Perazzi MX release trigger help

Discussion in 'Trapshooting Forum -' started by James Bailey, Feb 26, 2017.

  1. James Bailey

    James Bailey New Member

    Hello from Denver,

    I have a Perazzi release trigger that i need help identifying who the builder is. There are no stamps or markings on the trigger, so i am at a loss. I have attached pictures that show notch in top of hammers, and the release hooks from the side and the front. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

    Jim Bailey

    Attached Files:

  2. Family Guy

    Family Guy Mega Poster Founding Member

    It looks like it could be a Phillips.
  3. Whiz White

    Whiz White Well-Known Member

    Jim: I was going to say a Bruce Bowen, but now looking more closely, Bruce used small pins versus the milled cut-out in the tops of the hammer. It could very well be a Phillip's as Family Guy stated above.

    I've had several of what you show in the shop, but can't remember who made them. Tomorrow when I return to the shop, I'll pick through the bin of hooks to see if there is any nomenclature on them and, if so, will contact you.

    Also, you could give Ray Stafford a call in Broomfield. He'd most likely know. I have Ray's number should you need it.
