The story Al Ljutic introduced his new Dynokic serial #000 at the Grand 2 years in a row. I shot it at practice every chance I got. Finally made its purchase. It was my go to tournament gun at the Grand and major tournaments. It was the scattergun I shot many many straights at singles and 100 from the 27 yard line…my final challenge to be listed on the ATA's Grand Slam list. Time marches on time to pass it on. Features: 33 1/2 inch untouched barrel with the famous Ljutic pattern improving 3 rings near muzzle, 15 inch pull, release trigger, original bluing in great condition, updated mechanism by Jimmy Ljutic years ago, major plus highly figured stock never put on included. Questions? Photos: Email: $3900 you pay shipping to your FFL
Geez very confusing for an “old man” try to post a photo or two and wham I get a bakers dozen. How can I delete a few? Yikes
Sir, IF still available would you CONSIDER selling the extra fancy butt stock only?? Thanks very much. Uncle Ben / Joe Steel