FOR SALE - Krieghoff combo Americase with choke tube insert holder

Discussion in 'For Sale-Wanted to Buy' started by bob lowman, Aug 12, 2019.

  1. bob lowman

    bob lowman Mega Poster

    K80 combo Americase with chk tube insert 001.JPG K80 combo Americase with chk tube insert 002.JPG K80 combo Americase with chk tube insert 003.JPG I have a Krieghoff combo Americase that is in excellent condition and has a choke tube insert holder if needed. The case has one key with it .

    (( $240 Delivered to your address in the Lower 48 ))

    Any questions please send a conv message for info and contact # -- Thanks Bob
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 13, 2019
  2. Wylie Maness

    Wylie Maness Active Member

    Is it a flat rib or high rib case? Thanks Wylie
  3. bob lowman

    bob lowman Mega Poster

    The case is for the standard rib barrels --
  4. bob lowman

    bob lowman Mega Poster

    LOWER -- $225
  5. gbs52

    gbs52 Active Member

    Do you a KX 5 will fit in it?