site all you want.

    That way you won't have to play with yourself.

    Tom Machamer and John Trap like this.
  22. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    I wasn't kidding about that fact BTW. I don't know how long you have been on the old site. I would guess for quite a while. And I don't know what name you use over there but the question of "closing your gun when it wasn't your turn to shoot" was a pretty good thread a few years back.
    See, even OLD threads can be fun.

    One guy, zara something or other, just KNEW it was an ATA rule that you were NOT ALLOWED to close the gun if it wasn't your turn. HE JUST KNEW IT!!!!! He had more than a few friends stating that was the case.

    HUH, guess what? All those guys that agreed with him and KNEW that he was right, were wrong. It only cost him a $100 donation to the HOF. LOL

    Just the facts

    John Trap likes this.
  23. Leonidas

    Leonidas Mega Poster Founding Member

    Flyersarebest, you seem to be full of yourself. Are you the site jester?

    What does another site have to do with anything?
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2015
  24. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    No to your first question.

    Your quote. "Why so negative, is the competition overwhelming this site?"

    What competion were your referring to? Did you mean the competion at sparta overwhelming the Cardinal Center? Please, if you are going to ask me questions try and be clear and concise. It will help both of us in future discussions. It really isn't any fun when only one of us knows what we are talking about.

    I love the Dr. Jester swipe. Is that supposed to mean that I am both like Dr. Longshot and the jester?

    You guys have used that DR. thing WAY too many times. It kinda lost it's "so there take that" zip a few years ago. You have to be able to do better than that. I know, go back to the old site, ask for help, and get back to me.

    I'll be right here.

  25. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    Darn, I just thought of it.

    Anybody remember what happened to those 300 spartans?

  26. Leonidas

    Leonidas Mega Poster Founding Member

    I was referring to this site and the "other one" as far as the competition remark.

    I removed the Dr. Jester remark because I didn't want anyone to think I was disrespecting Dr. Longshot.

    The 300 spartans were loyal dedicated soldiers, some of the greatest of their generation. Are you getting ready to disrespect them also?

    I guess the first thing I should have done is ask you just how old are you?

    Who is "you guys"?
  27. LimaShooter50

    LimaShooter50 Mega Poster Founding Member

    It has been written that the Spartan soldiers were gay.....

  28. Smithy

    Smithy Mega Poster Founding Member

    Leonidas, it looks like you are using the wrong avatar. Glad to hear about your dedication.
  29. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    Lets get to the rat killin.

    You had better go back and read all the posts on this thread. I think you confused yourself. I didn't answer any of your posts. You took a swipe at me and I responded.

    Of course you meant the OLD site. From the beginning. I don't know why you asked "what does another site have to do with anything"? You brought the old site into the thread.

    Of course you were disrespecting Gary Bryant. Now to try and throw another dig at me, you delete that part. Nice try to walk back that little mistake.

    Not disrespecting the Spartans at all. Again, nice try to spin that one. That one is just ????

    If you wrote "getting ready to disrespect them also" because you think I disrespected YOU, well that part you got right. I don't believe that the shooters at the CC are in the trailers with the goats.

    You didn't think anyone was going to see that avatar and not figure out you were taking a swing at the CC ? You just happened to pick your sign on name out of a hat right?

    Why don't you just post what you really want to say? The whole circle /slash thing for the CC and the Leonidis name didn't really "hide" you. Just tell the members here what you think of them.

    MAN UP!

    I don't think you you would get bounced. I have NO say in it but you are too much fun to have around.

    "You Guys" was kind of a generic term. Meaning YOU GUYS that have used the DR. Longshot as a slur for years. If the shoe fits.....

    Oh, IMO, naming oneself after the King of The Spartans is kinda being "full of yourself", don't you think.

    Keep em coming. I'll be here all week. Try the fish.

    Flyersarebest, But I'm still a Trap Shooter.
  30. Leonidas

    Leonidas Mega Poster Founding Member

    Lima, thats news to me, I don't read gay material. But I'm glad to see you are comfortable with your sexuality.
  31. Leonidas

    Leonidas Mega Poster Founding Member

    Flyersarebest, It seems I set your tampon on fire? tsk tsk It will heal with time.

    You posted about the other site and I ask why so negative, so.

    I can see that you are a slow thinker, it took you from 4:38 pm to 5:17 to make 4 posts in a row. You can see the anger building with each post. You should seek help.
  32. Family Guy

    Family Guy Mega Poster Founding Member

    Leonidas, we like having you here. No need to be naughty.
    While you are here. Offer advice on the site's shirt. Get your order in soon!
  33. John Trap

    John Trap Well-Known Member

    C'mon leonidas,

    As the leader of the great people of sparta, you can do better than that. Are you implying that the proposed website shirts, should have the picture of a Cardinal on them?

    Don't be so negative!
    Flyersarebest likes this.
  34. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    Actually I was taking care of my Grandson. Going back to college. Lots of things to do.

    I posted what I did because it is true. It wasn't negative. It is a fact. Go back over there and ask about that thread.

    If you think your posts are going to get under my skin you are wrong again. I love this stuff. I wish you were a little more of a challenge but I guess you will have to do for now.

    I almost forgot to answer your last little dig. How old am I?

    I'm old enought to remember when registered targets were something I wanted to shoot all the time. Old enough to know when someone is trying to get my goat. Darn, there's that goat thing again.

    Just what was it you were implying with that crack about the shooters at CC and the goats? I don't think some of the members got that.

    Anger? Just the opposite. That's why I told you not to leave.

    John Trap likes this.
  35. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    I thought


    Was OK. Some were a lot better.

