As the title says I want a thumb hole 99/ 100 . Let me know what you have and how much you want for it. I'm a buyer for the right piece. Thanks in advance, Bob
I talked to a guy at the Dollar that had one. I will see him Wednesday and check if he still has it and get info on it.
Saw the owner of the BT100 Thumbhole stock today. It is 34". one choke tube, 2 stocks, one standard and one with Gracoil recoil reducer. He gives it an 8 out of 10 condition. If you know anyone coming down to Florida for the Southern Grand he can deal with them. He wants 1800.00, His name is Ray Lee, phone # is: 716-640-6697.
Thanks all for your help. I talked with Ray today and it turns out we have mutual friends. Harry, now deceased and Sally Steinbach. Sally was a teacher in the elementary school I went to and lives 2 miles away. I have their site at Elysburg that she sold me after Harry's passing. You are correct about Ray and I look forward to dealing with him. Sincerely, Bob Williams