SCTP to Illinois kids - look elsewhere - leave this site

Discussion in 'Trapshooting Forum -' started by merlo, Jan 12, 2024.

  1. merlo

    merlo Mega Poster Forum Reporter

    The SCTP has put a notice at the beginning of their website warning parents of minors, and minors, that they should move on. The SCTP can’t market to them.

    So why then the rush to approve an extended lease at Sparta by the ATA.

    I report. You decide.
    merlo out

    WSRC Brad likes this.
  2. alf174

    alf174 Mega Poster Founding Member

    Did IL legislature give permission for the IDNR to sell the Sparta facility? If Sparta is sold, the new owners will honor the extended lease.
  3. Johnson

    Johnson Active Member

    Not necessarily. New owners are the new owners. They can do what they want, but you have missed the point of the thread.

    Alf you missed the point! Gun laws prohibit marketing the use of guns to minors in Illinois! Don't you think that affects the grand and other activities in the gun hate state?
  4. WSRC Brad

    WSRC Brad Member

    Illinois, California and several other states have passed similar bills. It would appear that who ever screen shot that image has an Illinois IP Address. I would be more interested in the potential move from Ohio to Illinois for SCTP Nationals...
    Troutbum likes this.
  5. Smithy

    Smithy Mega Poster Founding Member

    I live on the border of OH and PA. I can see the same message. Get some credibility Brad. That message is being sent out to anyone that goes to the SCTP site.
    I am sure you would but they already offered free targets to them. The SCTP still said no thanks!
    Then they signed a 10 year deal with the Cardinal Center.

    The WSRC and those that pushed for it killed the sport.

    As a manager at the WSRC can you state that you are marketing shotgun sports to children? If so, how are you doing that?
  6. WSRC Brad

    WSRC Brad Member

    I think their deal is almost up...

    I don't market Shotgun sports to children. I never said that. I was just stating that several states, not just Illinois have limits on what can be marketed toward our youth.
  7. alf174

    alf174 Mega Poster Founding Member

    No, the OP's question was "So why then the rush to approve an extended lease at Sparta by the ATA.". You inferred it was over the gun laws because of the SCTP post at their website.
  8. Smithy

    Smithy Mega Poster Founding Member

    Wow Brad. It sounds like you are embracing the Gun Hate State's stance on hating guns.

    The only other gun hate state with a similar view is California. But, they don't pretend to be marketing guns to youth. Illinois just sold out AIM.
    I doubt that. You know the 10 year deal was signed in 2019.
  9. EUREKA Post 2

    EUREKA Post 2 Active Member Past State President

    It doesn't look like the Executive Committee wanted to trust the ATA Board of Directors.
  10. alf174

    alf174 Mega Poster Founding Member

    Did the EC actually ink the deal with the state? Or did they just pass a motion that they approved of any forthcoming deal?
  11. Kiehl

    Kiehl Well-Known Member

    Does it matter? That was a Board of Directors job!
  12. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    To the guy that works at the WSRC.
    Getting the kids back to that White elephant, dry hole, has about as much chance as getting 3000 shooters for the GAH.

    The SCTP was offered FREE targets and they told ILLnews to stick it. You might wish they would come back. Wish in one hand ^*#% in the other. You know they are never coming back.
    And I for one, are glad they won’t. BTW, great governor you have.
  13. alf174

    alf174 Mega Poster Founding Member

    It might, (2) corporate parties agreeing on it.

    Elected officials are voted to two different bodies, the Senate and the House - they both have to agree on legislation before sending to the the third party in the Oval Office.

    BRAD DYSINGER The Philosophist Founding Member Member Trapshooting Hall of Fame Member State Hall of Fame

    Bobski for your mental health please don't read this post. WRCS BRAD you are a dumb ass, it matters for the reason that the ata and the grand american are in illinois, not one of those other states. I was planning on calling you a stupid but joe told me that I shouldn't
    M Johnson likes this.
  15. butterly

    butterly Mega Poster

    My rival Neil would have laughed at that.

    The Board of Directors doesn’t have to consult the Executive Committee for anything! Read the by laws.
  16. alf174

    alf174 Mega Poster Founding Member

    So what do the by-laws say?
  17. Orangeman

    Orangeman Active Member

    Someone please tell me how the ATA can host an AIM shoot if you are not permitted to market the use of firearms to youths.

    Is the ATA willing to risk massive fines or having the grand shut down?

    Attorney….please respond.
    Ohioshooter and oleolliedawg like this.
  18. M Johnson

    M Johnson Well-Known Member

    Illinois HB0218 sounds terribly Unconstitutional. Not that it would hold any sway these days. I mean "firearms related products", that is pretty f f'ing broad.
    WSRC Brad likes this.
  19. Orangeman

    Orangeman Active Member

    Are you an attorney? Can you answer the question as to whether the AIM event can happen at Sparta this year??
  20. WSRC Brad

    WSRC Brad Member

    I don't want to get off the thread subject but I looked and found the following information for you.
    The bill specifically mentions the following language to not allow firearm industry members to solicit individuals under the age of 18:

    "Firearm industry member" means a person, firm,
    corporation, company, partnership, society, joint stock
    company, or any other entity or association engaged in the
    design, manufacture, distribution, importation, marketing,
    wholesale, or retail sale of firearm-related products,
    including sales by mail, telephone, or Internet or in-person

    As AIM and the ATA do not design, manufacture, distribute, import, market, wholesale, or retail sale firearm related products they do not fall under the above mentioned terms, and keep in mind I am not a lawyer, it would not apply to the AIM event you are referencing.

    Furthermore Sub-section B of the law specifically mentions the following:

    (B) This paragraph does not apply to
    communications or promotional materials regarding
    lawful recreational activity with a firearm such as,
    but not limited to, practice shooting at targets on
    established public or private target ranges or
    hunting, trapping, or fishing in accordance with the
    Wildlife Code or the Fish and Aquatic Life Code.

    The full bill can be found by googling

    I hope this answers your question.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 18, 2024
    Roger Coveleskie and Troutbum like this.
  21. badactor

    badactor Active Member Founding Member


    The SCTP. Leadership must disagree. Hence the notice. I am sure they had legal help.
    WSRC Brad likes this.
  22. M Johnson

    M Johnson Well-Known Member

    Sorry Orangeman I'm not an attorney, just making an observation. Probably off topic and maybe I should have refrained.
    That being said, this is probably not the format to answer your question either.
    WSRC Brad likes this.
  23. Rn3

    Rn3 Well-Known Member

    Are they accepting members from Illinois or have they excluded them if they are accepting members in Illinois through their website I would have to say that they are violating their own disclaimer which I don't think will cover their rear ends like they think.
  24. Rn3

    Rn3 Well-Known Member

    Don't look like AIM is too worried about Illinois.
  25. Rn3

    Rn3 Well-Known Member

    Here is the ATA disclaimer

    No information provided by The Amateur Trapshooting Association is intended to: a) create or contribute to an unlawful condition that endangers public health and safety; b) market or promote the use of any product which recommends or promotes any unlawful activity, including to those under the age of 18 years; or c) engage in any unlawful, unfair, or deceptive act or acts."