Top Dog Trapshooters I am Calling You Out

Discussion in 'Trapshooting Forum -' started by dr.longshot, Aug 5, 2015.

  1. dr.longshot

    dr.longshot Grudge Match Champion Founding Member Forum Leader Grudge Match Champion

    Harlan Campbell, Ricky Marshall, Kay Ohye, Phil Kiner, and all others I failed to mention.

    Would you support the change back to the ORIGINAL TARGET SETTINGS?


    Are you men enough to shoot the targets I listed? Our forefathers did, will you?

    Readers pass the word I just wrote around at the GRAND, to shooters, and to the ATA BOD AND EC

    Gary Bryant Dr.longshot
  2. Wishbone

    Wishbone Mega Poster

    Have you considered a career as a standup comic. LOL just asking.
    Dr Short shot likes this.
  3. dr.longshot

    dr.longshot Grudge Match Champion Founding Member Forum Leader Grudge Match Champion

    Which one of the top dogs are you?
  4. Barkingspider

    Barkingspider Active Member

    SNIVEL,SNIVEL,SNIVEL, Same shit different day.
    Dr Short shot likes this.
  5. User 1

    User 1 Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    Think about it Doc ....

    Would you make your job harder if you didn't have to ???????????

    I can tell you if I was one of the 'names' you "called out" .... I would tell you where to put your 'idea', while laughing all the way to the bank.
    fredoniarob and jhunts like this.
  6. oldphart

    oldphart Mega Poster Founding Member

    While I realize that you require support for your agenda I don't think antagonizing the "TOP DOGS" or trying to bully them (or anyone) to promote your agenda is the way to get things done, of course this is only my view, others may differ.
    LadyT likes this.
  7. Rosey

    Rosey Mega Poster Founding Member

    They don't post here, and probably don't check this site ( or the "other site").

    So why ask?
  8. jhunts

    jhunts Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    Yeah Phil is a small dog, like a Chihuahua. Oh, wait, 400/400 2 times. I think he posts, well 3 times anyway.

    I think he would like some changes, or at least he has, so I am not sure the Doc should have named him. I remember Phil saying Gary was correct, about shells. Which of course Gary and Phil were correct. The ATA leadership has found out when you give the best an edge, you increase membership and attendance. When you create a game of supposed equality that now has an edge to a competitor the game is suppose to control, membership and attendance rise.

    As Lynn Gipson has said, "got things headed in a fantastic direction."
    just joe and conservative like this.
  9. Rob Taylor

    Rob Taylor Active Member Founding Member

    I thought "DOC" was going to remove himself from this site? There was a party and everything.......
    just joe and 614shooter like this.
  10. vanguard2015

    vanguard2015 Member Founding Member

    Yeah, what Rob T said. I quit coming to this site on a daily basis because of the constant complaining.
    Barkingspider and 614shooter like this.
  11. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    The Top Guns don't even take notice of any of the average shooters until and if they get beat by one of them, then there will probably be a protest about target settings, shells, shoes, or who knows what (maybe not, depending on the situation) ... The Top Shooters have invested a lot of time, money and are dedicated to the sport so they truly deserve to be rated a Top Gun ... Its kind of like trying to compete at a Professional level of any sport, no matter how good you are, you are not going to be good enough, long enough to become a concern to the Top Guns (Professionals) on any given day ... If they did by chance respond to anyone calling them out it would only be to humiliate the person who called them out in the first place and probably justifyably so for the most part ... Just an observation on my part a few times over the years, you got to know when to fold'em ... WPT ... (YAC) ...
  12. phil kiner

    phil kiner Member Member Trapshooting Hall of Fame Member State Hall of Fame

    Shortxxxxxx you are still peeing on the porch
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 7, 2015
    Leonidas, AZCOTRAP and Jo2 like this.
  13. Barkingspider

    Barkingspider Active Member

    Rob, wishful thinking but we can always hope anyway.
  14. dr.longshot

    dr.longshot Grudge Match Champion Founding Member Forum Leader Grudge Match Champion

    They are going to the bank now with your money on the easy targets, haven't you noticed?

