E-mails Letters between ATA HOF Trustees Cardinal Center 2009

Discussion in 'Trapshooting Forum - Americantrapshooter.com' started by BRAD DYSINGER, Nov 11, 2019.


    BRAD DYSINGER The Philosophist Founding Member Member Trapshooting Hall of Fame Member State Hall of Fame

    Here are three letters sent between August 25, 2009 and September 16, 2009. The first is a follow up letter to the Trustees of the HOF from the Cardinal Center to everyone who was at the 2009 meeting in Sparta between the HOF and the CC and OSTA representatives.

    The second is Jim Bradford's answer to the CC and the third is the first of several from Trustee Lynn Parsons to the other Trustees concerning the meeting.

    I have several other e-mails and letters that followed for the next couple of weeks. The reason I have these is that in September of 2009 I became President of the OSTA and was very active in the goings on about the offer to the HOF.

    I'll put more up after you have a chance to digest this. If anyone has any spacific questions ask on here and I will answer them as I get the chance, I'm very busy hunting right now so on the weekends I might miss a day. Brad

    Hall of Fame 2009 Letter 1.jpg Hall of Fame 2009 Letter 2.jpg Hall of Fame 2009 Letter 3A.jpg Hall of Fame 2009 Letter 3B.jpg Hall of Fame 2009 Letter 3C.jpg
    History Seeker and The Phantom like this.
  2. History Seeker

    History Seeker A NoBody Founding Member Official Historian

    Thanks Brad,

    I too had many conversations with Dr. Parsons, and "Lengthy Discussion" that Mr. Bradford so eloquently put in his letter, is total Bull Shit !

    Lynn knew absolutely nothing about that, and as a Trustee of the Trapshooting Hall of Fame at that time, he felt that he, and many of his fellow trustees were being led down a road of disaster.

    Thanks for enlightening the many new people on this site (or some who don't know the REAL Truth) as to the ACTUAL goings on that has the older gang very disturbed.

    Sometimes I wished I knew less of this situation as my blood pressure was already high.

    Thanks again !

    Deep in discussion
    The Phantom likes this.

    BRAD DYSINGER The Philosophist Founding Member Member Trapshooting Hall of Fame Member State Hall of Fame

    Wait till I post more of the stuff I got. Maybe I was too quick to label Winston the biggest ass I'd ever met in trap shooting. After I reread some of Bradford's correspondence with Lynn I might Have Short Changed Him.
    History Seeker and The Phantom like this.
  4. History Seeker

    History Seeker A NoBody Founding Member Official Historian

    I for one am looking forward to seeing your files.

    Thanks for sharing Brad.
  5. Roger Coveleskie

    Roger Coveleskie State HOF Founding Member Member State Hall of Fame

    Brad, Maybe there was no green incentive to Bradford to build at the CC. That building is and was over priced. The fact that the total board was not informed of the offer at the CC is grounds for wondering about the deal. Bradford should have been removed the minute the board found out about his decision, with out the consent of the board.
    ( I have said before, EVIL will prevail when men of HONOR do nothing).
    Shooters should stop funding the H.O.F. building, let the ATA pay off the loan. After all they should have been keeping their eye on the project. Roger C.

    BRAD DYSINGER The Philosophist Founding Member Member Trapshooting Hall of Fame Member State Hall of Fame

    I've posted round two of the stuff I have on a new thread. I think that when you read all of these together you will see why I was 1000% sure that there was?is no way in hell that the Grand will be in Marango. It was just 10 years ago that the HOF trustees had the chance to come there, but as you read on the other post they were just too invested in the SPARTA dream.

    I was watching a little of the SCHIFF show yesterday and the I think the Democrats and the EC have a lot in common. When you read this just be thankful for men like Kenny and Doc Parsons who really did try and do the right thing. Remember the ones who didn't/don't and tell them about it if you see them at a shoot.
    Roger Coveleskie likes this.
  7. History Seeker

    History Seeker A NoBody Founding Member Official Historian

    All of this has brought back to mind something else Lynn Parsons had called me about.

    How many remember seeing the FIRST conceptual drawing of the NEW museum that Mr. Bradford had placed in an Illinois paper, and eventually made it into the Trap and Field Magazine.

    Lynn again had known NOTHING about this until someone sent the picture to him and asked how in the world this thing that looked like a futuristic building straight out of the Jetsons, could ever had been approved by the BOT?

    My wife and I pondered over this last night, and we both remember Lynn's astonishment when he saw that picture.

    I have no idea to this day if he was being singled out because of his wanting the museum at CC, or if others on the board of Trustees were also left in the dark.

    One thing we do know. Lynn Parsons was an honorable man who didn't need to be treated like that.
    Roger Coveleskie likes this.