So sorry to hear the very sad news. What a gut punch. He was always one of my favorite members. The way he never gave up should be an inspiration to everyone. I always said that any time someone complained they had a bad day of shooting due to some minor little thing, all they had to do was look at the pictures he posted. I will miss him.
Just so someone that didn't know what the "Rook" had accomplished here is a copy of a post he put up last year. "Vandalia played a huge part of my life from my first Grand in 1975 to my last in 1985. Founded a very successful gun case company in the 70's. With the likes of Bonillas, Ohey and a few hundred others including the US Olympic Trap team. But that was small compared to the equipment cases made for the professional ball teams like the Redskins, Dallas, LA Raiders and a few hockey teams. Now throw in the US Army and even some clandestine cases for the...better stop. But none of this would have never happened, had I not built my first gun case and showed it off at Vandalia. How could I ever forget my last shots I ever shot at Vandalia. I walked out under the lights with Bonillas, Leo and a few others for the Worlds Doubles championship. It's not important how I did. But the fact that I shot and did well at a place called Vandalia."