    GB DLS

    AZCOTRAP Mega Poster Founding Member

    "They" only take your money to the bank, because "they" have excellent shooting skills, others lack.
    Dr Short shot likes this.
  16. Doug Kennedy

    Doug Kennedy Well-Known Member Founding Member

    What is your record on pigeons? How many shoots have you won? How many 25 or 30 straights on pigeons?
  17. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    When I first starting shooting trap (1974/75) I was invited to a live bird shoot with a few guys from the club, met at the club and everyone asked where my gun was ... I told them I was going to leave it in the trunk so I don't make any stupid mistakes, like enter an event ... Those shooters have my total respect, I eventually tried a few birds but always seemed to get the one that ducked or he zigged and I zagged ... I loved watching them, I liked the ZZ birds at Steves in Vegas also, quite a challenge ... I never got caught up in them, Thank God, a man could spend a bunch having fun ... WPT ... (YAC) ...
    dr.longshot likes this.
  18. Doug Kennedy

    Doug Kennedy Well-Known Member Founding Member

    How true. My 1st experience was at a club close to your old stomping grounds. It was in the late 80s. John Sweeny ran the shoot in willimington. I think that was the 1st club Steve Hindi started protesting. Next was Holfords in April of 91.
  19. Leonidas

    Leonidas Mega Poster Founding Member

    Is this the Steve Hindi your talking about. I couldn't watch anymore when he got to bit chin about the NRA.

    Kinda looks like he added some blood to make it look good to me.

  20. Doug Kennedy

    Doug Kennedy Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Yes it is.
  21. dr.longshot

    dr.longshot Grudge Match Champion Founding Member Forum Leader Grudge Match Champion

    I only shot a few big money pigeon shoots, several at Ryans, did very well had 24 out of 25 twice, one bird cost me $20,000+ hit top of fence on my 2nd shot, and tipped out, If I had waited on that 2nd shot, I would have nailed him against the fence and won it outright. I shot a model 12 w/release trigger then, I now shoot pigeons at the barns around the egg farms north of Johnstown, Ohio. I used to shoot them in the flyway south of Columbus, and at the sewage treatment plant south of Columbus, I loved shooting pigeons around the hog farms south of Waverly Ohio near us route 32. If I had the money I would still be shooting pigeons.

    I used to shoot buddy pigeon shoots at Hugh McKinleys farm, it's hard to explain how this worked , 10 clay birds and 2 live pigeons. Kenny Chappelear used to run that shoot.

    GB DLS
  22. dr.longshot

    dr.longshot Grudge Match Champion Founding Member Forum Leader Grudge Match Champion

    Phil when you get good at long distance shooting come on down to southern Ohio so we can pluck your feathers, we got good women shooters there too that can pluck your feathers.Be sure and bring a lot of money as you will go away a lot lighter in the pocketbook.

    GB DLS
    smoking357 likes this.
  23. dr.longshot

    dr.longshot Grudge Match Champion Founding Member Forum Leader Grudge Match Champion

    I guess they cannot handle the tougher competitive targets, just want to keep fleecing the shooters on the Pu++y targets.

    They only get on this site to promote their Clinics

    GB DLS
    smoking357 and wpt like this.

    AZCOTRAP Mega Poster Founding Member

    THEY are at the GRAND, having a GRAND old time competing while you are not. I doubt very much they are seeing your grandiose posts right now.

    AZCOTRAP Mega Poster Founding Member

    Perhaps I should clarify for those who are not aware,

    The "Grand" is in reference to The Grand American, which is a season finale of ATA registered trapshooting. It is open to all ATA membership and goes on for around 10 days. Thousands of members show up to compete, enjoys the sights, sounds meet old friends and puruse the goods and wares of the vendors who set up shop there. The Grand has been in existence for over 100 spite of the gloom and doomers.
  26. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    If I had taken another 25 steps I would have been in the background. They probably would have re-shot the scene though. He IS funny to watch.

    I wonder if he will be there this year. I can't get out of going to work. Damn, it sucks sometimes to be the boss. Enough money to shoot all three days and no time to spend it.

  27. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    Yes you can.

