Left after Hillary

Discussion in 'Off Topic!' started by harryone, Mar 11, 2015.

  1. harryone

    harryone Moderator Staff Member

    Oh my!!! The left Associated Press has filed suit to get Hillary's emails.

    This is bad news for the old witch. Now who is gonna protect her?
  2. Perazzi40

    Perazzi40 Member

    Talking heads are mentioning the word felony. Imagine getting time and having to spend it with Hillary.
  3. fredoniarob

    fredoniarob Guest

    Gets worse...
    DOJ is investigating her text...
    says that her text violate numerous federal laws according to C-SPAN and other news agencies.
    Ding dong maybe the witch will finally be gone.
  4. harryone

    harryone Moderator Staff Member

    Hillary and Company have been great at just moving on.
  5. Heidelberg

    Heidelberg Member

    Now the Feds are classifying some of Hillary's emails as secret.......I think it will be hard even for her to weasel out of this one.
    Last edited: May 22, 2015
  6. Heidelberg

    Heidelberg Member

    How could you elect someone as pres that did not value our secrets?
  7. fredoniarob

    fredoniarob Guest

    No doubt spin control has a game plan.
  8. August

    August Member Founding Member

    She will come out of this looking like a hero, and no doubt the new potus. Any bet takers , not to exceed twenty five cents.?? Thats all the money I have left, and that's how much faith I have in the voters in this country.
  9. dr.longshot

    dr.longshot Grudge Match Champion Founding Member Forum Leader Grudge Match Champion

    That is trusting, 2 bit witch, I know I did not have sex with that