Wanted to Buy-Coles Beretta 390 Stock Set or Standard Stock Set

Discussion in 'For Sale-Wanted to Buy' started by coconutjoy77, Aug 2, 2019.

  1. coconutjoy77

    coconutjoy77 Mega Poster

    Looking for Beretta 390 Coles Trap Stock Set or any 390 Stock Set.Also The guy that goes by Pasquale Colabria could you please contact me.
  2. coconutjoy77

    coconutjoy77 Mega Poster

    Still looking.
  3. tshoot1

    tshoot1 Well-Known Member

    Sir, their web page colegunsmithing has several. Google it. JOE
  4. coconutjoy77

    coconutjoy77 Mega Poster

    Hi Joe, sorry all I see is 20ga in 390.
  5. Bryce720

    Bryce720 Well-Known Member

    I have a new Cole Beretta 390 "Gold Sporting Stock" beautiful wood. Purchased new from Cole a few years ago, I would take $400 for it. That is just the butt stock. If your interested shoot me a call at 720-288-4648, Thanks Bryce