    But you can also win a bunch ;)
    wpt and dr.longshot like this.
  28. dr.longshot

    dr.longshot Grudge Match Champion Founding Member Forum Leader Grudge Match Champion

    You mean Hundreds of members, has not been thousands since Vandalia
    to get thousands at Sparta you have to add all the shooters over the last 10 years
    wpt likes this.
  29. dr.longshot

    dr.longshot Grudge Match Champion Founding Member Forum Leader Grudge Match Champion

    Why are you so concerned with my Live Pigeon Shooting? Doesn't sound like you have shot very many Pigeons

    Nothing like shooting Pigeons when it comes to ROOSTING time at barns in the evenings

    Gary Bryant Dr.longshot

    AZCOTRAP Mega Poster Founding Member


    The ATA program sent out each year to ATA members, shows the numbers of shooters who participate in the events during each of the Grands for years past. The numbers are in the thousands. Membership and support of the ATA has it's advantages.
  31. smoking357

    smoking357 Mega Poster

    You're playing games with language. It's not "thousands;" that's misleading. It was 3,491 in 2014. If you don't want to use the actual number, for some reason, you should be saying "a few thousand."
  32. duffkjs06

    duffkjs06 Mega Poster

    Saying "hundreds" is just wrong, saying "in the thousands", "a few thousand", are both correct.

    AZCOTRAP Mega Poster Founding Member

    Smoking something,

    Your a riot, man. Have another tote.
  34. smoking357

    smoking357 Mega Poster

    You might want to take a look at how you express yourself. On the street, you color words like that and your credibility is shot.

    AZ said "Thousands of members show up to compete..." That's really deceptive in the same way as saying "Purdy, Missouri and Erie, Pennsylvania both have thousands of residents."

    AZCOTRAP Mega Poster Founding Member

    Just another attempt to distort reality, much like they do with the exaggerated claims about the 255,000 former ATA members who live in Ohio and tore up their memberships because it was too far to drive some 300 miles to support the Grand.

    I am reading the attendence numbers posted in the GA 2015 program.

    I am a rank amateur compared to you and FG when it comes to distortion of numbers you two sling around every day. If you really want to challenge my use of the word thousands, remember what you do when you report the few hundred that show up at the CC next week. If you do forget, I will remind you and ask for documentation that support your claims.
  36. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    Reality has been distorted by many since before the move to Sparta, number were tossed around like frisbees and they were grossly inflated for what ever reason ... The ATA couldn't draw a crowd at Sparta if they gave stuff away ... The members have been ignored for many years and the Good Ol' Boys club is still feeding off of them, especially those who attend the biggest little shoot in the world in Sparta ... They cannot produce number because the shooters are sick and tired of the BS dished out and the way they run the organization ... They said one of the best things about Sparta is it never seems to be crowded, " DUH " thats because its not and never will be ... WPT ... (YAC) ...
    smoking357 likes this.

    AZCOTRAP Mega Poster Founding Member

    WPT, you and the other crybabies stay home, suck your thumbs and the remaining ATA members who are not quitters, will enjoy the Grand while you conduct your pity party with the rest of the 325,000 quitters who gave up when things got a little tough. You gave up on a good thing, not my fault, or anybody else's you could not handle change.

    Wah, wah, wah, wah. Oh whoa is us, we are all doomed.
  38. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader


    I think you should learn to read and or learn to understand what you read ... Do Not read into it, just read it and think about it before you respond and make yourself look like a fool ... You never shut up, yet never say anything thats got any basis ... I seriouly doubt you are at the Grand having a good time or you would never find the time to be on the computer all the time ... Just sayin ... WPT ... (YAC - NOT) ...

    AZCOTRAP Mega Poster Founding Member

    What can I say? You are a good teacher, you taught me well. Sniffle sniffle, wah, wah wah.

    I am not at the Grand for reasons I have already explained, and you have not even attempted to explain why you are not there. I can support the ATA without having to attend the
    Grand just as you do not attend it and cry, trying to destroy it.
  40. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    I am not there, and I made the choice not to support the ATA, though I have that option being a Lifer ... I shoot plenty and don't have to sit around all day to get it done ... You will never, as in ever see me sniffle and wah about anything, I just change it as it effects me and move on ... Post a number so we can see all of the supoort you have given over the years ... I choose to not be there, thats all that matters ... I was actually going to go there and NOT shoot but the wife had Doctors appointments, got to stay one step ahead of cancer ... WPT ... (YAC) ...
    dr.longshot and smoking357 like this.

