Just cleaning out my safe of rifles I don’t shoot. Nice rifle, been tuned by Ken Rhyne .Barrel is 26 and in great shape. Let me know if you have any questions. 900.00 Thanks
Mike, I really do not understand your comment? It's your gun and yet you say it looks like stainless? First of all it doesn't look stainless it looks blued but as the owner of the rifle I just can't understand why you don't know empirically if your rifle is blued or stainless. It either is or it isn't??
It has a black finish, not blue Gene. Remington could tell you for sure. I have the box that it came in Gene . The ss on it mean stainless steel
You are not talking to Gene in your above post...you are talking to 28ga guy...not me...and also, it is either stainless or it isn't...it cannot be black as you call it and be stainless as well unless the stainless has been anodized or cerakoted and it doesn't look like that has been done. The action is blue/black in the picture...black or blued is pretty much the same thing when it comes to firearms. Are you the original owner of this rifle or did you by it used?