Friday Night Protection Shoots!!!! Lorain OH PICTURES More dates!

Discussion in 'Trapshooting Forum -' started by Captain Willbosa, Aug 24, 2022.

  1. Sportsmen’s Gun and Reel club in Lorain Ohio will be hosting protection shoots every other Friday starting September 16th. See information and schedule below along with payouts. Come out and have some fun!!!

    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 25, 2022
  2. jamesbalog

    jamesbalog Mega Poster

    Had a great time at the first shoot.

    10-12 teams in the line, good targets, good payouts and fantastic food

    thanks for putting it on
  3. dfwip9x

    dfwip9x Well-Known Member

    Well done....
  4. Family Guy

    Family Guy Mega Poster Founding Member

    The background at Lorain is crazy cool. Very dark even on bright days. The trees are tall and the targets are below the canopy. When I was there it was like standing in the light and shooting towards a black hole.
    Captain Willbosa and jamesbalog like this.
  5. jamesbalog

    jamesbalog Mega Poster

    Hope to see a good turnout tonight,

    Chicken Paprikas will be available for dinner
    just joe likes this.
  6. jamesbalog

    jamesbalog Mega Poster

    Had another good shoot last Friday.

    12 teams on the line pretty much all night.

    we will open a 2nd trap in the future if there are more teams than one trap can handle
  7. jamesbalog

    jamesbalog Mega Poster

    Next scheduled shoot is tomorrow 10/28
  8. jamesbalog

    jamesbalog Mega Poster

    E627686A-1B6E-4396-BA04-2CAFE2C82B0D.jpeg D48A084F-7340-49C3-B99B-7C36F5B97863.jpeg Couple pictures from tonight’s Oakley.

    BRAD DYSINGER The Philosophist Founding Member Member Trapshooting Hall of Fame Member State Hall of Fame

    Nice pictures.
  10. Family Guy

    Family Guy Mega Poster Founding Member

    Brad…that is a great place to shoot. In the summer your are sometimes shooting into the dark shade below the canopy of those huge trees. Great pictures. I wish more clubs would post pictures of their events.

    Registered shooting is a small part of the sport.
    BRAD DYSINGER likes this.
  11. CB630

    CB630 Well-Known Member

    Nice how far back are they
  12. jamesbalog

    jamesbalog Mega Poster

    in this picture, roughly 40yds
  13. jamesbalog

    jamesbalog Mega Poster

    We will be shooting on black friday 630pm.

    We will be doing a 5/10 shoot. buy in per person will alternate every other shoot between $5/$10. We usually shoot 8 protectors and then an Oakley and a porch shoot.
    just joe likes this.
  14. Shoot for Friday the 23rd is canceled, bad weather coming, next shoot will hopefully be Jan 6th.
  15. just joe

    just joe Administrator Staff Member

    bump for a great venue
  16. mudpack

    mudpack Mega Poster Founding Member

    I used to shoot at two facilities that had mountains rising far above target flight as backgrounds.
    They were universally felt to be hard to shoot well against.
    I think the above background might be just as bad, if not worse.
  17. jamesbalog

    jamesbalog Mega Poster

    In the past the targets here were very easy to see and the club threw a very good target... It was the place to go to shoot good scores.

    Now as you can see most of the trees have died and target visibility isnt as good. In the daylight in the winter months they are pretty tough to see
    mudpack likes this.
  18. jamesbalog

    jamesbalog Mega Poster

    We have 6 more shoots Scheduled:
    January 20th
    February 3rd
    February 17th
    March 3rd
    March 17th
    March 31st

    We will Start at 630pm
    BRAD DYSINGER likes this.
  19. Max Trap

    Max Trap Well-Known Member Founding Member

    Fantastic pictures. Thank you
    jamesbalog likes this.
  20. jastrapmaster

    jastrapmaster Active Member

    Club has good lighting and targets. Very well run and a fun format for shooting protections.
    Dakota2 and jamesbalog like this.
  21. jamesbalog

    jamesbalog Mega Poster

    next shoot is tonight 1/20/23

    Hope to see you there
  22. jamesbalog

    jamesbalog Mega Poster

    Next shoot is this Friday Feb 3rd

    Had 11 and 12 teams on line the all night at the last shoot, Weather looks a little chilly this week but hope to see everyone again on Friday
    BRAD DYSINGER likes this.
  23. mudpack

    mudpack Mega Poster Founding Member

    I wish our local trap clubs shot during the winter....
  24. jamesbalog

    jamesbalog Mega Poster

    Next shoot is this Friday 2/17/23

    we had 7 teams come out last time with 0 degree weather forecasted

    weather loooks much better this week.

    hope to see you there
    BRAD DYSINGER likes this.
  25. just joe

    just joe Administrator Staff Member

    Bump great venue!
    jamesbalog likes this.
  26. jamesbalog

    jamesbalog Mega Poster

    Next shoot is this Friday 3/3

    We've had terrible luck with the weather and this week looks like more of the same with a forecast of rain and wind.

    Club will be open at 515 and first shoot will go out at 630, If the forecast holds true and its raining we will shoot under the porch
  27. jamesbalog

    jamesbalog Mega Poster

    Next shoot is tomorrow night.

    looks like the rain will be done well before it’s time to start shooting.

    club opens at 5:15

    first shoot goes out at 6:30
  28. jamesbalog

    jamesbalog Mega Poster

    Last scheduled Friday shoot is this week 3/31

    This is scheduled to be a $5/$10 shoot every other shoot will be a $10 entry per person with payouts reflecting that.

    after this we plan on shooting protections every Thursday as we did in the past at this club, this won’t start for a few weeks. There will be a separate post for this with more details soon.