    AZCOTRAP Mega Poster Founding Member

    Well, the fact that chose not to support the ATA does not give you the right to diss it, Lifer or not. We should strip you of your life membership as you fail to honor the position it entails, support of the ATA. Loser!
  42. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    Post a number LOSER, lets see how much support you have given over the years ... I' d be willing to bet not near as mush as I have and did it for a reason ... You do not have to like it, I am not here to please you ... "We", you make it sound like you are part of something and trust me you are not ... What position are you talking about getting bent over and leap frogged ...
    I am a member in good standing even though I do not agree with the direction they are going in ... Paid in advance ... (GOLD CARD) ...
    " NUMBER PLEASE" if you have one or are you blowing smoke again ..? WPT ... (YAC-NOT) ...
    dr.longshot likes this.

    AZCOTRAP Mega Poster Founding Member

    Post a number? What are you talking about WPT? Hey I see you got yourself banned on another forum for posting the same dumb nonsense you post here. That is something I bet you are proud of, right?

    You have never heard the definition of insanity have you?

    Hey, gotta go, I do have a life, unlike you. Will return later in the day,,when I need more amusement and laughter from reading your posts. Will give you time to restock hankies and Kleenex.


    Sniffle, sniffle WPT student.
    Dr Short shot likes this.
  44. smoking357

    smoking357 Mega Poster

    Wow. You're really out there today. Really some nutty stuff from you. That "fall in line" and "do as you're told" mentality is very anti-American.
  45. dr.longshot

    dr.longshot Grudge Match Champion Founding Member Forum Leader Grudge Match Champion


    GB DLS
  46. dr.longshot

    dr.longshot Grudge Match Champion Founding Member Forum Leader Grudge Match Champion

    You need Toilet Paper, Several rolls to wipe your !!!!

    GB DLS
  47. Rosey

    Rosey Mega Poster Founding Member

    All this bickering and it's really about time and money. It now takes a day to get there and $400 in fuel instead a 2.5 hours and possibly shooting the same day for me. Others have it is quite worse than that. For the shooters from PA, NY, Mich. it could be 3 times that in cost and time.

    Take that times 2, cause you have to drive back home too (lose another day and $400 on fuel). money once used for entry fees and options is now allocated for travel, plus at least one additional day at work.

    I giggle when some people say stuff like "you don't support the Grand or the ATA", when in reality, the ATA made the location decision that costs me more time and money. IT IS MY HARD EARNED $$$, and only I will decide if it's worth it to spend. When we have other great options like Mason, PA, and Cardinal, and the decision is based on available time and money, take a guess what makes more sense?

    It has nothing to do with the people of Sparta, the state of Illinois, or the ATA. For most, it's available time and money. Quite simple.
  48. El Paso

    El Paso Active Member

    It's always been about time and money. Vandalia or Sparta, closer or farther for someone.
    Heck even the smaller shoots, time and money dictates whether we go or not for the majority of us.
    Trap Haus and Michael McGee like this.

    AZCOTRAP Mega Poster Founding Member

    Wow, that is a real class act and snappy comebacks you got there Dr. Longshot. What's next, " ninner, ninner, ninner?" or "Your mommy wears combat boots? "

    How about, "Mommy, AZCOTRAP is being mean to me, waaaaah," oh what, that is what WPT would say.
  50. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    The reason I got banned is due to selective rules enforcement, some Clown made threats and made remarks about my wife ... He googled my name an posted all of my information which is another thing against the rules supposedly ... I hide from no one for any reason, never have and never will, so that was not a problem ... I invited the Big Mouth to stop over as if he would have the stones to do so .... I actually got his address and drove by there yesterday, going to give him what he asked for "a meeting face to face" ...

    AZCO trap you are a total whack job based on all of your posts ... You really have nothing to say thats of any interest to anyone with the exception of you so you can try to make out like you are a man among men, which you are not ... Post your ATA number or at least be honest enough to admit you do not even have one ... I know better than to respond to the piss ants in this world so this will be the last time I respond to you unless you give your ATA number and quit playing Rambo on the computer ... I truly feel you must be the result of INCEST, and if you keep playing that game you will soon be your own GrandPaw ... Now, go away or give up the ATA number ...
    dr.longshot likes this.
  51. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    For the last few days I had to check to make sure I hadn't logged onto that old site.

    Time to tone it down a little I think.

    Trap Haus likes this.
  52. wpt

    wpt Forum Leader Founding Member Forum Leader

    I totally agree the Flyersarebest, 100% ... WPT ... (YAC) ...
    dr.longshot likes this.
  53. Zealot

    Zealot Active Member

    Speak the truth, for it will set you free, while at the same time it will offend those that have not the truth in them.
    wpt likes this.