Beautiful k32 nickel plated receiver and iron with stocks

Discussion in 'For Sale-Wanted to Buy' started by Joe Winnicki, Sep 4, 2024.

  1. Joe Winnicki

    Joe Winnicki Mega Poster

    Very clean k32 receiver with iron and very nice k32 original stocks.the receiver was gone through a few years ago by a certified Krieghoff Gunsmith, just needs a barrel. $2500.00 plus $50.00 to your FFL.


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  2. g7777777

    g7777777 Mega Poster

    Serial number ?
  3. Joe Winnicki

    Joe Winnicki Mega Poster

    Serial number 44xx.. I'll post some better pictures.
  4. Joe Winnicki

    Joe Winnicki Mega Poster

  5. bobski

    bobski USN Retired Range Owner

    can we see the trigger and guts? is it 32 or k80 upgrade?
  6. g7777777

    g7777777 Mega Poster

    Assume it is a K32 totally-- the safety indicates that

    Good serial number and nickled --

    This seems like a good solid value already--- I am certain he would have mentioned or shown any K80 upgrades if there were
  7. bobski

    bobski USN Retired Range Owner

    agree, joe is top notch. but we all know not to leave anything to chance in todays market.
    can we see the forearm iron joe? i dont see it installed.
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2024
  8. Joe Winnicki

    Joe Winnicki Mega Poster

    Sorry for the delay was out of town.

    I once sold a k32 receiver with up grades, bad deal for me could not tell the difference between the up - grade or the standard k32. Bobski or 77777 can you tell if this receiver had the up grades
    ? Thanks. If it has the up-grades might just hang on to it.


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  9. bobski

    bobski USN Retired Range Owner

    looks like original 32 coil springs to me.
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