I have a friend that thinks he should send his gun out to have the bore buffed / polished. Does a shiny bore make that big of a difference?
Soak a bore mop in acetone and mineral spirits and diy. After clng, run bore mop thru with oil. Use new bore mop for lubrication. It only takes a light coat. All good.
Skip all the home made cleaners, & use a good cleaner like RGS first with a bore brush, & fuzzy patch. If it looks like it needs polishing, use some 0000 steel wool on a fuzzy, and run it through with a cleaning rod & drill. If you really want it super shiny, you can get bore polishing hones & polishing oil from Brownells. I have them, a course & fine. They are on a spring type rod about 32" long, & do a nice job. I do mine a couple of times a year. Does it make a difference? Don't know, but I bet if you cronograph before & after, you would see faster speed in the polished bore.
Dennis DeVault believed in supper fine finishes--he did a side by side test-with an electronic timer of his Infinity vs a Silver Seitz He shot a AA @ 1145 thru his gun and then shot a AA @ 1250 thru the Seitz, both guns had the same chokes The 1145's wad cleared the barrel quicker--if it meant anything
As measured from what? Barrel length the same? How many shots of each example were made? Way too many uncontrolled variables in that comparison to make it valid, I'd say.
Don't know the # of shells fired, Infinity barrel 33" .740 bore ,LOCK TIME .0005/sec Silver Seitz barrel 34", bore .740, LOCK TIME--.0015
I had to do it on a really badly neglected gun. By the time I got so it would load pretty easy it was 11g. It did the job. I used a brass rod wrapped with a cloth mop and the final wraps were grit papers and thin oil driven by an electric drill. Keep moving in and out but do not stop start each stroke in the same place too. Not rocket science :thumbsup:
I have never seen stats for that. If anyone has such published data I hope they can bring it to the forum. (without links of course)
Good reason there are no stats on this: They'd be moot. You only have a clean bore for one shot in each round, at best. For one shot each day, normally. And one shot every six months, at worst. Nobody cleans their bore between shots, and few of us clean our bore(s) between rounds.
Hmmm.... my Wilkinson bores don't get plastic build up. They are highly shiny.... if you line the sun up just right I think you could kill ants with the beam they project....
Absolutely!!!! How many times have you changed your oil in any motor and thought, damn this this running so much better now.
Big Leo told me one time he never cleaned the inside of his barrel. He said if there was such a thing as excessive plastic buildup his barrel would be solid full of plastic. So, there is another opinion.