Fabarm Axis RS12 Trap Combo

Discussion in 'Trapshooting Forum - Americantrapshooter.com' started by Hasbeen, Jun 13, 2021.

  1. Hasbeen

    Hasbeen Well-Known Member

    Anybody here shooting one? Looking for honest reviews not outdoor writers reviews.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 14, 2021
  2. Russel Foster

    Russel Foster Member

    Two combos have showed up at my club in the past two years.

    The shooters both raved about them initially.

    Their satisfaction did not last and both guys sold their combos at slight losses within six months of purchase. One guy moved on to a Guerini combo and the other bought a Beretta 682 combo from Joel Etchen. I think the guy with the Beretta is happier than the guy with the Guerini.

    This is just an observation from a Perazzi guy.
    MOE, just joe, dr.longshot and 2 others like this.
  3. oleolliedawg

    oleolliedawg Mega Poster Founding Member

    Some shooters change guns more frequently than underwear-not always a reflection on the quality of the gun.
    Hasbeen, just joe and dr.longshot like this.
  4. ric1911a1

    ric1911a1 Active Member

    A good friend has been using one for a couple years and is quite happy with it.................... He shoots mostly Handicap and Doubles with a release/pull trigger.......
    just joe, Hasbeen and dr.longshot like this.
  5. Big bird 49

    Big bird 49 Member Founding Member

    I have shot with one for three or four years and I like it. I have not had any problems with it. I shoot singles, handicap, and games with mine. I have added a Rad recoil device to it. I would give this gun five stars.

    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 28, 2021
  6. duk_hntr

    duk_hntr Active Member USAF Retired

    I have one on order from a dealer in Dallas, TX. It is being converted to a double release trigger by Fabarm. I hope to have it soon. I will give it at least a 2-year trial at registered Trap before making a decision on keeping it or not. I have never shot registered Trap before, so it will be a learning experience for both the sport and the gun. I have found very few bad reviews on this set.
    Hasbeen likes this.
  7. old682x

    old682x Active Member

    A friend bought the combo in June. By July the ejector was broke. No other personal experience with them.
    Hasbeen likes this.
  8. duk_hntr

    duk_hntr Active Member USAF Retired

    The gun arrived last Monday. There is no indication that this gun has been used at all. I am extremely pleased with the appearance and the handling characteristics. The release triggers are very smooth with little take up. I will have to dial in the comb height & the rib adjustment over the next few weeks. Right now, it seems to be shooting rather flat. Now, what I don't like.

    I don't like the Negrini case it comes with. It is one of the cheapest Negrini's you can buy. The gun fits into an all-plastic tray, so the barrel & stock must always be socked when they are in the case. For me, that is a royal pain. I talked to Negrini about this and their agent agreed that the MFG cases are generally the cheapest ones the MFG can get. I looked over the Negrini stock of cases and the best one for the 2-barrel Trap combo with high rib is either the 1653LX ($469) or 1653 LR ($419). The only difference besides price is the LX has leather trim. I ordered the LR yesterday (Amazon Prime) for full retail, but get free, 2-day shipping and it will be here tomorrow - yes, Sunday.

    And as usual with buying a used gun, there isn't any Owner’s Manual. I will call Fabarm today to get that. Other than that, I REALLY like the look and feel of the gun. On Wednesday, I shot 2 rounds of singles (15 & 20) and one round of 20-yard caps (18). I am just getting back into Trap shooting, so that isn't terribly disappointing to me. I'm sure that will improve as I get back into it and get the gun fit dialed in.

    Life is good, y’all! :)
    Hasbeen likes this.
  9. multifired

    multifired Active Member

    . . .little take up on the release? What do they set at (in ozs.) and what do they release at (in ozs.)? Should be about 5 lbs or 80 to 90 ozs. and release at 28 ozs. give or take a couple. Tom
    Hasbeen likes this.
  10. duk_hntr

    duk_hntr Active Member USAF Retired

    Sorry Tom, I have no clue and no equipment to measure it. I can only compare it to my 682 Gold E. There is less travel (take-up) in the Fabarm trigger before hitting the point where more pressure is required to set (release the trigger to the release stop) than the 682. The pressure required to set the trigger on both guns is similar to my way of feeling it. Both guns release about the same as well. I was just trying to point out that there is very little free play with the trigger on the Fabarm.
    Hasbeen likes this.
  11. MOE

    MOE Mega Poster Founding Member

    I'm not familiar with the Fabarm, but I'm very disappointed in the CG Summit. The comb hardware is a nightmare and they don't hold up! If you have trouble they won't just send you what you need to fix it, you have to send them the gun, major expense!
    Hasbeen likes this.