Engraved small gauge Model 12 receiver $327 plus shipping, SOLD

Discussion in 'For Sale-Wanted to Buy' started by g7777777, Jun 30, 2024.

  1. g7777777

    g7777777 Mega Poster

    Nice engraving and gold work.

    Use your parts and make an upgraded 16,20, or 28 gauge

    look inside. I don’t see any wear
  2. David McMillen

    David McMillen Mega Poster

    I don't see any wear.
    Flyersarebest likes this.
  3. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    Gene, picture please
  4. g7777777

    g7777777 Mega Poster


    Attached Files:

  5. bobski

    bobski USN Retired Range Owner

    gene, you said it has nice gold work. where?
  6. Rob Greenside

    Rob Greenside Mega Poster

    Any better close ups of the engraving sir ? Thanks
  7. bobski

    bobski USN Retired Range Owner

    click the pic twice and it enlarges, rob....
    Rob Greenside likes this.
  8. Skeet_Man

    Skeet_Man Mega Poster

    Browning or Winchester?
  9. Rob Greenside

    Rob Greenside Mega Poster

    I see the "NP" stamping near top of rib on receiver. Would that not be Japan manufacture ?
  10. Jon

    Jon Well-Known Member

    Where is the gold and bluing?
  11. g7777777

    g7777777 Mega Poster

    Look close.on the birds. Are you interested ?
  12. g7777777

    g7777777 Mega Poster

    Enlarge the photos and look at the birds . Are you a buyer?
  13. Bota50

    Bota50 Member

    Np was on my model 12 from the fifty's. That looks like Winchester engraving
  14. bobski

    bobski USN Retired Range Owner

    we all are potential buyers. im the one who told the others to enlarge the pic to see it.
    unreal deal for the price.
    g', is there a number on the back showing what ga the receiver is above the stock bolt??
  15. g7777777

    g7777777 Mega Poster

    This was a 28 gauge I think
  16. bobski

    bobski USN Retired Range Owner

    it will have a 28 on the reciever if it is.
    the serial number will tell all.
    can you pm it to me or post it?
  17. JMN Engraver

    JMN Engraver Mega Poster

    this looks like a browning reproduction model 12 receiver not winchester. but still nice for a project gun.
  18. g7777777

    g7777777 Mega Poster

    Someone checked that last night and thought Winchester and today someone checked it earlier and thought Browning
  19. g7777777

    g7777777 Mega Poster

    This is sold … several people in line