    Last edited: Jan 21, 2015
  36. Leonidas

    Leonidas Mega Poster Founding Member

    Bill1949, Smithy and FL67 all made comments about goats and all you see is mine. Are you blind also? Or are you muslim and are sensitive about goats and religion?

    Good Luck to your Grandson in school!!
  37. leftout

    leftout Well-Known Member Founding Member

    What a farce, new poster has to go thru Flyers ridicule and asked to stay so he can continue, then his friends jump in. Real great attractant to the site.

    Flyersarebest and Leonidas like this.
  38. Smithy

    Smithy Mega Poster Founding Member

    Everyone could see the Leonidas came in with a new set of boxing gloves. When do we get your first positive post? FYI The site is not leaving just because you hate it.

    Get on the shirt thread and tell us what should be put on the site t-shirts.
    Flyersarebest likes this.
  39. Fargo2

    Fargo2 Mega Poster

    Hi Lefty
    Glad you are attracted to the site.
  40. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    Really? I'm supposed to believe that you are "upset" that leonidas just asked a simple question and was ridiculed? A member that just happened to post a simple question. Somewhere in with calling CC shooters zoophiles, he was just curious about ME being negative...... Right!

    I would say the farce is you trying to throw some of that old site crap my way. You can try it, but your arm will get tired before I'll fall for any of that baiting.

    leonidas found and replied to a post of mine that he thought would start something. If you couldn't figure that out for yourself ask next time. I'll help you. The CC shooters in a trailer with animals remark should have tipped you off but I can see from all your "positive posts" about this site that didn't really bother you.

    He screwed up because what he questioned was a fact. Not my opinion. I wasn't being "negative" about that old site. I was stating a fact.

    "his friends jump in"
    Did you ever stop to think that just MAYBE some of these members like shooting at the CC and didn't like that zoophile remark.

    I'm thinking that if he apologized to the members that he offended with that remark none of "my friends" would ever have to post anything about him again.

    I told him to stay here because on that old site one of the favorite lines was, well actually there are a few on the hit parade, was something like,

    "Go back to your phony new little forum"

    "Why are you even on here?"

    "How many registered target have YOU shot?"

    "What's YOUR ATA number"

    All of these and a few more were meant to drive someone off that old site. I wouldn't never do that. I want everyone to stay.

    Last edited: Jan 20, 2015
  41. Leonidas

    Leonidas Mega Poster Founding Member

    flyersarebest, my first post:

    "You post this video on that other site and some guy will tell you that these shooters are not safe because some of them close their guns before it is their turn.

    I stopped it a few times. What models do you think they are using?

    Man I love this new site!


    Why so negative, is the competition overwhelming this site?

    I ask why so negative because of the reference to the other site and your perceived responses of their members.

    You then started of a 4 post tirade singling me out. In which you are still apparently still active. Chill out man!

    Another quote from you:

    "I'm thinking that if he apologized to the members that he offended with that remark none of "my friends" would ever have to post anything about him again."

    Sorry man, it will never happen. Let me tell you why. Like I said in an other post, there were three other references before mine about goats and you single out mine.

    You slam my avatar without even asking it's meaning to me. Could be about St. Louis baseball, Arizona football or could be area High School mascot that is in an high school rivalry with my local high school. Now my friend you will never know.

    If you were to look up the name Leonides you would discover that it is still a name given to children.

    After looking closely at this and the other site there is no other conclusion than you are looking for controversy everywhere you go.

    "Go back to your phony new little forum"

    "Why are you even on here?"

    "How many registered target have YOU shot?"

    "What's YOUR ATA number"

    "All of these and a few more were meant to drive someone off that old site."

    With all those references to the old site it looks like you can dish it out but run home to mama when someone fights back.

  42. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    Right, your avatar has to do with the high school sports team. And you picked that name because you like Greek history.

    You were just asking a simple question in that first post. Nice try

    "Run back to my mama"?

    How dare you say anything about my mother. She passed away in 1998

    See how stupid that above statement sounds. Kinda like that " they are still giving that name to their children". So I just disrespected all the kids named Leonids? How did you get there?

    As far as looking for controversy, nah, it just seems to follow me around.

    Not running, still here

  43. Leonidas

    Leonidas Mega Poster Founding Member

    Is that all you got? LOL

    You know what they say about arguing with the Blodmann of the site?

    See ya !
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2015
  44. Leonidas

    Leonidas Mega Poster Founding Member

    smithy, if you look you will see that there are positive posts timestamped before your post,

    By the way I don't hate the site, just don't like my words interpreted or twisted by a demented poster looking for an argument.
  45. leftout

    leftout Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Flyers you obviously take great pride in twisting words and meanings with those you think you are belittling. You also assume that anybody new on here came from the other site, how insecure is that. You are the worst thing that has happened to this site. Instead of talking trapshooting most of the time and space is taken up with your belittlement of other shooters whom you have badgered into a debate. If it's a disagreement with someone it must have come from the other site as a master plan of destruction. Actually you come across as someone who must constantly prove their superiority to all others, I think you a insecure bore.

    That's more words than I ever posted. I know you won't like this but why don't you just drop the whole thing.

  46. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    Only because you mentioned my name,

    I didn't "twist" anyone's words. I can't tell them what to type.

    The worst thing on this site was best described by another member
    "If an individual is is going to be coming on this site, and misrepresenting himself, what is he even doing here? Is it that posters goal to waste peoples time, and try to stir things up? And then go somewhere else and laugh about his actions in an attempt to belittle people? He should go to a site where that behavior is the norm, not to this site here."

    I bore you?
    Question, why, if you feel this way do you even bother to read anything I post?

    Flyersarebest, But I'm Still a Trap Shooter.
    John Trap likes this.