Hey Illinois shooters! Some of you whine we won’t travel to your shoots and yet you guys won’t leave the state. Do you feel uncomfortable in a state that is not anti-gun? There aren’t many of you traveling to Florida. Just wondering.
Looks to me like Illinois ranked 6th in the list of out of state shooters for this year's Southern Grand. I would say that's not too shabby.
Considering Illinois hosts the grand I would say 6th is worse than pathetic. Only one of nine targets in OH and PA are even registered and they both send more. How many times have we heard Illinois complain the grand is small because OH and PA don’t go to Illinois? Go figure.
Traveling to the Silver Dollar and the Grand American are two completely different things. And for you to make an argument like that doesn't really work. For one the shoots are different importance levels, the GA being the most important championships in the country. Then you have the fact of the grounds and targets where you’ll have much better scores at Sparta. Third is the time of year, right now IL is warming up still.. Florida in March sounds lovely but I saw people wearing jeans and long sleeves still. Whereas Sparta is hot , but everyone is prepped a d ready to go compete for the Rings. Most shooters are primed for the Grand. Right now we’re trying to turn the ignition. just my $.02 -Subjr
Facts are travelling to the Southern Grand usually involves pretty tough targets, warm, hot or cold temperatures with rain and often windy. That said, it's often an escape from the North with plenty of close lodging and great restaurants-targets be damn. It's easy to get a cheap flight there too. Sparta-easier targets while all else is lacking. I'll take FL anytime!