1. bbblackhills

    bbblackhills Active Member Founding Member

    I am taking orders for complete sets of Flyer Traps. These are similar in design to Barnaby but much higher quality and reliability. These traps are made on CNC water jet equipment and CNC VMCs. All electronics are new --no washing machine parts! The boxes are made from 14 gauge steel and designed for easy loading and durability. Parts are interchangeable. The launch height is adjustable.

    The set comes complete with a wireless remote for the trapper which is similar to a car key fob. The logic board, controller and power box sits behind the traps. When the shooter calls for the bird, the trapper presses the button on the remote and the logic board RANDOMLY selects one trap and fires it instantaneously. Each successive bird/trap is selected randomly by the logic board. (No cheating, no cards, no dice!) No one knows which trap will be fired. The sequence is completely random from one shooter to the next.

    The remote also has a test feature. To test the setup, all the traps are cocked and loaded with a dog retrieving dummy. When the test button on the remote is pressed traps one through ten will be fired in succession.

    The set consists of 12 machines, (two spares) the controller and the wireless remote. All that is required is a 110 V power source to the controller.

    I will not answer questions here. For inquiries, please email me at: bbgunssturgis@gmail.com BTW, I have already heard every negative comment imaginable so you can save those.

    Good Shooting!
    Bruce Bowen
    Sturgis South Dakota
  2. bbblackhills

    bbblackhills Active Member Founding Member

    Big thank you to all the folks that have emailed me. Many shooters I haven't heard from for years have sent some kind words.

    I didn't intend to discourage discussion/comments on this thread by my words in the original post. I would like to hear comments from the old flyer shooters and others as well.

    Best Regards,
    Bruce Bowen
    Sturgis South Dakota
    just joe and Jim Flynn like this.
  3. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    "No one knows which trap will be fired. The sequence is completely random from one shooter to the next"

    Boy, do I wish they had that years ago. The best idea since the first electric trap was ever used.

  4. bobski

    bobski USN Retired Range Owner

    so this is a sporting clays setup?
  5. rookieshooter

    rookieshooter Mega Poster Forum Leader

    This could stop someone from getting ''Home Towned''.
    bbblackhills and Flyersarebest like this.
  6. Flyersarebest

    Flyersarebest Moderator Founding Member Forum Leader

    Ain’t that the truth

    Hmmm, this guy isn’t one of the boys. So instead of me pushing the number five box that he’s supposed to get I think I’ll give him that number nine box that’s already tilted toward the fence.

    That’ll learn him
  7. Jim Flynn

    Jim Flynn Well-Known Member

  8. gth245

    gth245 Active Member

    Email sent!